3 Mth Vit Challenge: Check-In #1


New Member
Hi Ladies :wave:

It's that time... check in #1

Take this opportunity to share how ur vit regimen is going. If u "fell off" ur regimen:whip:, please share it... this way we all can dive in to help get u back on track :kiss: .

If u've taken ALL of ur vits during the past 2 wks, then here's ur
... gone girl, get 'cha groove on :yay:
:band: :yay: :band2: :dance7: :thumbsup: :yay: :band: party over heah :alcoholic :beer: :cheers:

Ok, so let's see...

1) Have u taken ur supplements daily (or according to ur regimen)?

a) If not, then WHEN did u fall off ur regimen?

b) Did u get back on track?

2) Do u have a special way to remember to take ur vits daily?

3) Are u having any issues with ur vits? (or regimen?)

4) Don't 'cha feel WONDERFUL
:yay: that u've joined this challenge? :thumbsup:

Related threads: click on the title to jump!


Ok, I'll get this party thang started....

1) YEP :dance7: :clap: :yay: I've taken ALL of my vits during the past 2 wks!

2) I keep my vits next to my toothbrush... this way I have a daily reminder :)

3) No issues... but I'm convinced that my multi chewable is actually chalk :barf: ... or at least it seems that this is what chalk would taste like :p

4) I FEEL GREAT :trampoline: :bouncy: I'm sooooo very proud of myself :yay:
1) Actually the first time I missed was TODAY at noon because I had a meeting with my research group and missed lunch :(
It's okay. I think I might get a small container or pouch of some sort to carry a few vitamins in and put in my bag so on days when I end up not coming back to my dorm for lunch I can just find a water fountain and take care of things :)
Other than that, a-okay. I actually need to buy more and will order a couple bottles in the next few days. 2 bottles will last me 2 months.

2) The directions on the bottle say take 4 pills daily so I take 2 every 12 hours (at noon and at midnight) to keep sort of a "constant" amount of the vitamins in my system. Plus just taking 2 of those horse pills at a time is enough :lol: I keep the bottle on my desk so I see them all the time and remember.

3) The high content of one of the vitamins (I think it's one of the b vitamins that does this) turns my urine green :look: Sorry if that was TMI :lol: Anyway, it prompts me to drink more water so I don't have to be so weirded out when I go to the bathroom. It doesn't have any serious side effects though. I've even taken them on an empty stomach and felt fine.
Besides that, my skin is glowing and my nails are growing so fast I can almost watch them (I keep cutting them though). Technically I AM taking a skin vitamin, but it has everything you could possibly want for hair and nails too.

4) YEAH! Just having "vitamin challenge" in my siggy reminds me to stick with it. I have some PP biotin too but for this challenge I'm only taking skin eternal plus so that I can be sure that any changes that occur over time are due to this one vitamin. Plus it already has 2mg of biotin in it which is fine for now.
I LOVE ALL OF YOUR SMILIES!! I am doing well with my vitamin challenge. I bought a bottle for work, so I can take it there if I forget to do it at home. I know on the times I forget to take it in thr morning, I feel sluggish towards the afternoon and thats when I will take one at work. I think I will add another vitamin, not sure which one yet!
) Have u taken ur supplements daily (or according to ur regimen)?
Yes I've been taking my GNC women's mega without iron daily and 2 300 mcg of gnc biotin daily. I still need to add flaxseed oil and sublingual B12 to my regimine.

2) Do u have a special way to remember to take ur vits daily?
I just take them with breakfast

3) Are u having any issues with ur vits? (or regimen?)
nope, smooth sailing just need to add the other supplements soon.

4) Don't 'cha feel WONDERFUL :yay: that u've joined this challenge? :thumbsup:Yes ma'am
  • 1) Have u taken ur supplements daily (or according to ur regimen)?
    Except for Tuesday night, I've taken my supplements daily.
  • a) If not, then WHEN did u fall off ur regimen?
    I fell off this past Tuesday night and got right back on Wednesday night.
  • b) Did u get back on track? The next night.
  • 2) Do u have a special way to remember to take ur vits daily?
    I leave them next to my computer but I think I should probably move them since I don't get to my computer every night. Maybe I'll put them next to my toothbrush.

