
New Member
I was just about to order hf37 but it has 30mg of zinc in it, the RDA is only 15, i don't like the thought of taking too much zinc. Is this safe? im trying to find an alternative to HF37 but they contain vitamin A (which i do not wish to touch with a 10 ft barge pole). Help please ladies!!


Crissi, x
Umm...I'm not a nutritionist but through my research that is not an excessive amount. I'm not going to tell you an amount that is safe for you because everyone is different. Some people need more and some people need less. However, you need to make sure you also have copper in the pill because zinc inhibits copper asorbtion. I don't think they would put excessive amounts in the hair pill you mentioned. If you take other supplements just pay attention to the total amount of zinc combined. Go online and do some research and you can also go to vitacost.com for specific amounts. I usually check out various sites and compare info. (usually from .org sites)


i thought an adult could consume as much as 100mg of zinc with no problems. i do believe that's what i've read and what the pharmacist told me.
30 usually isn't too much. Check with your doctor. Usually taking anything less than 100mg is find. I take 100mg whenever I have a cold and I take it no more than 2 weeks. Otherwise I average about 15-40mg a day depending on if I take all of my vitamins and what I eat.