30 Day Wilderness Mentality Fast! Anyone with me?


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I just started this today lol! After reading Nice & Wavy's post this morning, and really looking at my roller coaster of emotions lately, (hormones aside lol) I realize that I have subjected myself to a "Wilderness Mentality." I've been in a negative mood lately, due to all the negative thoughts I've just been allowing to flow freely:wallbash: Those thoughts turned into complaints, which in turn translated into a distorted view of the situation as well as an spirit of ungratefulness. Soooo, here's the challenge, and I hope you'll join me.

For the next 30 days I will not have a Wilderness Mentality. I will not whine, murmur or complain about my job, business, spouse, housework, weight (oh boy!:blush:) but instead do as 2 Corinthians 10:5 says and take those thoughts captive, and instead of complaining remind myself how much God has blessed me in that area. I've already been tested 3 times and it's only been an hour so this should be interesting! But it's time to grow, time to really see the big picture and realized how blessed I truly am.

Anyone want to take this crazy ride with me? 1 day at a time...:lol:
OH yes, ME ME :grin:. I"ve been having an ungrateful period as well. I"ve been looking & focusing on what I don't have instead of ALL that I do have in my life.

So yes, count me in.:yep:
I'm in!:grin: I was just discussing this with my bff this morning. Instead of me complaining about going to work for the man, I'm replacing that with positive energy directed towards making my dreams come true.:yep:
My church is already participating in a 40 day fast, but I like the idea of a Wilderness Mentality Fast. Count me in!!! :yep:
Whew! Made it through day one!:grin: I had to bridle my tongue quite a few times yesterday, but I caught it lol. Had to take a deep breath, and set my mind on things above. The day was actually very peaceful and went extremely well. Biggest challenges? Husband and spouse. I was tempted to get all huffy when hubby wouldn't pay attention to me (sorry LOA fans....OPPOSITES ATTRACT!:grin: I'm a talker and he's not...well not true, he we talk forever about certain topics, but doen't do chit chat like me lol) but I stopped, took a deep breath, and set my mind to how much God has blessed me with a godly husband who loves the Lord, me and the children, and is not afraid as so many men are to take his rightful place as the head, and works 60 hours a week to provide for us...all of a sudden...that "I don't like you" bratty spirit:blush: left and I felt really happy! This is fun:grin:

Next...the girls. They are straight up daddy's girls (oooh I can't wait until I have my son....God has given me vengence in this area!:lachen:) and sincerely just respect their dad more than me. I think it's a positive thing (I grew up without a father and never learned a thing about respecting a man, and due to that, molestation as a child, and being beaten, raped, cheated on, and abandoned by my ex, as well as used by many men afterward prior to truly getting saved and turning my life over to God, so needless to say God had to do some major MAJOR deliverance on me in the "wives reverence your husbands" area:grin:) as it'll make life easier on their husbands when they get married (Angel already done told me she's never getting married, having kids or moving out lol but I suspect she'll change up later) it kind of makes me a little...:wallbash:....cuz they tend to give me the blow off.

Well of course I still discipline my kids, but at the same time, instead of getting fired up that they do not like to obey me, I just chose to stop, take a deep breath and focus on the blessing that they are. God has given me extreme favor with my children that I know I don't deserve. They've never been sick outside of a little fever that was gone with a tylenol, they're heathy, they don't have any mental or behavioral problems at all, and every where we go people tell us how well behaved our children are. As a matter of fact we had an appointment at an attorney's office yesterday, and he was blown away by how well behaved they were. He has boys and said his sons would've been climbing on the walls!:lachen:I wish people with sons would stop telling me this stuff:lachen:

But yesterday was so wonderful and I really realized how much God has given to me, and in return for what? For my short jot of a life, for my past, for my sin. He traded me that for this:cry: My daughter's are so much like me it's crazy! They totally have inheirited my personality....poor Joshua:lachen:A house with 3 yapping women!:lachen:Kayla moreso than Angel. Angel is super talkative, creative, artistic, loving, sweet. Kayla is the same but she's a bit more ambitious, driven, she's definately the leader while Angel is the supporter type. They both have these minds that blow me away (Kayla yesterday with her toy cell phone talking to Grandpa:lachen:Priceless.) I get overwhelmed so often that God has put them in my charge, but trust Him that He has equiped me on how to train them up. Anyway, here's the Joshua version of this story: Day went well.:lachen:
Yesterday went really well (especially being V-day:love:) Today? Well I can't say, just pray for me!:lol: Yesterday was my day off, today is Friday and well....let's just say I'm rocking back and forth in my chair right now and chewing my tongue to keep from fussing!:lachen:
Yesterday went really well (especially being V-day:love:) Today? Well I can't say, just pray for me!:lol: Yesterday was my day off, today is Friday and well....let's just say I'm rocking back and forth in my chair right now and chewing my tongue to keep from fussing!:lachen:

Girl, my Friday is off to a rough start too. Just found out that a company made an authorized charge to my account (the order was cancelled) and of course, the customer service line has been busy all day so I can't get through. I am trying to remain calm.....whoosaaaa, whoosaaa

You know that this is not a coincedence of course. The minute you make a commitment not to complain, your patience starts getting tested. :yep:
I will join in on this challenge, I am looking for a new job and I expect to have everything I desire in that new job byt the time this challenge is over.
I didn't complain but I was getting worried over silly, trivial matters on Friday. But I got right back on track and I am feeling so much better and really positive.

I never thought of myself as a complainer until I started this fast....eye opening.
Hey ladies, still in the game! Had a little 'tude for a hot minute during work and didn't even realize it! Also got heated in traffic, but tommorrow there's hope...it's my day off:lol: I will be sooooooo overjoyed once I replace my income!:yay:
I know I'm late but lately I've just been letting the exhaustion get to me. I'm generally really happy and upbeat but the last few weeks it has been harder and harder for me to be happy. Little stuff is bothering me and worries are constantly on my mind. It's hard for me to do my assignments for school and I'm terrified about my finances. It just seems like things are worse than they are. On top of that my boss is starting to micromanage EVERYTHING and I just feel uncomfortable. The thing is I've been here for almost 2 years and I love[d] my job but now it's like :wallbash:. For the next 30 days I will try and renew my mind and re-energize.

I think I'm going to go home for the weekend to get away from the hustle and bustle of school. My mother and I have decided that I need to move off campus next year so that I can leave school at school and have my own peaceful escape. Right now I have 3 roommates :look:. And I work on campus plus live on campus. I'm ALWAYS here. :ohwell: Sigh I'm just going to focus on not getting frustrated with my boss right now.
Hey ladies! Still hanging in there. It's amazing how different your perspective on life in general is when you really do take your thoughts captive instead of just letting them run a muck!:yep: