
New Member
This is a continuation from the last challenge though I wasn't the originator of the last baggie challenge. I wanted to get this challenge established as soon as possible because we're already approaching the second week of July on Monday. This challenge is going to start from July 4 even though today is the 6th because many are already doing HYH challenges anyway so this just takes it a step further. No strict rules just like before, but except that you baggy 5x a week( I'll leave a window open for saturday and sunday activites for example). You may baggy your full head or just baggy the ends. My starting pic is in my siggy and avatar!!

ETA: If you're doing other challenges like Rabia's HYH 'til Christmas challenge you may defer revealing your result pictures until your other challenges are over if you like:)

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I'm in :D No camera phone, tho. I might borrow my sister's to take a starting pic, but my current length is in my siggy.
I'm in to!! I went from ear length to shoulder length in less than three months. Then I let a my mama's beautician do a corrective relaxer and four months later I let her do highlights, and needless to say my hair broke off.:mad: I had her cut my hair to chin length so I ready to grow my hair back.
Much2much41 said:
I'm in :D No camera phone, tho. I might borrow my sister's to take a starting pic, but my current length is in my siggy.

Hey welcome aboard!!! Many on the board are engaging in some type of HYH challenge already, but I really want to gain length as well as keep my ends looking nice, thick and healthy looking for when I reveal my hair in October!!!
sexy c said:
I'm in to!! I went from ear length to shoulder length in less than three months. Then I let a my mama's beautician do a corrective relaxer and four months later I let her do highlights, and needless to say my hair broke off.:mad: I had her cut my hair to chin length so I ready to grow my hair back.

I'm sorry you had this experience:( I have a ? tho, did you go from EL to SL by doing a baggy method?? That's some GREAT growth!! That's like 1+ per month you retained!!
sexy c said:
I'm in to!! I went from ear length to shoulder length in less than three months. Then I let a my mama's beautician do a corrective relaxer and four months later I let her do highlights, and needless to say my hair broke off.:mad: I had her cut my hair to chin length so I ready to grow my hair back.

Was your growth due to baggying?
I did baggie some of the time but I got tired of it. So I started doing rollersets. I washed and deep conditoned my hair twice a week. I did use mtg but stopped I could not deal with the smell. I also moisturized twice a week. I did protein treaments as needed. I really followed the advice of sistaslick and emailed her on a regular basis with concerns I had. and I relaxed my hair every three months. I hope to be a shoulder length my december for my bday. I will continue my baggie challenge till december. This time I am going to baggie and not rollerset to see how much I can gain. If I make it to shoulder length in december I will continue to bag till I reach apl. Hope I can do it.
Here is my starting pic.

I'm in! Tho' I had some problems with bagging when I tried it for the first time sometime last month- I guess I was using way too many hair products!
Anyways, I'll be sticking to castor oil almost everynite before I baggy and continue to deep condition and cowash every week.
My starting pix is in my fotki.
3 months huh? If I like the results I'm getting, I might extend till the end of the year.............:D
Um.....I forgot to ask one question tho', can you baggy with braids in your hair? Not micros, regular braids like say box braids? Just wondering.....................:look:
I would like to join. Baggying has definitely kept my hair moisturized. My start pick is the one in my siggy but I'll post it here should my siggy pic change.
deola said:
Um.....I forgot to ask one question tho', can you baggy with braids in your hair? Not micros, regular braids like say box braids? Just wondering.....................:look:

I baggy with twists, and with box braids. I don't have any extension hair though, but I don't think it matters. If I remember correctly, there were ladies from the 1st baggy challenge with extensions who baggied.

ETA: Oh, I forgot. I'm in for another 3-months. :)
Can I Baggy even though I have my hair cornrowed no extensions? I guess that would be okay huh? I will join and I will TRY to be consistent with it LOL!!
I usually don't check the forum on weekends so if I skipped over, and forgot to add anyone let me know:)
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shellyb said:
I'm late, but definitely in! I've been bagging since mid June and noticed a growth spurt.

I added u!!! yeah me too!! I've noticed that when I baggy my hair with a little of my ORR(origins rich rewards) on DRY hair, it stays smooth, yet strong. I think that baggying the tails of my cornrows under my wig/weave has made a HUGE difference versus just pinning them down. I hope to see a huge difference in October.
Okay I haven't been baggying consitently but I will starting tonight, since I can't cornrow anymore because of a set back, I will lightly spritz with water and apply castor oil with a Dab of shealoe because I need to get rid of this shealoe, it doesn't work for my hair. So I will apply BT on my scalp and then do the above and Hopefully this will help me catch up to my growth before the setback!