37 Days Left---no Measuring Challenge...ladies Plz Check In


Well-Known Member
Hello Ladies!!! The six months no measuring length began on 14th OCT, 2004. It’s approximately 37 days to, 13th April which marks the end of the no measuring length challenge. I’ve made a list of names of members who were originally on this challenge, so please check in…………… I’d like to hear from you all.sorry if i've missed any names out, please clarify if that is the case.


How many of you are still on? Who has lasted a whole 6 months? How did you find the challenge? Did it help curb worry/concern/anxiety/obsessive measuring? What do you feel has aided our progress on this challenge? Would anyone be willing to post their before length shots/after ones on April 13th the official end date. It would be very encouraging to see the progress of the health and growth you’ve retained all this time... without paying as much attention to it, before embarking on this method. Please let us know your results any trials/errors, and whether you have learnt anything from the experience? Did you pick up any new tips along the way which may have helped during this challenge?

I must first admit I did cheat a little by stretching my hair down but it still doesn’t give an accurate account of the true length of my tresses.
I did have my touch-up on Nov 21st but I never straightened my texture so I had no idea of my current length. Through this experience, I have little desire to measure my hair by stretching or using direct heat. I focus attention strongly towards to the health instead of the length/texture. I am currently more devoted to the crown and glory technique, as I wear protective styles like cornrows and twists on a consistent basis, i also wore my baggie over my length. This has prevented unnecessary manipulation from styling tools hence allows for healthier hair and less worry over length. At the start of my hair journey i used Robin Woods technique to grow my hair near waist, twice. I plan to use the same method to transition and I know I will be successful as I have always been. Anyway as some of you already know I did trim 3 inches off the other day, as I have begun my transition. I doubt it would be worth it, taking hair length shots since its shorter now.

Hopefully this challenge has been useful to everyone and helps accentuate the joy of growing long healthy hair without too much WORRY/CONCERN over the inches we gain or trim away in the process, the most important thing is that your hair is HEALTHY, eventually length will FOLLOW LATER.
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i have stuck to it and guesstimated how much growth i had...i was on a banding kick for almost all of february but not for measuring...i flatironed a few times the entire 6 mths but not for showing length...the entire time i have done scalp treatments....cant help it lol....so i know i will have some growth next mth...if i can do a good comparison shot i'll post one
I'm still with you Den1. I haven't measured because I can't find my measuring tape! :look: I see progress though. I haven't had a trim since November. I sitll do my baggie method at night and bun in the morning. I'm crossing my fingers to make bra strap by summer. I don't just want to touch bra strap I want that sucka covered! :lol:

This challenge has not helped me to stop thinking about my hair but at least I'm not measuring every week. I'll post before and after pics at the end.

Sorry to hear about your hair woes but I wish you luck and much success on your transition.
I love the term "guesstimated" lol. hopefully the scalp treatments will have paid off, i'm looking forward to comparision shots, i'm sure you've done really well.

deedabug said:
i have stuck to it and guesstimated how much growth i had...i was on a banding kick for almost all of february but not for measuring...i flatironed a few times the entire 6 mths but not for showing length...the entire time i have done scalp treatments....cant help it lol....so i know i will have some growth next mth...if i can do a good comparison shot i'll post one
simplycee,,Glad you can't find the measuring tape, I'm hoping everyone will continue to stick with me till the end. I reaslitically didn't expect this challenge to prevent members thinking about their hair, i certainly still do, but I'm pretty certain the baggien and bun method have lessened how many times you decide to measure the hair to demonstrate its length, i'm hoping it made a difference in concertrating more on the health aspect. btw you'll have that sucka covered in no time LOL.

"Sorry to hear about your hair woes but I wish you luck and much success on your transition"

i don't know WHY, I'm laughing but this sounds so funny....It just made me think OH WELL I COULD NEVER KEEP A GOOD THING GOING FOR TOO LONG, SOME DRAMA HAS TO COME OUT OF THE MIDST, OR ELSE IT NOT NORMAL FOR ME. Let me shut, i'm not making any sense. Thanks for your kind concern

simplycee said:
I'm still with you Den1. I haven't measured because I can't find my measuring tape! :look: I see progress though. I haven't had a trim since November. I sitll do my baggie method at night and bun in the morning. I'm crossing my fingers to make bra strap by summer. I don't just want to touch bra strap I want that sucka covered! :lol:

This challenge has not helped me to stop thinking about my hair but at least I'm not measuring every week. I'll post before and after pics at the end.

Sorry to hear about your hair woes but I wish you luck and much success on your transition.
OHHHHH LAWD !!!! PLEAAASE Scratch my name off the list, Den!! I failed miserably. I pressed my hair last night as a matter of fact (It came out beautifully I might add!:) Sorry...I just couldn't do it. I was at TWA status back in October and my hair has grown so much that I just HAD to measure....oh well..wishing you all good luck!
I'm bursting out with laughter here..at least you tried...do you have any pics of your pressed hair? i'd love to see how much growth you've retained. OK I'm gonna remove your name from the list.

naptrl said:
OHHHHH LAWD !!!! PLEAAASE Scratch my name off the list, Den!! I failed miserably. I pressed my hair last night as a matter of fact (It came out beautifully I might add!:) Sorry...I just couldn't do it. I was at TWA status back in October and my hair has grown so much that I just HAD to measure....oh well..wishing you all good luck!
I am 24wks into transitioning...I had to cut 1 1/2 inches off of my damaged breaking hair last week (old colored ends). I am doing this gradually, I have about 3 inches to go. I kinda failed the callenge because I took pictures of my hair after I trimed it (with a wrinkled measurment shirt :spank: that is why they are not posted). I say kinda failed, because it was not totally straight so I know around how long it is but I didn't stretch or flat iron it to really see the true length *sigh* Overall, I am really happy with my progress so far.
Oh my goodness, I can't believe you're still countin' down Den1! :laugh: I think I failed two weeks into the challenge :laugh:

But if you start another one, I promise to do better than two weeks!
I'm still with you Den! I admit that I've cheated a couple of times by pulling my hair down and stretching it, but for the most part I've stuck with this challenge. I'll be happy to see it come to an end though! :lol:
I fell off the wagon a few times but overall this chalenge has proven to be very helpful. I noticed my hair would hang longer without being stretched/straightened. My most current pics are located in my Fokti album.
I'm still with ya Den1. I have a measuring tape but who has the time which is a good thing. I havent not had any trims. I have shed quite a bit off and on but it looks like I have that finally under control. I wear a wig during the day and a baggie under it . I hope to be shoulder length by December.
I'm on several challenges I need to post updated pics. I don't put any heat on my hair except for when I'm deep conditioning and I will not have another retouch until May.

Also, I'm very sorry to hear about your hair problems. Much luck with your transitioning
I've been on this no length checking challenge ever since July 2004 but never officially joined the challenge. I know my hair has grown since then but I not sure by how much.
JenniferMD, yes i'm still counting down, it would reflect terribly on my chracter if i copundn't at least try to complete this challenge since i was the one who started it. even though it seems most people have dropped out and i could be the only one left, lol i'm gonna keep going till the end, i can't wait is it getting on my bloomin nerves, i found it very difficult we style our hair all the time so its hard not to notice the length. i'm not starting another one, your welcome to....lol

Valerie: no problem, how have you progressed?

MizAvalon: I've cheated nough times, your not alone. i can't wait till April.

ChocoKitty: i'm off the take a peek at your pics.

desperategirlie34: Thanks for your kind and suppotive words. Sounds like you've done extremely well on this challenge, puts me to shame. can't wait to see your progress pics, i'm certain you'll reach your goals soon. you have a grat hair regime.
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I guess I'm still on but I'm not sure if you'd consider rollersetting cheating. I never stretched it down though. i just rolled and put my hair in to a baggie after the set was done so I never really actually looked at length. My hair has bben kept under a fall for a while and I'm going to alternate with buns again. Even when the challenge ends I will still do one on my own.