4a/b naturals.. Does blow drying tame frizz


New Member
My goal is to learn how to twist my hair. I got the twisting down but my hiar gets so frizzy so quicky. I usually air dry and really do not want to blowdry but I am at the point where I am willing to blow dry once a week if it means my twist will last longer. Is it better to twist on dry hair to combat frizz? What products are best? I need a heavy product (I was thinking about trying beeswax). What do I do?
I have found that using heat does reduces frizz when I twist but since I'm cutting back on heat I have found that using a bit of curl wax or a product with some wax high on the list helps (use while twisting). Also if you twist your hair while its damp instead of fully dry it tends to be better. Also if I dampen my twists in the morning, apply a little oil and tie them up they look fresh. I think blowdrying weekly would be too much.
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Ms Lala said:
I have found that using a bit of curl wax or a product with some wax high on the list helps (use while twisting). Also if you twist your hair while its damp instead of fully dry it tends to be better. Also if I dampen my twists in the morning, apply a little oil and tie them up they look fresh. I think blowdrying weekly would be too much.

^^yep-yep what she said!

there's a real nice soft wax called:

on really humid days this stuff is great and it smells soooooooooooo good - becareful to only use the tiniest bit or it may be a little hard to wash out (as with any waxy product).
Not for me. I tried to blow dry my hair once bc I had to wash it at the last minute before my appt and it made my hair feel like nasty straw and it was bushy. :perplexed
What do you mean by blow drying? Like sitting under the dryer or just using a blowdryer? I sit under the dryer, when I have soaking wet twists, and and trying to fight some shrinkage by getting the roots dry. I have had no adverse effects, and if I'm wearing my twists then I find they look neater and less frizzy, adn I only do this at the most once a week. and I don't completely dry maybe like 30 minutes just so the roots are dry and then I go on about my business. If you're literally using a blowdryer, I wouldn't suggest it, it'll make it more frizzy. You can do your twists on dry hair, and it won't help the frizz as much as the shrinkage. usually if I do twists on dry hair I have to wet my hair alittle to get it to stick.
I don't use heavy products because my hair is very easy to manipulate, so just a good moisturizer goes along way with my hair. I suggest just trying out the different styles, becasue what works on one may or may not work for you.