3C Shrinkage to Lengthen: Please help me help this young lady...


New Member
This dear sweet young lady at my church has been wearing her naturally textured silky 3C hair in its curly state for a couple of weeks. After I shouted with surprise and glee at how beautiful her hair was, she began to lament at the length (the shrinkage) and she would like to wear shake and go's but wants to show more length. Her hair (I stretched it out) hits her shoulder but shrinks to about the bottom of her ear.

She emailed me her routine: "About my hair, I just wet it up when I shower then I comb it and put mousse on it. It usually air dries in the sun or whatever and that is all I do."

What products/techniques would you recommend for her?

Thank you in advance.
Thank you for your references.... Is there another way to reduce shrinkage w/out blow-drying? She appears to be a low-maintenance gal....

I think your curls are bigger than hers.... (Still beautiful!:))

And how to advise her concerning how to use product? Right out of the shower?
she can braid it dries and then release.

drwhile it dries and then rel

Ok... so I can tell her this: she can either wet or mist her hair, put in a conditioner, rinse most of it out, braid it up (one big braid down the back) and when she's ready to leave the house or get out of the car, it should be dry or dry enough and she'll have length?

And/or she can mist it (if she doesn't want to wet it completely) with a conditioner/water mix, braid up and then release later?

Am I on the right track?
my hair is curly/poofy/kinky/nappy and this is what i do. i don't use mousse just diluted vo5 (in my spritz) and gel on top of that.

maybe a gel would give her hair more weight than the mousse does?

fresh out the shower and after she applies her products, she could try stretching the hair out in a few sloppy braids or twists. that's how i do my wash n goes - that way the hair doesn't kink/curl up on itself as much (less hassle detangling)......did that make any sense??:eek::perplexed

maybe try leaving them in for 15-20 minutes or she just could experiment with the time frame.

just something to try.
Actually I don't blow dry my hair, I just blow the warm air from the dryer on my roots to loosen the curl after my hair is about 85-90% dry. This takes about a minute of less.

I put my product in while I'm in the shower. I use a detangling comb to detangle and comb the hair in the direction I want it, then apply my leave-in while my hair is dripping wet.
yes or she can twist it.

Ok... so I can tell her this: she can either wet or mist her hair, put in a conditioner, rinse most of it out, braid it up (one big braid down the back) and when she's ready to leave the house or get out of the car, it should be dry or dry enough and she'll have length?

And/or she can mist it (if she doesn't want to wet it completely) with a conditioner/water mix, braid up and then release later?

Am I on the right track?