4a/b/c Ladies, have you had better success with


Well-Known Member
drying than wearing your hair straightened. I have been air drying and doing the bun method for over a year. I recently tried out flat ironing my hair because 1) I wanted to see the true length and 2)how it would look. Well I have been experiencing some shedding, but was shocked to find damaged ends. The ends looked dry and crunchy and you could tell a marked difference in the last two inches. So I figured what the hell and went ahead and flatironed it. My hair looks very beautiful and silky even the ends. And... the shedding has stopped

So now I'm wondering if because of the coarseness of my hair, is it better to put the heat on it. Not every day, but maybe once a week. My theory is when I air dry my hair the whole length is wavy, but dry. When I flat ironed it the whole length is straight and silky, so less opportunity for snagging and tangling with the other hairs. Therefore, less shedding.

My only dilemma is, if I flatiron how do I daily rinse? I know this has been beneficial for my hair. I'm also going to try Don'tspeakdefeat's bun. I need to give my nape a rest from the low bun.
Sounds like my hair
. I think the heat seals the cuticle and moisture stays in. That's my theory at least.

I don't daily rinse so I can't help you on that one.
I'm thinking maybe spritzing, I have the Surge in an old WGO bottle, so I could still put it on my scalp. I'm just amazed at the difference in feel in my hair. Maybe I won't have to cut the ends after all. If they start any breaking I will. Thanks.
I have 4b type coarse hair. For the past 3 weeks I've been washing my hair once a week, then deep conditioning it, and then letting it airdry and finally flatironing it once a week. I have noticed that my hair doesn't really shed/break when it's completely straight. My hair stays straight until the next time I wash it.
I haven't tried flat-ironing my hair yet but I don't get any shedding (besides the normal shedding) when it's airdried. I just make sure I don't comb my hair unless I'm detangling it while wet.
I do wonder what my hair would look like straightened though.
i blowdry with a comb attachment and find the same thing to be true as far as hair being smoother. I get good results airdrying only within the first 2-3 weeks after my touchup, after that my ends and hair look better overall from just blowdrying. I hate seeing breakage like i do when i airdry sometimes
so i'm sticking to blowdrying.
No I don't do any daily spritzing to my hair, because my hair will probably revert. But I do use surge as a setting lotion after I wash my hair.
I would call myself 4c and I can't air dry. The last time I air dryed my ends were frazzled and had to be cut. This happens quite often when I air dry.

In addition, I have discovered that I prefer not to air dry but to blow dry and flat iron.
If I airdry without putting any oil on it, I'm in trouble. My hair will be snapping off all over the place.

I've gone back to heat styling once a week with no problems so far.
Maybe you are not using the right products for airdrying.I would get mucho frizz at my ends when I first started airdrying.It made my ends look and feel dry and brittle.Then I changed the products I was using on my wet hair after washing and have had much better results since.I think it is important to use a good frizz preventing serum on your ends.HTH
Karonica said:
If I airdry without putting any oil on it, I'm in trouble. My hair will be snapping off all over the place.

I've gone back to heat styling once a week with no problems so far.

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I would air dry with products and it still had frazzled ends. I did this for a year and, once I went back to drying with a comb, my ends were fine. I only use the hair dryer about every 2 weeks and I flat iron with a protective cream.
Do you think the dry crunchy ends could be the result of daily rinsing? I know that especially in winter I cant wash my hair more than every 3 days or it will start to get dry.

I think your post is to the original poster. I don't daily rinse or rinse period like that; my hair is too coarse for that type of stuff.
Re: 4a/b/c Ladies, have you had better success wit

ElizaBlue---I use to think I was going crazy because it seems like my hair was at its longest when I straightened/flat-ironed my hair once a week. I think heat does have some positive benefits. How crazy is that?!
I haven't tried blow drying. But after putting the leave-ins on I sit under the dryer and then flat iron. I reall am afraid of the blow dryer.
Not sure, but maybe. That really would be a catch-22. Daily rinsing causes additional growth and you lose it on the ends.
Re: 4a/b/c Ladies, have you had better success wit

Model chick717 - I don't think it's crazy, I guess our hair maybe is being sealed with the heat which makes it stronger. Someone else suggested that.

Katie, I have used serums, but only with a head band styled going straight back. They leave my hair shiny but dry. I don't know of any ways to wear my hair air dry with a serum other than that.
ElizaBlue said:
Not sure, but maybe. That really would be a catch-22. Daily rinsing causes additional growth and you lose it on the ends.

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How does daily rinsing cause additional growth?

Please inform me.

