I love your hair! So pretty. Congrats on your BC!

ETA: Wait, so you cut your hair yourself? Stop the presses! It looks so professional! Hmm, maybe I should cut bangs..........

yerp:yep: I have been trying to get to cosmetology school for the past 10 years, but I am a stay at home mom with kids and it's a HUGE committment (financial and time). I do my friends' hair...I learned from my college roommate who has her license. We used to run a beauty shop out of our dorm room:lachen:(hey, it was good part time income...)
Girl, next stop is your supa dupa flyy puff!!!!:lachen: I really need to calm down bc I am doing something new EVERY day...I just can't get enuf...

Your hair is so beautiful!!!! Loves it!
Oh and I find that my natural hair is so versatile that why not wear it different every day? Even when its curly I have found so many different ways to wear it. When its straight it looks so much fuller. Your hair is beautiful both ways. At work people call me chameleon LOL I have a feeling that'll be your new nickname soon too :grin:

WOW! Your hair looks gorgeous! I love the straight and the curly and the bangs! Hmmm...whenever I BC I'm gonna have to try the bangs! Originally I thought I would transition for 24-30 months so that hopefully my hair would be hanging down by then, but I'm really liking the shape of your hair and Soleil's hair. If my hair looks anything like yours I'll be thrilled! Fantastic job!
Wow you cut your own hair? It looks really good I love the shape of it when it's in its natural state. Simply Beautiful. I have to re-read your BC thread - how long did you transition?
Wow you cut your own hair? It looks really good I love the shape of it when it's in its natural state. Simply Beautiful. I have to re-read your BC thread - how long did you transition?

16 months - it flew by:drunk:

your hair looks great and its wonderful to see someone excited about their hair

I miss that! lost it a long time ago LOL

Girl, your hair has been on point for a minute:yep: and you pretty much know ALL about it, I have SO much to learn still about mine...I fell like I wanna know it all in a day...

I completely understand OP! Your hair looks beautiful!

I have completely falling in love with my natural hair, too!

Learning to love your natural hair is like falling in love with that guy that you've known since you were "knee high to a Junebug"...he was always there, always in love with you but it took you a long, long time to realize that you love him, too! (Well that's how I feel about my natural hair) :dinner: