3 Mth Vit Challenge: Check-In #5 (home streeeeetch)


New Member
Well ladies, we're entering the home streeeeeeeeeeeetch!
There's only 1 check-in left (after this one).

Our challenge will end April 5th. So let's all put our VERY BEST efforts forward & finish this challenge with a
(oh, and with sum extra new growth too ;) )

Ok, do share... How'z it going?​

All is going GREAT for me :bouncy: I can definitely see growth when my hair is wet... I can feel it too (across my back) :woot:
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I am still taking my vitamins everyday. Seems like my growth has halted. I am not going to get discouraged. I am going to keep taking them until I am out of everything and then I won't buy anything else for a couple of months to see what happens.
I'm still doing pretty good! I'm going to add my alfalfa back into the vitamin regime for the home stretch. :grin:
Still going strong, I missed my morning dose one time, and an evening dose once, but so far so good!! I am starting to see some new growth and its only been two weeks. I have until May 5th to go before touch up time! :eek:

Still taking my vitamins daily and haven't missed a day so far from the last checkin. I am going to up the amount of biotin from 2000mcg to 4000 mcg for the rest of the home stretch. I have been working out and have a somewhat of a hair growth spurt I think . Hopefully when I relax this weekend (it's been a long 10wks) I'll be happy with my progress.:D
Im still going strong but I am currently in braids so I really can't tell that much but i do have new growth and the nails are growing and it seems like my nails never grow
Everything is going good in the vitamin dept. I finished the msm and now I've started taking flaxseed oil, I'm taking a little more biotin and mt multi-vitamin.
Still taking my prenatal vits, faithfully...fell off the viviscal wagon this week (getting paranoid about impact on the baby, even though the doctor ok'd the viviscal).
im still hanging in there for tha long haul...and i see the progress..yeah!! happy growing ladies!!ive jus been to lazy to post pics of my progress from my tu...ill do it later i think...:-)
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I am still taking my vitamins. I had to cut back on the biotin. It was really breaking me out. I have not had any accelerated growth, but my new growth is coming in a bit straighter. That must be the MSM. I just relaxed today after 8 weeks, and had 1 1/2 inches new growth. I plan to stick with the vitamins at least until my next touch up.
I fell off for about 3 weeks ( "me-flu", "kids- strep thorat" :mad: ) I'm back on the vitamins now. looking to get some HF-37 soon :D