3b/c type hair and regimen


New Member
I think I have type 3b and c mixed hair and I don't know how to take care of my hair. My hair is fine and delicate and I can't get it to grow past SL. Anyone with this hair type please help
How o you generally care for your hair? Normally, you do wash & go's right? What products do you use?
I use ORS olive oil replenishing conditioner several times per week and as a leave in. I dont wash my hair with shampoo very often, it makes my hair feel dry. When I do wash I either use baby shampoo or ORS shampoo ( the green one idk the name) I use olive oil in my hair several times per week and I rinse products out with plain water a few times per week. I don't typically put heat in my hair. I just joined the MN challenge in an attempt to gain some length.that's about all I do to my hairc
It sounds like you have a good routine so far. I hope the MN works you.

The only thing I would add at the moment is protective styles. I know you have fine hair, so the less manipulation you can do, the better for your retention. Have you had a chance to try any of those pinned up styles from the other thread? And have you kept in those twists, or not? I am looking forward to your twistout results. :yep: I would also lurk in the APL and BSL length challenges to see what the other ladies are coming up with to reach their next milestone. :drunk:

Shoulder length hair is usually the most problematic hump for people to traverse. Your hair is brushing against clothing, skin, scarves, and gets caught easily in earrings and glasses... Getting to CBL (collar bone length) and beyond is usually a matter of time and keeping mechanical damage away. Hopefully some more people can chime in!
Before anyone can give you a regimen can you tell us more info on your hair. Itchy scalp, product buildup, breakage, shedding, dry hair, do you use heat often, etc?? And how do you wear your hair on a daily basis?
Do you co-wash? I have 3b/3c toward the front/crown areas of my head (4a in the back and sides)...but my hair LOVES to be co-washed! But your hair is fine so i don't know if co-washing would be too much manipulation for you.

Do you have any pics of your hair?
I just started the MN challenge as well. Hoping that helps but I have fine hair and I cowash with condish only every other day. I only use my fingers to detangle section at a time slowly so I'm not manipulating my hair too much. The only time I use a comb is if I'm doing some type of style which I rarely do since I either wear it out or in a pony tail. I'm not SL yet (least I dont think I am) but I like to use condish for moisture and one that has protein (once week on protein con). I also DC once a week with anything that is moisturizing. If I feel like I have any build up I use tresseme natural low poo shampoo once either every 2 weeks or once a month. I like to leave some of my con in when i do a final rinse and I style with shea moisture milk & hibiscus (sp?) styler. Sorry so long but hopefully you can get your routine to where you are comfortable and want it so its benefiting your hair!
NappyNelle said:
It sounds like you have a good routine so far. I hope the MN works you.

The only thing I would add at the moment is protective styles. I know you have fine hair, so the less manipulation you can do, the better for your retention. Have you had a chance to try any of those pinned up styles from the other thread? And have you kept in those twists, or not? I am looking forward to your twistout results. :yep: I would also lurk in the APL and BSL length challenges to see what the other ladies are coming up with to reach their next milestone. :drunk:

Shoulder length hair is usually the most problematic hump for people to traverse. Your hair is brushing against clothing, skin, scarves, and gets caught easily in earrings and glasses... Getting to CBL (collar bone length) and beyond is usually a matter of time and keeping mechanical damage away. Hopefully some more people can chime in!

I plan to try the style with Bobby pins. I tried the twists I dry hair and it looked the same as it did when my hair was wet. I even made a fro then twisted and it still looked too straight and not poofy. I couldn't leave my twists in more than one day because they untwist so fast.
I usually wet n go. I do comb my hair with a denmans brush without too much breakage. (i usually do this when it's wet and has conditioner in it) braids and twists don't work for me. Weaves are ok, but I'm not in the mood for them right now. I don't look good in wigs bc I have a small face.


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I have 3b/c hair as well. If your hair is like mine, then you need protein in your reggie. My hair won't grow without it...it breaks off, and feels all crunchy and hard. I only cowash, but with cleansing conditioners like Wen, or Deva-Curl No Poo. I need to have a clean scalp always, and I use Neem oil to keep my scalp healthy. Because I use a lot of moisturizing products, I use a strong protein (Mega Tek mix) weekly, with out any issue.
I am 3c/4a but after texlax down to 3c. I also have fine hair and am in the mbl range.

I have my regimen listed in my fotki (link is below) which has been working pretty well.

but from reading over your regimen I would say stop using conditioner as a leave in. This works well for some ladies but not for others. It tends to leave fine hair with way too much build up. Build up can show itself in many forms (hair being overly dry, dull, tangly, brittle, just not behaving properly in general). If you are not retaining length I would start there. I would also incorporate a clarifying shampoo to help remove build up from time to time.
i would suggest deep conditioning once a week with heat. use the ORS for that.

using a light conditioner for your co wash like Tressemme Naturals.

not using a denman brush more than once or twice a week.

keep manipulation low.

wear your hair up in loose styles off your shoulders.

tie your hair up at night or sleep on satin pillow case.

