3 years natural - whats your length


New Member
Ok I am obsessed,

I will be 3 years natural in August and my hair stretched is just about touching collar bone,

yes I have had a few cuts and need another cut lol, but just trying to determine how my progress should really be going

As I am in the 12 in 12 challenge I really hope to see some gains in length this year

So any ladies who are 2 - 3 years natural what is your current length?

I need some kind of real marker

Eta this is my hair goal for this year:

image from http://www.naptural85.com
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Do you mean 2-3 years natural from BC or 2-3 years natural from last relaxer? That's important.

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^^ +1

I am 2 years natural at the end of this month. At that time it will be 2 years and approximately 6 months since my last relaxer. I am between APL and BSL (length check to come once I reach 2 years.)
I gave up the heavy heat in January 2010. So right now I'm about 2 years into growing my hair naturally and almost APL (got about 1/2 - 3/4 inch to go).

Sent from my iPhone 4S using LHCF
I'm right there with you time wise. My last relaxer was around July/August of 09. So its been about 2 1/2 since I started growing out my hair my only cuts consisted of cutting off the relaxed ends and search and destroys. Having said all of that, my hair is currently between APL and BSB when stretched.

Personally, I don't think that I could achieve 12 inches in 12 months. Even though I currently do not take any supplements or live in protective styles I just don't believe that taking those extra steps would give me and extra 1/2 inch per month.

Being that you are CBL, have you cut your hair a lot due to damage?
OP: While comparisons can be encouraging, they can also be as equally as demoralizing. Are you sure you want to do this?
last i checked, i think i was a little past APL in the back. should be interesting to see where i wind up at the end of the year :yep:
You said you "cut" your hair several times, have you found why and how can you avoid cutting your hair so much?
The first year of my hair journey i had to cut my hair several times it was cutting step by step the damage parts. now they are all gone, i just need to trim on a schedule(thanks Nonie)

maybe you should solve this problem before comparing your length with others people's length.:ohwell:
OP: While comparisons can be encouraging, they can also be as equally as demoralizing. Are you sure you want to do this?

I totally agree. The important thing is to find what works for your hair. If I compared my hair to some of the amazing hair porn I see on this site, I would have relaxed and weaved it up a long, long time ago.
OP: While comparisons can be encouraging, they can also be as equally as demoralizing. Are you sure you want to do this?

Yea...reading this thread kinda put me in a downer. I stopped relaxing around the summer of 09 and I'm not even SL. :ohwell:
If you want a realistic check on where it should be I would just take the average growth rate per year, which is about 6 inches. So that times three years I would say about 18 inches. And maybe if you are a slow grower maybe about 12 - 15 inches. You can't really compare your growth to anyone elses.
I bc'ed to about an inch in November 09. I stretched the back today and its,about an inch and a half from my brastrap and the front is just past collarbone.
I am 3+years Natural from BC (6/2008)
I stopped relaxing August 2007...

My hair has had many cuts. Right now its layered...The longest layer in the back was cut back to BSB in Nov. The shortest layers in front are CBL....I should really be WL or something by now...but you know, setbacks city, cut here and there, and now we got layers...But I am enjoying it so much!
Not demoralizing at all - but as I am have no idea what ball park I am aiming at, this will help me get a realistic check on things and if I can pin point what is setting me back in regards to my retention then I can work on it seriously

:lol: I am a tough cookie - sometimes you've got to B-slapped with the truth

I think weaves and kinky twists etc are no go for me it was these protective styles that I can't manage and have lead to breakage in the past which in turn has lead me to cutting

I know everyone says do what works for your hair but if I am not getting anywhere then I need to evaluate what I am doing and have a look at what the Ladies who are on the same time-line as me are doing

lets just say this year I am pulling my finger out
My last relaxer was June 2009. I'm past SL and I think I'm APL (I never straighten it)....I know for sure that I'm not BSL.

This was my hair a few months back (about 4 months ago) in a twistout.

