4 Month Ayurveda "Newbie" Challenge 2010

Hmm, I'm contemplating this, I'm a complete ayurveda newbie.....
Would henna count as a powder? lol :look:
Hmm, I'm contemplating this, I'm a complete ayurveda newbie.....
Would henna count as a powder? lol :look:

Definitely. You could just add a powder (Amla, Hibiscus, Brahmi) to your Henna mixture and Voila! Two powders!

*I would not reccomend adding any of the cleansing powders(Shikakai or Aritha) to a Henna mixture because they cannot be left on the hair long
Hmm, I'm contemplating this, I'm a complete ayurveda newbie.....
Would henna count as a powder? lol :look:

Yes it is :lachen: You can use it once a month.
You can just mix it with hot water, apply and leave it for an hour then rinse out and DC.
Definitely. You could just add a powder (Amla, Hibiscus, Brahmi) to your Henna mixture and Voila! Two powders!

*I would not reccomend adding any of the cleansing powders(Shikakai or Aritha) to a Henna mixture because they cannot be left on the hair long

Yes it is :lachen: You can use it once a month.
You can just mix it with hot water, apply and leave it for an hour then rinse out and DC.

Thanks ladies. I use henna already, I just didn't know if it was considered an ayurvedic powder

Now what's the difference between amla powder and amla oil

shikakai powder (which is like a clarifier right?) and shikakai oil?
Can shikakai oil cure your dandruff too?
I did a henna condition yesterday.

Mixed it with egg and yogurt. My hair felt so much better.

what type of yogurt?
I'm still figuring out my perfect henna mixture, I want to mix it with green tea next time...
i added lemon oil last time and it was drying even though I DCed after
I would like to try this, I have alma, hibiscus, neem, brahmi, maka, aritha and shikaiki?? and I have the vatika coconut oil( need to get more....)

I usually make a paste and apply to scalp and hair, but I might try the teas also:yep:
Count me in on this one! This will be perfect b/c I'm not planning on straightening my hair for a while and I'm giving birth in April--so I'll be doing Ayurveda and PSing all the way!

I'm starting tonight with a wash (I'll try to find my ayurvedic soap/shampoo) and deep condition with a cheapie conditioner mixed with Ayurvedic herbs. Then I'll air dry and moisturize w/ Vatika Oil.
what type of yogurt?
I'm still figuring out my perfect henna mixture, I want to mix it with green tea next time...
i added lemon oil last time and it was drying even though I DCed after

Regular plain yogurt. (2 tablespoons) and 1 egg. I think i will be using this recipe when i feel my hair needs a bit more conditioning.

Yeah, lemon + henna = dry hair!!
shikakai powder (which is like a clarifier right?) and shikakai oil?
Can shikakai oil cure your dandruff too?

Neem Powder or oil is the best for scalp issues.

Let me warn you though neem oil STINKS something foul but, boy oh boy it works really well. I bought it one time when my scalp was :burning: something fierce.
Hmm, where are you looking at for spritz recipes? I need an easy one....lol

This is from my blog. You an find the link in my fotki since I don't know if we can post links to our blogs or not.

The tea may tint your hair a reddish/wine color because of the hibiscus. I love the color and its not noticeable to me since I use henna and my natural color is a reddish brown. You can omit the hibiscus if you like or tweak it to your own needs.

Here is how I make my Ayurveda Tea Spritz.

  • 1/2 tsp Amla
  • 1/2 tsp Hibiscus
  • 1/2 tsp Fenugreek
  • 1/2 tsp Brahmi
  • 2 cups very hot water
  • 1 clean knee high stocking (works like a charm if you don't have tea bags)
  • 3 ml Silk Amino Acid
  • 3 ml Hydrolyzed Wheat
  • 3 ml Hydrolyzed Oats
  • 3 ml Honeyquat (not using now since the humidity is down)
  • Spray bottle

  • Stretch the knee high over a opening of a cup, and add the powders to it. Tie the knee high in a knot.
  • Pour the water in a tall cup, and then drop the knee high in the cup. Take a fork, spoon, or knife and weigh down the knee high.
  • Let it sit in the hot water for an hour. Periodically dip the knee high in and out of the water, and then weigh it down again.
  • After an hour or so, take out the knee high. Pour tea into a spray bottle, and add the SAA, hydrolyzed oats and hydrolyzed wheat.
  • Shake well before using. I like to store my tea spritzes in the refrigerator to preserve them.
  • I spray my braids and scalp daily to every other day and seal my ends with my Shea butter mix.
  • My hair always feels very soft, and moist when I take down my braids weekly to do my regimen.

ETA: Sorry for the hug pic. Resizing isn't working at the moment :)
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I'd like to join! I'm really, really interested in learning more about ayurveda. I'm off to search for a local source for ingredients!
I'm not brand new to ayurvedic oils/powders but feel that I have neither used them properly nor consistently, so this seems like a good challenge for me. Count me in! I will be using amla oil & powder and shikakai oil & powder.
This is from my blog. You an find the link in my fotki since I don't know if we can post links to our blogs or not.

The tea may tint your hair a reddish/wine color because of the hibiscus. I love the color and its not noticeable to me since I use henna and my natural color is a reddish brown. You can omit the hibiscus if you like or tweak it to your own needs.

Here is how I make my Ayurveda Tea Spritz.

  • 1/2 tsp Amla
  • 1/2 tsp Hibiscus
  • 1/2 tsp Fenugreek
  • 1/2 tsp Brahmi
  • 2 cups very hot water
  • 1 clean knee high stocking (works like a charm if you don't have tea bags)
  • 3 ml Silk Amino Acid
  • 3 ml Hydrolyzed Wheat
  • 3 ml Hydrolyzed Oats
  • 3 ml Honeyquat (not using now since the humidity is down)
  • Spray bottle

  • Stretch the knee high over a opening of a cup, and add the powders to it. Tie the knee high in a knot.
  • Pour the water in a tall cup, and then drop the knee high in the cup. Take a fork, spoon, or knife and weigh down the knee high.
  • Let it sit in the hot water for an hour. Periodically dip the knee high in and out of the water, and then weigh it down again.
  • After an hour or so, take out the knee high. Pour tea into a spray bottle, and add the SAA, hydrolyzed oats and hydrolyzed wheat.
  • Shake well before using. I like to store my tea spritzes in the refrigerator to preserve them.
  • I spray my braids and scalp daily to every other day and seal my ends with my Shea butter mix.
  • My hair always feels very soft, and moist when I take down my braids weekly to do my regimen.
ETA: Sorry for the hug pic. Resizing isn't working at the moment :)

THanks Kellum! You're awesome :)
I'm about to mix some cayenne pepper with my mahabhringraj oil and leave it overnight. Wish me luck people...I'll report back my results.
Ok, so I left the mahabhringraj/shikakai/cayenne on my scalp overnight, then washed out around 6am. Now (5 hours later) my scalp still has a bit of a tingly sensation. It's all good tho.

I'm gonna do it again tonight, but this time using Vatika oil. I think I'll spice up this challenge and keep this up for a month. My hair is in single braids, and I plan to keep them in for another 2 weeks, so if there's significant growth, I'll post pictures.
Hey Ladies....
I have a quick question. I am on week 11 of a 16 week relaxer stretch. I am due to relax on Feb 10 @ 5PM cst. My oils and powders arrived today, and today just happens to be cowash day. Should I start them now or wait until after I relax?
I just bought some amla and brahmi powders today and I have made my first tea spritz of rosemary and peppermint. I think I will use the spritz 3 days a week. And alternate weekly between using my powders and regular moisturizing dc. How does that sound?

I plan to do a paste of amla and coconut oil tonight. Should I leave it on overnight?

Or is the 45 minutes on the box good enough?

Is it going to smell really bad? I don't want my DH to go running from me. :look:

Thanks ladies, I'm really looking forward to experimenting, and hopefully stronger, longer, more beautiful hair!
Hey Ladies....
I have a quick question. I am on week 11 of a 16 week relaxer stretch. I am due to relax on Feb 10 @ 5PM cst. My oils and powders arrived today, and today just happens to be cowash day. Should I start them now or wait until after I relax?

It depends on your time constraints. If you have the time to do the powders and oils today then go ahead, but if you have a set schedule then just cowash as usual and start the powders and oils next week or this weekend.
I just bought some amla and brahmi powders today and I have made my first tea spritz of rosemary and peppermint. I think I will use the spritz 3 days a week. And alternate weekly between using my powders and regular moisturizing dc. How does that sound?

I plan to do a paste of amla and coconut oil tonight. Should I leave it on overnight?

Or is the 45 minutes on the box good enough?

Is it going to smell really bad? I don't want my DH to go running from me. :look:

Thanks ladies, I'm really looking forward to experimenting, and hopefully stronger, longer, more beautiful hair!

I don't think you need to leave it on overnight. Try 30 to 45 mins and see how you like it. Also put a plastic cap on to keep the paste moist. If it drys it may be harder to get out of your hair.

I don't find the paste from the powders to have a really bad smell. Now if you were using Fuengreek then it would have a maple syrup smell or Hibiscus has a cinnamon smel, but they smell good to mel. The oils on the other hand I have heard have really strong smells. That's why I only stick to EVCO and Vatika oil.
It depends on your time constraints. If you have the time to do the powders and oils today then go ahead, but if you have a set schedule then just cowash as usual and start the powders and oils next week or this weekend.

Thanks!! I have time...I can't wait:grin: I have never used any ayurveda products so I'm pretty excited!
I just bought some amla and brahmi powders today and I have made my first tea spritz of rosemary and peppermint. I think I will use the spritz 3 days a week. And alternate weekly between using my powders and regular moisturizing dc. How does that sound?

How did you mix this up?
I'm way overdue for a touch up and I don't want to start ayurveda till after. I think Im going to henna and mix it with green tea maybe a week after relaxing?

I've been using dabur vatika oil daily and I like it so far!
hey ladies!

quick question: i relaxed last friday and want to know how soon can i start using my powders. ( i wanna do my amla&&brahmi paste mix )
^I've started using my powders up to 3 days after a relaxer several times with no adverse side efffects.