minimize the olive oil and heavy leave in conditioning routine. stop things like leaving lots of product in your hair. opt for a light water based spray moisturizer like Shea Moisture Mist or a protein based moisturizer in a spritz version is Chi Keratin Mist. Seal with a DAB of jojoba oil. your hair is so fine that products weigh it down too much.
i would suggest deep conditioning once a week with heat. use the ORS for that.

using a light conditioner for your co wash like Tressemme Naturals.

not using a denman brush more than once or twice a week.

keep manipulation low.

wear your hair up in loose styles off your shoulders.

tie your hair up at night or sleep on satin pillow case.

minimize the olive oil and heavy leave in conditioning routine. stop things like leaving lots of product in your hair. opt for a light water based spray moisturizer like Shea Moisture Mist or a protein based moisturizer in a spritz version is Chi Keratin Mist. Seal with a DAB of jojoba oil. your hair is so fine that products weigh it down too much.

Good point. Once I was past the TWA stage, I had to put the Denman down. It just wasn't working anymore...I could Feel it splitting my ends. I use seamless Bohn combs now.
I'm a little past BSL 3b/3c with very fine hair. I condition wash once a week. I wear buns (hide ends) 99% of the time, low manipulation, minimal heat (once every 6 months), only finger comb (100% of the time), and moisturize and seal using very little product.
hello, im extremely new to this site (although i joined 2009, i didnt start really looking at the site til recently) but i second adding protein to your regimen. before i added protein to my regimen, my hair would break very easily. my hair was still soft and moisturized, but it just broke easily when i would comb it.

but once i added the aphogee 2 step protein treatment to my hair every month my hair actually took off, and thanks to protein i ended up growing my fine to medium texture 3b/3c hair to waistlength!

so please try protein first. start off with a light protein if you are afraid of protein. and i hope that helps :)
To everyone saying to add protein, I think you're right because once I used the aphogee protein treatment and my hair felt and looked totally different. I go around recommending it to everyone I know, I just haven't had a chance to go back to the beauty supply store. Thanks for all the advice. I'm going to try a lot of the thing you guys suggested.
You are my daughter's hair twin. She's bsb now but it's a battle retaining those inches. We recently switched to a no poo reggie and I use knot today detangler with coconut oil to seal. Her hair went from straw to silk.

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Your curls look a lot like mine but I don't think my hair is as fine. My twists unravel just like yours. I never wear them out only as a styling strategy.

The best advice I can give is wearing hair in updos. I wear my hair up 80% of the time (buns, french rolls, one braid). It might help you get you over the hump.
bumpity bump bump

I would also like to know successful regimen techniques for this hair type. Specifically I have medium-coarse hair.
My dd have the same hair type as you. One of the things I've figured out with 3b/c hair is that you need protein at least once a week. Ive been using Aubrey organic gpb and it's working wonder on her hair. I also apply jbco on her scalp 1x/week to aid with thickening
You are my daughter's hair twin. She's bsb now but it's a battle retaining those inches. We recently switched to a no poo reggie and I use knot today detangler with coconut oil to seal. Her hair went from straw to silk.

Sent from my HTC EVO using LHCF. any spelling errors should be blamed on auto-correct.

I had to do the same thing for my daughter because even the mildest shampoo dries out her hair. I do a monthly ACV to make sure her scalp gets cleanse
I'm 3b/3c and little bit past APL.

I co-wash most of the time with regular cone-free drugstore conditioners - Suave Coconut, Tresseme Naturals, Vo5
I've tried other things,but these work for me

I co-wash anywhere between 3 and 7 days a week and then do a wash and go leaving a LOT of the conditioner in and maybe using an alcohol-free gel.

Deep condition about once a week with a conditioner containing proteins (sometimes homemade - banana, eggs, olive oil) and then co wash and style.

Clarify with a sulfate free shampoo as needed

I recently started trying out conditioners that contain silicones and shampoo weekly, but I ALWAYS pre poo with various oils.

My very often ends up in a protective style when I don't feel like co-washing or restyling.

I currently straighten my hair no more than twice a month, but not at all during the summer. When I do straighten my hair I use silicones to help protect it.

I used to sleep on my satin pillow case with my hair out, but now I do braids at night and add vatika/coconut oil to the ends.
Before anyone can give you a regimen can you tell us more info on your hair. Itchy scalp, product buildup, breakage, shedding, dry hair, do you use heat often, etc?? And how do you wear your hair on a daily basis?


Your hair is gorgeous! Every time I see those beautiful curls, I smile!
I'm a 3-a/3-b and my hair loves to be co-washed. Also, bunning/wet bunning I retain amazing length. My hair type is very prone to heat damage.
I hardly use any kind of protein treatments but I have started deep conditioning twice a week. For shampoos, Im not very picky-whatever smells good is what I buy. My hair is washed/conditioned every day bc Im on an everyday workout plan. I recently tried henna but havent noticed any differences.

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I'm still trying to find a good moisture/protein balance. But since I've been doing more protein treatments my hair seems stronger, I'm just scared of overdoing it! I use Nexxus intensive reconstructor.. What do you guys use? And how often?