3b/c hair Stretchers


New Member
I'm new to the long hair forum, but I'm curious. How many 3b/c relaxed hair growers have stretched their relaxer beyond 15 week mark? In addition, I want to relax at the 20 week mark, but I'm afraid that I'm not going to know where my new growth ends. I use African Best Shea Butter daily, and it reallllly smooths out my new growth making it harder to determine the cut off point. I know you can wash 2 days before, but if I do apply the Shea Butter my new growth will lay down. Should I stretch it out longer to determine the growth or continue with my target? Does anyone have any suggestions.

Beyond Shoulder length hair can't really tell actual length at this point because I have tons of shrinkage.
When I first started getting relaxers I got touch-ups every 4 months - but that wasn't stretching - there just wasn't enough curl to warrant getting a relaxer more often. Also the longer your hair is, the longer you can go without a touch-up.

Later I stretched to 6 months, then 9 months with no ill effect. Other than treating hair gently, no direct heat, and protective styles I haven't done anything in particular to make my new growth easier to manage.

I do have areas of "underlap" - new growth that the stylist didn't detect - where no relaxer was applied giving me a straight-curly-straight look in some areas. It only appears when my hair is wet; roller sets keep those locks smooth.

Not sure how useful my experience is but HTH.
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