Re: 4a/b/c Ladies, have you had better success wit

ElizaBlue said:
Model chick717 - I don't think it's crazy, I guess our hair maybe is being sealed with the heat which makes it stronger. Someone else suggested that.

Katie, I have used serums, but only with a head band styled going straight back. They leave my hair shiny but dry. I don't know of any ways to wear my hair air dry with a serum other than that.

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I dry in a ponytail.I just put serum in the hair out of the pony.When I try to airdry with my hair open,it just dries really frizzy and dry looking.Have you ever tried the ponytail method?
Karonica said:
If I airdry without putting any oil on it, I'm in trouble. My hair will be snapping off all over the place.

I've gone back to heat styling once a week with no problems so far.

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This sounds like me. I am back to using the flat iron once a week with medium heat and a light heat protectant (Keracare). So far, so good.
Hey! I'm a 4/b/c and I have been airdrying for the past 3 months with great success. I can wash my hair in the shower at night, put some Healthy Hair Butter on it, put on the scarf go to sleep... wake up in the AM-hair is SOOOOOOO silky. and trust me, I LOVE MY FLATIRON. I have a ceramic flat iron... so when I wake up, i put some WGO in my hair, put the scarf back on get ready for work, then I flat iron and it is SOOOOOO soft. so that is my regular routine now... my hair is shoulder length and it only takes about 15 mins to flat iron.
I'm a fan of Air Drying my hair... I only blow dry if it's extremely cold outside and Iknow I just did my hair and about to go out into the cold air..lol.. If I experience Frizzy to my ends..moisturize'em then flat iron..i'm good for weeks
When I was wearing buns and airdrying my hair my ends needed a definite trim. I had to trim more often because my ends were raggedy. When I used the blow dryer, my hair was super dry and fried. Now I am rollersetting my hair and my hair is healthy I cant even believe it. Rollersetting seems to seal in the moisture I sit under the dryer with my rollers I dont air dry them!
It provides that constant moisture. Think back to the jheri curl days how anybody with any kind of hair could grow their hair. It was because of the constant moisture.
I am a 5DD (okay, really I am a 4c only because that is the highest on the scale
I air dry 100% of the time. Blowdrying leaves my hair brittle and hard. I have noticed that my hair is a lot more managable and breaks less when I flat iron. My only problem is that after an hour or so my hair starts to revert. Any suggestions?
To be honest, I don't know where I fall, but I am sure I am in the 4a/b/c category somewhere. I also do rollersets and sit under a hooded dryer. I cannot air dry. The hooded dryer helps me to manage my new growth. I haven't used a curling iron or blow dryer in years and my hair is quite healthy.
Re: 4a/b/c Ladies, have you had better success wit

I find that my hair reacts to different methods at different times (stages). Meaning, weeks 1-5 post a touchup, airdrying my hair is not a problem, so to speak...it stays moisturized and doesn't have the dry, crunchy look but the curls are more like waves, especially right after relaxer...so I really don't wear my hair air dried for that style, only to put in a bun, to be protective.

Weeks 6 and beyond My hair will be more dried out and I have to condition wash every other day practically AND I change products...that definitely helps alot...my hair needs different products at different stages as well....... so basically it depends on what I feel like doing to my hair but I can handle either air drying or rollersetting

In the winter, I prefer rollersetting without a doubt...its just eassier for me, but in the summer (since I've found LHCF) I will return to doing Cond.Washes on occasion...I did it for about 3 weeks last month and it really helped my hair...I stopped shedding .. only a few hairs these days

I DON"T blow dry ever ( I did this in my teens and my hair was wrecked dry, thick and didn't move....I really Rec Rollersetting !!! then wrap if you can't "blow the roots/ rollermarks also")

I rarely flat iron either...I get the same results from rollersetting with more curl and bounce actually...If I want a stick straight look ( rarely) or if it is humid out I'll use the flat iron very quickly.....
dcprdiva said:
Hey! I'm a 4/b/c and I have been airdrying for the past 3 months with great success. I can wash my hair in the shower at night, put some Healthy Hair Butter on it, put on the scarf go to sleep... wake up in the AM-hair is SOOOOOOO silky. and trust me, I LOVE MY FLATIRON. I have a ceramic flat iron... so when I wake up, i put some WGO in my hair, put the scarf back on get ready for work, then I flat iron and it is SOOOOOO soft. so that is my regular routine now... my hair is shoulder length and it only takes about 15 mins to flat iron.

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Do you flatiron everyday
!!?? How long have u been doing this? How thick are ur individual hair strands?