3 Mth Vit Challenge: Check In #4


New Member
Ladies, we've ended mth 2
& are entering our final mth
of this challenge...

Please check in & share how it's been going for ya'!

I'll start...

Simply stated, I'm happy to be a part of this challenge! I can see the difference in my hair (growth) and overall health (more energy

I'm sure that I'll continue my vit regime long after this challenge ends (on April, 5th). Now that I'm constantly seeing & feeling the benefits of vits, I'm even more motivated to stick to my regimen!

- off topic: I really like this dancin' monster
My hair seems thicker to me about and inch from the scalp. I think it is all new growth (hard to tell since I am natural). My skin is improving; the texture is softer and I have fewer break outs.

Taking vitamins consistently seems to be helping me overall.
Off topic...

AllAboutTheHair, ur hair is soooo pretty! I :love: the right side shot w/bantu knots! GORRRR-JOUS HAIR!
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Im 7 weeks post relaxer and i think i have to relax by week 8. This vitamins seem to be working but i dont know if it's the biotin or MSM or both
I want to start taking vitamins but I have no idea where to start. I researched the boards and found somethings that might help. Can you let me know which vitamins (and dosage) that you found successful?
tuffCOOKiE said:
I want to start taking vitamins but I have no idea where to start. I researched the boards and found somethings that might help. Can you let me know which vitamins (and dosage) that you found successful?

Hi tuffCOOKIE :wave:

HERE'S the thread where we all listed our vit regimens... U can send a pm to members if u have further questions...

I'm currently taking:
- 1 or 2 Flintstone's Multi Chewable .... this is just a general basic multivit
- 1 Country Life Biotin (5mg) .............. this is to enhance hair growth
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Still going strong!! I had a touch up today and my stylist told me my hair is healthy and growing! She asked me what was I doing to it! I was so happy. I can tell the vitamins and my regimen is working. I had a natural sheen that wasnt there before and I just looks wonderful! I am still 1.5 away from bra strap. I think the last trim set me back. I wanted to get rid of my damaged ends. I have about 1/2" more to go. So after my trim in April, I wont trim anymore until I reach my goal!
I am still on track with my vitamins. I do notice my skin is very clear, I believe it is the MSM. I still don't notice any changes to my hair, but I am growing more hair on my arms and legs. :( Overall my hair looks healthier due to following tips and advice I have found here. After reading threads about B Complex and Amino Acids I will be adding both to my vitamin regimin. I don't really think the biotin is doing anything for me and I may stop taking it.
Yay for me the Viviscal tablet must be kicking I have new growth in those area that never get that much.
I will have to relax sooner than I thought this vitamin challenge has been great for me.
I recently had to go a few days without my vitamins because I ordered from a new website and underestimated how long it would take my vitamins to get to me (they were backordered). I'm back on track now, though, and I saved a whole bunch of money by not buying my vitamins from vitamin shoppe :).

My roots feel nice--I think the vitamins are actually doing something. I'm not sure about the actual growth rate because I haven't been keeping track. My hair is definitely growing though. And my nails and skin are happy :grin:
So far so good. I'm on my last little bit of protein so I'm guessing it may run out before the challenge is over.
So far so good! I've made a few modifications the vitamins I'm taking but overall, haven't missed more than a day since my last reporting in. This has been really great in getting me focused on taking them, my trainer was always mad cause I wasn't taking them consistently so for that, thank you ladies!! You've helped get that man off my back! :lol:

Seriously, it's become like second nature, have a meal, pop some vites, got to bed, take the last few remaining...

The skin is much better and the new growth is much softer.
I've been faithfully sticking to the vit challenge, taking my prenatal vits everyday. Not so consistent with the viviscal b/c I thought the pregnancy hormones would boost my growth naturally. I was wrong.:lol: For the first time, I have to say I've seen no difference in my hair and it seems as if it hasn't been growing, let alone thriving, at all. <<sigh.>> I'm also still fighting with a patch of hair in the most visible, noticeable front part of my scalp which started massively shedding around the time I got pregnant. Although I've posted about this several times, I haven't gotten a response yet.:( This is the lowest I've felt about my hair since joining LHCF.
The challenge is going great. I still haven't missed a day and I can see that I am making progress. The people around me have noticed my hair hair is thicker and longer. When I run out of the vitamins that I have now and I am going to anti-up on the biotin and swith from B-100s to the Super B Complex that Poohbear was raving about ;) . Other than that everything is great. Happy pill popping!:D
Nyambura said:
I've been faithfully sticking to the vit challenge, taking my prenatal vits everyday. Not so consistent with the viviscal b/c I thought the pregnancy hormones would boost my growth naturally. I was wrong.:lol: For the first time, I have to say I've seen no difference in my hair and it seems as if it hasn't been growing, let alone thriving, at all. <<sigh.>> I'm also still fighting with a patch of hair in the most visible, noticeable front part of my scalp which started massively shedding around the time I got pregnant. Although I've posted about this several times, I haven't gotten a response yet.:( This is the lowest I've felt about my hair since joining LHCF.

Nyambura, I'll send u a pm :cool:
I added biotin and garlic to my vitamins, I've been taking vitamins for a while now so I haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary. Right now I'm trying to get my hair to thicken up. I also take b complex, calcium, my muti vitamin and panthenotic (sp) acid.
still hanging in. I take 2 country life hair vitamins, 1 chasteberry pill, 1 epo, 1 flax seed oil, and 2-4 cortislim pills (some of these are for other health benefits besides hair.)
Ah man, how did I miss the check in?

Okay, well checking in late again. :lol: . I've been good about taking my multi-vitamin and herbs but I fell off the wagon with the alflafa. It was just pill overload.
Anyway, so far my hair seems to be doing well. The hair on my legs and armpits are continuing to grow at warp speed, lol!
dtachi said:
Anyway, so far my hair seems to be doing well. The hair on my legs and armpits are continuing to grow at warp speed, lol!

:rofl: :lachen: :rofl:
Yeah, I can relate!

I'm glad to see that everyone's doing well on their regimens :bouncy:

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