4a/4b naturals: How do you make your kinky curls shine?


New Member
Ladies [maybe guys as well:look:] I have a question in regards to making my hair...bling:lachen: [shine]. No seriously:sad:, I need your hair. I know that my previous dye jobs hasn't helped but how can I get hair to have some short of shine. I'm not talking that top layer shine [that just sits on top of your hair] like oil sheen provides but actual healthy hair [that seems to be smiling] shine. I heard of some homemade honey concoctions that worked but I wanted to hear from the best as well.

If you have any details or secrets do share!!:yep:
:grin:Sorry I dont have anything usefull to add. Personally I like avocado oil to add shine to my wng and coconut oil when my hair is straight. But thank god you dont have to rely on only me. LOL Im sure the ladies will chime in and I WILL be checking back on this thread! :grin:
I just wanted to add that I think it really depends on your texture. My hair will not shine unless it is straightened or in twists, because I have a very cottony texture. It will be sheeny and you can tell that it is healthy but it won't bling bling, but that might just be me. People with a much silkier texture will bling bling with much more ease. I thinkit all depends on the texture. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
my hair doesnt shine per se but it can get a nice healthy sheen when it is well conditioned..it also improves from coconut oil and henna
I've noticed that my hair looks really dull in flourescent light, but it can be pretty shiny in the sun.

The best thing for me has been Aloe Vera Juice. It kind of sinks into your hair so it's shiny. but not gunky or oily to the touch. I like coconut oil mixed with olive oil for this also. :yep:
I've noticed that my hair looks really dull in flourescent light, but it can be pretty shiny in the sun.

The best thing for me has been Aloe Vera Juice. It kind of sinks into your hair so it's shiny. but not gunky or oily to the touch. I like coconut oil mixed with olive oil for this also. :yep:

How do you prepare and use your aloe vera juice? Do you make a spritz? Details please. :-)
How do you prepare and use your aloe vera juice? Do you make a spritz? Details please. :-)

Before I joined the Juice challenge :lachen: I made a moisture spritz in an 8 oz bottle with about 2 oz of vegetable glycerin, 3 oz Aloe Vera Juice and 3 oz Rosewater and a splash of protein like silk amino acids of hydrolyzed wheat protein.

Now that I get so much glycerine based moisture from the s-curl I've just been mixing equal parts aloe vera juice and water with a little conditioner in my spray bottle. I spritz my hair with it in the morning to re-dampen and fluff it out. I find that I don't need s-curl everyday, and too much can lead to gunky hair.

Aloe Vera is a light moisturizer and protein. By itself it doesn't make hair "soft", but it does make it stronger and shinier.
I like using oils, honey, or aloe vera juice for keeping my hair moisturized, soft, and with great sheen. I don't have shiny hair but it has lots of sheen.
I just wanted to add that I think it really depends on your texture. My hair will not shine unless it is straightened or in twists, because I have a very cottony texture. It will be sheeny and you can tell that it is healthy but it won't bling bling, but that might just be me. People with a much silkier texture will bling bling with much more ease. I thinkit all depends on the texture. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

I agree with Riverrock. Type 4 hair doesn't usually shine or look glossy unless we have a tremendous amount of products in it. What we usually have is sheen, not shine. You can probably get some shine if you wash your hair and then put a generous amount of oil in it and then brush it. I usually do when I wash my hair. But it won't bling like someone with less textured hair unless you flat iron it.
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I get my shine from using Amla Oil regualrly. It makes my hair appear darker so that when i moisturize it is really blinging! Irregardless of what I use to moisturise/seal, my hair shines and i attribute it to the Amla Oil pre poos. Prior to using Amla oil i did have shine but now its not just shiny it's blingy when i moisturize.

Just so you know i moisturize with: Nature's Blessings Hair pomade and Coconut Oil or Ccocnut oil only when bunning.At other times, such as when doing cornrows, a mixture of Castor Oil/Coconut Oil/Glycerine/Sweet Almond Oil & Profectiv Growth Oil

ETA: I do not have tightly coiled hair while dry. My hair when dry looks like pressed hair. I only see a coil pattern when my hair is wet or if i apply gel for curls
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