30 days....


Sidestepping the "lynch mob"
I so enjoy this Forum, but I'm about to start an annual fast for the next 30 days..and have to hit the pause button. No TV, no Internet, restricted diet. (sounds like when I was growing up :laugh:) So..I guess I'm going back to Eden. lol

If anyone else is fasting this holiday season, I wish you the best with your fast, that God restores and refreshes. That you reap the benefits of living a life that is pleasing to Him. That you are blessed with the desires of your heart, no matter what it is. :rosebud:

PinkPebbles, I hope your Proverbs post becomes a Sticky..it's so needed and has been a blessing to me; so I will miss that thread. You & your family stay blessed.

God bless everyone in this Forum