4a/4b Ladies, should I.......(Long)


New Member
switch from no-lye relaxers to lye relaxers? I addressed this topic to the ladies who share the same or similar hair types because, I'm hoping your response will come more from experience rather then just personal preference /images/graemlins/wink.gif I have been thinking about this for a while and will be using the response that I get from this post to help me with my decision. I truly trust the info that I have gathered so far from this board and hope as many as possible will help me w/ this. Plus, I know you ladies just love to help someone in distress, like me /images/graemlins/grin.gifPlease ladies when making your recommendation please add in if you have transioned from no-lye to lye relaxers before and why you made the decision to switch, also keep in mind that my hair is really thin and if possible recommend any lye or no-lye relaxers if you can.
Just to give U all a brief summary why I'm thinking about switching is because I have never tried a lye relaxer on my hair (mother told me when I was younger that my hair was too soft for it) also, I'm not sure if my hair is dryer from using no-lye relaxers because I don't know my hair to be no other way (not dry but,how it will look w/ a lye relaxer in it), if you know what I mean /images/graemlins/crazy.gif Plus, whatever I'm doing I don't think it's working for me. Tried to go natural for 3yrs w/ no success, before than my hair was a wretched mess /images/graemlins/grin.gif I just don't think I'm seeing the results that I should, I've learned over the last two years how to care for my hair as far as washing more often, using better shampoos and conditioners, no heat etc... The only thing I haven't changed is the type of relaxer I use.

I really do appreciate any and all that take time to review this post and make any recommendation if possible. /images/graemlins/smile.gif /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Thanx Ladies, be as honest as you can.
Sorry, I forgot to add that I plan on relaxing on Feb.8th just came out of braids, and this will be 13weeks since my last relaxer which was my first relaxer after being natural for close to 4yrs /images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Yes, you need the lye relaxer. My hair used to always be dry and I never understood why. Once I could afford to have the beautician do my hair and realized that they used lye perms, I was informed that no-lye perms dry your hair out.
Hi Honeycomb, /images/graemlins/smile.gif

I was facing this dilemma as well. I too have fine, thin hair and was concerned about making the switch. What really prompted me to do so was all the information I read about the lye vs no-lye relaxers. It is true that though a no-lye is easier on the scalp, it is very drying to the hair. If you base your scalp well, you should have no problem with a lye relaxer.

My hair was feeling dry and looking dry. So at the end of November, I switched to a lye relaxer. I used Optimum RX lye relaxer. The difference was noticable instantly. My hair was so much softer and didn't have that overall dry look. I did a protein treatment right after the relaxer application and have been taking very good care of my hair. I've had no problems with the switch, and I do believe that done correctly, you should have no problems either. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

I would recommend you try Affirm mild lye relaxer or Mizani lye relaxer in mild, if you are a little nervous. These are both excellent relaxers. There are many other good ones out there as well.

I'm going to try Elucence lye myself in about a week or so. If that doesn't work for me, I will do the Mizani. I'm a little nervous about the Elucence because I've heard that for some women it didn't take on their hair. Then again, I've had some of the women send me PM's telling me that it worked well for them. I figured I won't know for sure unless I give it a try for myself. Good luck! I do believe that if you make the switch from a no-lye to the lye relaxer, you won't regret it! /images/graemlins/wave.gif

Sorry for being so long. /images/graemlins/crazy.gif
Pebbles I was actually thinking about ordering Elucence myself. When I called the company and mentioned that I had a sensitive scalp, the woman told me that there relaxers are really mild (ph 11)but effective and they do not burn the scalp like other lye relaxers /images/graemlins/grin.gif. This really intrigued me so I'm going to give it try. Which formula are you going to try? /images/graemlins/look.gif
Yes, you should if you are having problems and experiencing dryness. That is why I switched. My hair was dry and underprocessed. Prior to this I didn't have any problems and would not have switched "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". I use Dudley's conditioning mild lye relaxer. So far so good, I have experienced no burn.

I'm not one for relaxer switching - find one that works and stick with it. I have to agree with Pebbles - on the recommendations for Affirm or Mazani. I have never used either, but the post from the ladies on these were good.

Also, it appears that the Motions isn't working for us 4 a/b's - the post lately have been pretty negative - so stay away from that one.

Hi Cleo,

I'm going to try the lye regular formula. I was thinking about ordering the mild, but I've read from some ladies that it didn't take, so I figured I'd try the regular strength. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Absolutely switch to a lye relaxer. My experience with no lyes was similar to what other posters said. My hair was always dry no matter what I did. I have used Affirm mild which worked great. You will notice such a difference between the lye hair and the no lye hair. The lye hair will be softer, straighter, and won't look as dry. For some reason I switched to Motions Oil relaxer in December. Big mistake. After 3 weeks, it looked like I needed a touch up. Nita is right, avoid this relaxer - doesn't seem to like our 4a/4b hair.
this is so true nita. /images/graemlins/smile.gif Motions is horrible for my hair and I don't understand why. I am a 4a/b type and it just won't take. I had to go around looking like whoopee (and this was not on purpose) for a whole month and a half until I could get another perm. glad that experience is over. whew
WOW!! Thanx ladies for your help. I thought there would be a few post to defend my hang-up on no-lye relaxers but I guess lye relaxers are the #1 choice on this board /images/graemlins/blush.gifoo: I trust u all advice and I'm going to make the switch. I think I have the nerve to do it /images/graemlins/smile.gif Is Affirm or Mizani relaxers only used in salons? my friend does hair and I was planing on letting her relax my hair at home. I trust her to do it, and plus I won't feel bad coaching her around( this was a big problem when I used to go to salons to get my hair done) it has been my experience that the stylist don't appreciate you telling them what to do.

I will keep you ladies posted after I get the relaxer done.( keep your fingers crossed for me /images/graemlins/tongue.gif)

Again, Thanx ladies