Laela You worded it perfectly.. I'd be honored if you led that in prayer.
I know another concern that us 20 something have is marriage.. A lot of us want to get married but it seems less and less realistic as people get more and more..selfish
True , there is a definite attack on marriage. The very definition of it. B/c the enemy knows when he attacks marriages, he attacks the very foundation of society-traditional families. If you look at the fall of ALL of the previous great societies it was the gradual errosion of morals combined with attacks on marriage and a false belief in human intellect that put the nail in their proverbial coffin
. Well, that's why they are history and in ruins. Of some, they were utterly destroyed for their wickedness. There is nothing new under the sun. Those folks ahd the same concerns we have. Anyway, you are
in this world and not
of it as Laela said. Truly you are
. Renew your mind to
Kingdom thinking. There is nothing too hard for God. All power belongs to him. Marriage was his idea. It is
very sacred and very
viable to him. Probably even moreso. He is still the God who changes not. Do not be conformed to the statistics of this world (AA women cannot have long natural hair, there's a shortage of men-how many husbands do you need afterall?, no one marries AA women, you need to test the waters b/f committing to someone, a submissive woman is a weak woman
, AAs will always get the short end of the stick, and other LIES not to be repeated and rehashed outloud or in your mind) but be transformed. You are more than a statistic! There is a whole other more superior set of rules
we are governed by. They tell me I don't have to participate in this messy world's follies! Shake that mess off and KIM like Paul did when he was bitten by that deadly viper. Don't allow stinkin' thinkin' and your emotions to dictate what your God can do
. If marriage is in God's will for you, it's
coming 'lil sis.
5 Who is like the LORD our God,
the One who sits enthroned on high,
6 who stoops down to look
on the heavens and the earth?
2 Corinthians 10:5
"Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ"
I find myself having to refer to this over and over when I am fearful. Sometimes I am so fearful about the completion of school, relationships (or lack of), financial problems, etc that I feel paralyzed by the fear. Thank you for doing this intercession. I know I need it.
I live and die by that scripture. I often combine it with this one when faced with disheartening thoughts.
2 Tim 1:7
7For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
I examine my thoughts
as if I had a butterfly(my thoughts) captured in a net. I pull them out and look at them. I meditate and think about where that thought came from. When did it first appear was it Ms. Johnson in the 5th grade? Mom? Prof. Smith during my junior year? Bitter old single Ms. Could neva keep a man if he was velcroed to her but still wanted to give me advice? Lowdown trifling ex BF who hurt me when I wasn't wise enough to see my worth in the Lord? Who? What? Where? If it is not giving me a sense of power, love, or a sound mind, then some
castin-nin down-ni-nin is about to start going forth.
Our minds are like fertile soil in the sense that they will grow whatever kind of seeds are planted there. Pluck up the junk/weeds. Plant some good stuff. Then expect a bountiful harvest from the Lord
of the harvest.