4 weeks Post TouchUp


New Member
I've added 2 new pictures to my album. I washed my hair this morning with Conditioner(Suave & Pantene). I didn't do a deep condition this time but did use my Porosity. I used my own leave-in that I had from my transition days and added a little setting lotions and oil.(AO & EVOO)
I combed my hair down and covered my ends with end paper and a roller. I sat under the dryer for about 20-30 min and then used my blow-dryer to complete the drying. I did add my B&B Oil Moisturizer before blow-drying. I flat iron to complete the process. I won't have to add any more heat until my next shampoo. I'll wrap or pin-curl the ends during the week. I know to some thats alot of heat but I've notice since going back to the relaxer that my hair likes a little heat. I'll put a little oil on my ends every other day.
Looks good girl! Very healthy and full. I can see the difference between your may and current flicks.