  • 3) Are u having any issues with ur vits? (or regimen?)
    The prenatal vits make me nauseous. As for the regimen, please see immediately above.
  • 4) Don't 'cha feel WONDERFUL :yay: that u've joined this challenge? YES! And my hair (and baby) can only benefit. Thank you for starting this, Peachtree!:cool:
Been taking vitamins longer than three months....nothing is different with the hair, as far as I have noticed...I have been exercising too. Maybe I should have detoxed before the challenge. I haven't missed a day yet, though.
I have been taking my vitamins regularly each day with breakfast and dinner. I know they benefit my overall health. I haven't noticed any real changes in my hair though, maybe because I must take other medications as well. My hair looks healthy so it could be the vitamins :)
1) Have u taken ur supplements daily (or according to ur regimen)? Yes!!! :)

2) Do u have a special way to remember to take ur vits daily? In my PDA I have a program that allows me to add multiple alarm times w/out affecting my calendar so I've scheduled when it needs to remind me to take them. Works like a charm! :)
My new growth seems to be much softer than before I started but the biggest difference has been in my nails and skin! :eek: I'm very pleased with the results thus far.:)
I've done well, but I'm so mad at myself that I missed yesterday's vitamins!! (This is the only day missed since the start of the challenge) :mad: I bought a new vitamin case and forgot to put it into my tote bag...:ohwell: and then I didn't remember to take them last night...

I'm back on track today though... :up: :)
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I have been consistently taking my vitamins since the end of November yay:clapping: .I plan on buying more from puritan's pride but with a higher potentcy in all of them. Are we suppose to post pictures of our progress for each check-in?

Right now I am currently taking....
Biotin 2000 mcg
MSM 500 mcg
B-100 (time released)

Should I add anything else :confused:
I have been pretty good about taking my vitamins and herbs except for the alfalfa pills. There were 2 occasions when I did not take them, not cause I forgot but because you have to take 10 of them and I felt like I was so full I would gag if I tried to swallow those things.

I have since learned to make sure I have not just eaten a big meal otherwise its harder for me to swallow all those vitamins! I take my vitamins at night before bedtime because its regimen time(face, hair, teeth) so its easy to remember!

So far I am feeling confident in my routine. I am excited to be on this challenge and to see the results! :grin: Already my fingernails are growing like weeds and my skin is looking great!
I've been doing very well with it too! THE ONLY WAY FOR ME TO REMENBER TO TAKE THEM .... I HAVE A SECTIONED PILL BOX WITH MON -FRI . When I get up in the morning I take my vit. with my breakfast. Or, If i'm on the run I just drop my pill box in my purse and hit the door ! :)
Thanks for checkin' in ladies :cool:

Looks like we're all are doing VERY WELL with ur regimes :yay:

Vikkisecret, u can post pics if u like ;)

Where's our other 30 or so challengers? Ladies get in here & post those updates! :cool:
LOL...I'm checking in. Ashamed, but checking in!

1) Have u taken ur supplements daily (or according to ur regimen)?
Not quite. I missed two days

a) If not, then WHEN did u fall off ur regimen?
Week 1 :ohwell:

b) Did u get back on track?
Yes, and I will NOT fall off again :cool:.

2) Do u have a special way to remember to take ur vits daily?
Yes. Now, I take them at the same time everyday. Much easier.

3) Are u having any issues with ur vits? (or regimen?)

4) Don't 'cha feel WONDERFUL :yay: that u've joined this challenge?
YES :dance7:, lol!
I am still going strong! I changed my vitamin regimen. I am taking supplement packs that are loaded with vitamins. I have also added protein shakes in the afternoon for my mid day snack instead of Doritos! I have been doing VERY well with my water challenge as well. Hope everyone else is doing great!
1) Have u taken ur supplements daily (or according to ur regimen)?

I have missed a few days here and there, but am doing much better than before the challenge started.

a) If not, then WHEN did u fall off ur regimen?

My husband leaves for work pretty early sometimes so on those days I tend to forget, on the days he's home he'll give me with breakfast.

b) Did u get back on track?


2) Do u have a special way to remember to take ur vits daily?

Not really

3) Are u having any issues with ur vits? (or regimen?)


4) Don't 'cha feel WONDERFUL that u've joined this challenge?

1) Have u taken ur supplements daily (or according to ur regimen)?

Yes, I have, my vitamin regime, in in my signature

a) If not, then WHEN did u fall off ur regimen?

I have not had any problems so far!

b) Did u get back on track?

2) Do u have a special way to remember to take ur vits daily?

I take them in the morning and most with my hot drinking chocolate at night.

3) Are u having any issues with ur vits? (or regimen?)


4) Don't 'cha feel WONDERFUL
:yay: that u've joined this challenge? :thumbsup:

Yes! :yay: and I am pleased at my hair's progress.
1) Have u taken ur supplements daily (or according to ur regimen)?
- Yes I have except for one day. My tummy was hurting.

b) Did u get back on track?
- The next day

2) Do u have a special way to remember to take ur vits daily?
- Yes, I take 2 vitamins with my protein shake and the last one with my dinner. Also I carry a few around in my purse just in case I eat dinner when I'm out and about.

3) Are u having any issues with ur vits? (or regimen?)
- Yes, It's hard because I sometimes feel like I'm taking too much of certain vitamins. Starting next month I'll be taking msm and omega 3 everyday but the multi will be taken only 4 days a week.

4) Don't 'cha feel WONDERFUL that you've joined this challenge?
-Yes I do!!!! I've gotten an inch of new growth since I've started. I normally only get 1/2".