ETA: I don't cut my hair and it doesn't grow 6 inches per year. I think I get around 4 inches per year...but that's fine with me because I just focus on retention.


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Slow grower here. I get about 1/3" per month. By all the averages I planned to be around MBL by now. :lol: My last relaxer was March 2009...BC'd Aug '09.

I'm APL now and hoping to make BSL this year. It's been very discouraging for me to even go by average growth rates, let alone compare myself to others. I've accepted what my hair does and I'm glad it's healthy and full. I've had a few set backs (color and bad trims mostly) but I'm still happy about where I am right now.
Tbh what discourages me really is my ineptness at styling( braiding, twists, flexirods etc) - another thing I am working on this year, I can watch a 100 youtube videos but my technique sucks when it comes to hairstyles - I put this in my list of things girls should be taught at school lol
Last relaxer :dec 2007
Bc :oct 2008
Current length shirt:hit Apl
Should have been longer BUT . Setback city like mentionned above. And still learning ....had been demotivated BUT this year Im back in it.
The first time I went from SL to BSB in 2.5 years

The second time around im hoping to do it again but in less time (now that i know exactly what i am doing) since ive gone from really short --> SL/collarbone length in a year.
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fairyhairy said:
Not demoralizing at all - but as I am have no idea what ball park I am aiming at, this will help me get a realistic check on things and if I can pin point what is setting me back in regards to my retention then I can work on it seriously

:lol: I am a tough cookie - sometimes you've got to B-slapped with the truth

I think weaves and kinky twists etc are no go for me it was these protective styles that I can't manage and have lead to breakage in the past which in turn has lead me to cutting

I know everyone says do what works for your hair but if I am not getting anywhere then I need to evaluate what I am doing and have a look at what the Ladies who are on the same time-line as me are doing

lets just say this year I am pulling my finger out

Well, if you wanna be slapped with the truth then here it is. I would have to say unless you cut off a whole heck of a lot over the last three years you need to take a hard look at your regi. From nape to collar bone is about 5 inches...probaby more like 3 or 4 so that's being generous. If your growth rate is normal that is less than a years worth of growth over three years. However are you all around collar bone or just at the nape?
yep - its my regime I am trying to figure out, can't think of what I have been doing consistently, all I usually do is wash and go to be honest as - I have had in the past weaves and extensions as protective styles which seem to cause more harm than good for me in the long run
yep - its my regime I am trying to figure out, can't think of what I have been doing consistently, all I usually do is wash and go to be honest as - I have had in the past weaves and extensions as protective styles which seem to cause more harm than good for me in the long run

Well, what is your hair type (fine strands, thinning, etc?) and what's your regi?
I'm a little over 3yrs natural and I went from SL +2 inches to WL +2 inches during this time. (Avatar is @ 6mos old.) I usually grow .25-.33 of an inch per month BUT the 1st yr (while I was developing my regime) I only retained 1.5 inches. Maybe you'll begin to retain more now?
it is nearly 2 years and 5 months since shaving my head and I have JUST, JUST reached the stage where you dont feel bald. unstreched in its natural form it's a bulky SL. no one is gonna walk around with wet streched hair and since i will never straighten my hair my true length (12 inches) will never be of relevance. my shrinkage and hair products will always determine the perceived length. stretched or straightened it reaches the top of my breast, at the back its passed APL. yet there is no point in claiming APL when it doesnt LOOK ANYWHERE NEAR APL. when I first joined I paraded pictures of my myself pulling on my hair to claim APL, when in reality I still can not today comfortably claim that. simply because if I take a picture of my hair right now, you would think its SL. where your hair naturally hangs (without vigorously pulling on it) is what is important. i'm going to continue to look after my hair and do what ever it takes to grow long hair but i realise my true length is of little importance. I will probably look APL when i'm full WL.
i last measured in january, the back of my hair was CBL. And my last relaxer was October 2010.


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