2018 Christian Random Thoughts ... Forsaking Compromise


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
Happy New Beginnings with God, in 2018 and beyond, Everyone.

No matter where you are in your walk with the Lord, it's not too late to grow more in Him and without compromise. There is a seed of Righteousness that has been planted within you, a seed that is incorruptible, a seed that cannot be crushed, for it is a seed that has been planted by All Mighty God.

You have all that you will ever need to grow strong(er) in the Lord and in the power of HIS Might to remain strong in Him and to remain steadfast, strong in the faith and to not compromise yourself to the evils of this world. (Refer to Colossians 1:23)

Below is a message that I shared in 2011. All by the grace of God who lives inside of me...who lives inside of us because of Jesus.

Be blessed, Everyone...Happy New Year. Happy New Beginnings with Jesus who is God, Forever.

Shimmie :love2:


God's Seed Within Us

Matthew 4 (Jesus' parable about the Seeds). The seed within us is in solid ground, our bellies filled with living waters.

The 'Seed' (Seed of Righteousness -- The Word of God) is in each of us who are with Jesus Christ.

The problems we have with our loved ones (family members, friends, etc.) bosses, co-workers... and any situation (challenge) which occurs in our lives is not about 'them', it's about the 'Seed' within us, that satan is after. He's out to 'steal' the Word from within us. his goal is to turn us away from God. It's the same strategy he used against Job, yet Job did not turn his heart away from God.

Once we 'get' this, we realize that it's not about what our loved ones are doing or not doing, or what the situation is, instead, satan is simply trying to dig that seed from out of us. Who better for satan to use than a loved one or situation that matters to us, to use as a weapon, his vehicle to get to that seed within our bellies, where we give life. he tries hard Yet, he cannot. The Word of God is so deeply planted within us, that he cannot get to the seed.

As soon as we realize this and grasp it, the attack loses it's power and affect against us. It's over and we will begin to see changes in our loved ones and in the situations. The 'attack's become less effective. It stops.

One of the things that satan loves to do, is to use these situations to stop us from praying. Have you ever noticed when 'we' become angry / frustrrated / fed up with a loved one or a situation, we 'stop' praying for them or the situation, for that moment? This is what satan wants us to do, as it gives him access to more of his launches of attack; however when we pray, we are 'blocking' his access; he can't get in and he is rendered powerless. he gets :ban: banned.

So, in us we have the 'Seed', an incorruptable seed that cannot be taken away and this is what satan wants to steal, but he cannot, for it is not his, it's God's Word, within us.

When challenges come, that's all it is, a challenge. satan is not getting our seed.

Unto God be ALL the Glory...Always. Always. Always.
Happy New Year! Shalom, Peace be with you!
For 2018 Christian Random Thoughts: Stop being so PC and get right with JC Jesus Christ the Lord!

So here we are again at the close of one year and the beginning of a new year. What resolutions will you start fervently only to slack off or give up completely in February? We’ve all been there, I wish we could all say we’ve done everything that God had willed for us to do in the previous year. But we can change that right now.

Look I’m just going to say it.


Too short too continue to walk the fence of faith hoping that if I stay neutral (like Switzerland) no one will attack me. You need to ask yourself

1. When has the enemy ever considered neutrality a good cover? He does not and he never did. The enemy will still reek havoc (steal, kill, and destroy) in your life more so when you’re not prayed up, reading the Bible and attending Church than when you are. (for us Catholics that means besides regular prayers or novenas, also praying the rosary daily if you can, receiving all the sacraments regularly, reading the Bible, CCC, and Eucharistic adoration time.)

Too short to entertain friends, boyfriends, colleagues, anyone who keeps trying to wear you down and lead you astray. You know the ones, the insidious “friends” that slowly deteriorate your moral compass like water wearing down a stone one drop at a time. (Hint: They’re not really your friends, they’re just hanging around to see you fail)

Too short to keep playing games with your life and your salvation. I’ll read my Bible tomorrow which turns into next month, or I’ll go to Church next week, then it’s just Christmas and Easter only. “ Well Church is open all year and on Christmas and Easter coming to church 2 times a year won’t save your soul.” Fr. Rafa . Yeah, Chreaster’s that ones for you.

Procrastination is not your spirit mans friend. You know the excuses like, I’m too busy to educate myself and my kids in sound Christian doctrine, or reinforce Bible teachings and Christian morals to my kids. But you do have time to watch Scandal on TV, but wonder why your kids are acting out like they did?
Don’t sleep on this because He will come like a thief in the night, and only God knows when your time is up.

Let’s consider Why is it really that you stay in neutral?

Is it to please others, not rock the boat, fit in with certain people? I mean you don’t want them to know you’re passionate about your faith, passionate about Jesus Christ, that can’t be cool, right? Well let me tell you something while you’re dancing around, jumping through other people’s hoops, and being PC (politically correct) you’re time is running out. Stop being PC and get right with JC (Jesus Christ)

The enemy of all mankind, that old serpent, the ultimate deceiver, the father of lies the devil is all to happy to keep you parked in neutral, spiritual Switzerland that is without a clue while he watches your time run out laughing.

1 Peter 5:8-9

Be sober and vigilant. Your opponent the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for [someone] to devour. 9 Resist him, steadfast in faith, knowing that your fellow believers throughout the world undergo the same sufferings.

"Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour."

Proverbs 5:6

5Deliver yourself like a gazelle from the hunter’s hand

And like a bird from the hand of the fowler.

You have to make changes in your life, only you can do it, before it’s too late for change. I know because we’ve had 2 deaths 1 family and a friend of family within weeks of each other. Imagine talking to someone today then tomorrow there gone. Did they/will I live like they should have could have ? Did they/ will I accomplish what God’s will for them? Did they/will I get right with Jesus before they died?/I die?

These are questions I will only have answered I pray only after my husband (claiming it) and I old and grey, passed on the solid Christian faith to our children, and their children and have lived a long prosperous, God loving and serving generous life. Get right with Jesus Christ, profess, confess, pick up your cross and follow Him. Why? Because there is no more time to waste.

Isaiah 52:1-3

Awake, awake!

Put on your strength, Zion;

Put on your glorious garments,

Jerusalem, holy city.

Never again shall the uncircumcised

or the unclean enter you.


Arise, shake off the dust,

sit enthroned, Jerusalem;

Loose the bonds from your neck,

captive daughter Zion!


For thus says the Lord:

For nothing you were sold,

without money you shall be redeemed.

Matthew 11:28-30


28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."

You might be saying to yourself.......




Who is she to tell me what I should do?

Well Mz. Independent, this is your wake up call and I’m the operator, I’m just a messenger and you need to pick up this phone and listen to this message. This is your Hail Mary pass and I’m the quarterback, you need to catch this ball and run with it all the way to the promised land. I’m just a voice crying out in the wilderness, I alone am nothing, I claim nothing for myself all glory to God in the highest, I’m just an instrument, a humble hand-maiden of our Father in heaven.

"And he gives grace generously. As the Scriptures say, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”"

-James 4:6


Like in the aria, Io son l’umile ancella from the opera

Adriana Lecouvreur.

Ecco, respiro apena.
Listen, I’m barely breathing

Io son l’umile ancella
I’m the humble servant

del genio creator;
of the genius creator;

Ei m’offre la favella
He offers me the words

Io la diffondo ai cor…
that I impart/diffuse to the heart…

Del verso io son l’accento,
from the verse, I’m the accent

l’eco del dramma uman
the echo of human drama,

il fragile strumento
the fragile instrument,

vassallo della man…
the lowly hand-maiden/vessel of His hand…

Mite, gioconda, atroce,
Timid, joyous, terrible,

Mi chiamo Fedeltà;
I’m called Faithfulness.

•Un soffio è la mia voce,•
•My voice is just a whisper,•

che al novo di morrà.
which, with the new day, will die.

James 4:13-14

Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will[a] go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit”; 14 whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.

Tomorrow is not promised to us, stop wasting time being PC, procrastinating, playing games with your and your family’s mortal and eternal life and get right with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. God is a gentleman, He would never force us to come to him, only we can let him in. No matter where you are, what you’ve done, what’s happened to you. Jesus loves you, He IS for YOU! He is for ALL of US! He’s waiting for YOU! Always.

May God bless you and keep you, In the name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. AMEN!

John 14:27
"Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.


Chris Tomlin
I was lost
I was in chains
The world had a hold of me
My heart was a stone
I was covered in shame
When He came for me
I couldn't run, couldn't run from His presence
I couldn't run, couldn't run from His arms
Jesus, He loves me, He loves me, He is for me
Jesus, how can it be, He loves me, He is for me
And it was a fire
Deep in my soul
I'll never be the same
I stepped out of the dark
And into the light
When He called my name
I couldn't run, couldn't run from His presence
I couldn't run, couldn't run from His arms
Jesus, He loves me, He loves me, He is for me
Jesus, how can it be, He loves me, He is for me
He holds the stars and He holds my heart
With healing hands that bear the scars
The rugged cross where He died for me
My only hope, my everything
Jesus, He loves me
He loves me, oh
Jesus, how can it be, He loves me, He is for me
He loves me (He loves me, He loves me)
He is for me (He loves me, He loves me)
My God it's amazing oh



I hope this helps all of you, if this message touched you, or made you really think, then please copy, paste, and send it, re-post it. I know this message is for somebody cause my computer tried to shut down once and erase my draft twice, and I had to copy and paste it 3 times, to upload here so someone’s working overtime, coincidence? I don’t think so.
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2017 Christian Random Thoughts


2016 Christian Random Thoughts


2015 Christian Random Thoughts


Prayer Request Thread


Marriage Prayers for Singles


Single Christian Women's Support the Remix


Prayer Line (please check for New Years call in schedule or tag @Shimmie)


Catholic Thread


CC book list

*If you’re a Catholic Christian, don’t feel that you’re all alone in the CF, even though we’re not many on these boards (FYI: we’re actually 1.2 Billion worldwide) we are very fervent in our faith. So don’t feel intimidated, or be afraid to participate, contribute whole-heartedly for we are all sisters in Christ no matter what denomination. Everyone is welcome to participate.
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Happy New Year Ladies!!

I will be the first to admit that I have strayed away from the Lord a little (Luke warm Christian). But I’m back with Him......the New Year has nothing to do with it, it’s that I’m at a place that no one has ever ha my back like Father. Even during this year, where I allowed myself to get a little wild. He kept me.

So I’m back with him 100%.
For 2018 Christian Random Thoughts: Stop being so PC and get right with JC Jesus Christ the Lord!

So here we are again at the close of one year and the beginning of a new year. What resolutions will you start fervently only to slack off or give up completely in February? We’ve all been there, I wish we could all say we’ve done everything that God had willed for us to do in the previous year. But we can change that right now.

Look I’m just going to say it.


Too short too continue to walk the fence of faith hoping that if I stay neutral (like Switzerland) no one will attack me. You need to ask yourself

1. When has the enemy ever considered neutrality a good cover? He does not and he never did. The enemy will still reek havoc (steal, kill, and destroy) in your life more so when you’re not prayed up, reading the Bible and attending Church than when you are. (for us Catholics that means besides regular prayers or novenas, also praying the rosary daily if you can, receiving all the sacraments regularly, reading the Bible, CCC, and Eucharistic adoration time.)

Too short to entertain friends, boyfriends, colleagues, anyone who keeps trying to wear you down and lead you astray. You know the ones, the insidious “friends” that slowly deteriorate your moral compass like water wearing down a stone one drop at a time. (Hint: They’re not really your friends, they’re just hanging around to see you fail)

Too short to keep playing games with your life and your salvation. I’ll read my Bible tomorrow which turns into next month, or I’ll go to Church next week, then it’s just Christmas and Easter only. “ Well Church is open all year and on Christmas and Easter coming to church 2 times a year won’t save your soul.” Fr. Rafa . Yeah, Chreaster’s that ones for you.

Procrastination is not your spirit mans friend. You know the excuses like, I’m too busy to educate myself and my kids in sound Christian doctrine, or reinforce Bible teachings and Christian morals to my kids. But you do have time to watch Scandal on TV, but wonder why your kids are acting out like they did?
Don’t sleep on this because He will come like a thief in the night, and only God knows when your time is up.

Let’s consider Why is it really that you stay in neutral?

Is it to please others, not rock the boat, fit in with certain people? I mean you don’t want them to know you’re passionate about your faith, passionate about Jesus Christ, that can’t be cool, right? Well let me tell you something while you’re dancing around, jumping through other people’s hoops, and being PC (politically correct) you’re time is running out. Stop being PC and get right with JC (Jesus Christ)

The enemy of all mankind, that old serpent, the ultimate deceiver, the father of lies the devil is all to happy to keep you parked in neutral, spiritual Switzerland that is without a clue while he watches your time run out laughing.

1 Peter 5:8-9

Be sober and vigilant. Your opponent the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for [someone] to devour. 9 Resist him, steadfast in faith, knowing that your fellow believers throughout the world undergo the same sufferings.

"Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour."

Proverbs 5:6

5Deliver yourself like a gazelle from the hunter’s hand

And like a bird from the hand of the fowler.

You have to make changes in your life, only you can do it, before it’s too late for change. I know because we’ve had 2 deaths 1 family and a friend of family within weeks of each other. Imagine talking to someone today then tomorrow there gone. Did they/will I live like they should have could have ? Did they/ will I accomplish what God’s will for them? Did they/will I get right with Jesus before they died?/I die?

These are questions I will only have answered I pray only after my husband (claiming it) and I old and grey, passed on the solid Christian faith to our children, and their children and have lived a long prosperous, God loving and serving generous life. Get right with Jesus Christ, profess, confess, pick up your cross and follow Him. Why? Because there is no more time to waste.

Isaiah 52:1-3

Awake, awake!

Put on your strength, Zion;

Put on your glorious garments,

Jerusalem, holy city.

Never again shall the uncircumcised

or the unclean enter you.


Arise, shake off the dust,

sit enthroned, Jerusalem;

Loose the bonds from your neck,

captive daughter Zion!


For thus says the Lord:

For nothing you were sold,

without money you shall be redeemed.

Matthew 11:28-30


28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."

You might be saying to yourself.......




Who is she to tell me what I should do?

Well Mz. Independent, this is your wake up call and I’m the operator, I’m just a messenger and you need to pick up this phone and listen to this message. This is your Hail Mary pass and I’m the quarterback, you need to catch this ball and run with it all the way to the promised land. I’m just a voice crying out in the wilderness, I alone am nothing, I claim nothing for myself all glory to God in the highest, I’m just an instrument, a humble hand-maiden of our Father in heaven.

"And he gives grace generously. As the Scriptures say, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”"

-James 4:6


Like in the aria, Io son l’umile ancella from the opera

Adriana Lecouvreur.

Ecco, respiro apena.
Listen, I’m barely breathing

Io son l’umile ancella
I’m the humble servant

del genio creator;
of the genius creator;

Ei m’offre la favella
He offers me the words

Io la diffondo ai cor…
that I impart/diffuse to the heart…

Del verso io son l’accento,
from the verse, I’m the accent

l’eco del dramma uman
the echo of human drama,

il fragile strumento
the fragile instrument,

vassallo della man…
the lowly hand-maiden/vessel of His hand…

Mite, gioconda, atroce,
Timid, joyous, terrible,

Mi chiamo Fedeltà;
I’m called Faithfulness.

•Un soffio è la mia voce,•
•My voice is just a whisper,•

che al novo di morrà.
which, with the new day, will die.

James 4:13-14

Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will[a] go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit”; 14 whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.

Tomorrow is not promised to us, stop wasting time being PC, procrastinating, playing games with your and your family’s mortal and eternal life and get right with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. God is a gentleman, He would never force us to come to him, only we can let him in. No matter where you are, what you’ve done, what’s happened to you. Jesus loves you, He IS for YOU! He is for ALL of US! He’s waiting for YOU! Always.

May God bless you and keep you, In the name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. AMEN!



I hope this helps all of you, if this message touched you, or made you really think, then please copy, paste, and send it, re-post it. I know this message is for somebody cause my computer tried to shut down once and erase my draft twice, coincidence? I don’t think so.

Thank you so much. you Never disappoint with your Ministry. I truly thank God for you being here. ❤❤❤

Thank you so much. you Never disappoint with your Ministry. I truly thank God for you being here. ❤❤❤

Your very welcome, all glory to God. Amen. You can see I had some technical difficulties getting the full maessage uploaded. :rolleyes: :D I wasn’t giving up, So I rebuked my iPad and told it to get right. :lol:
Happy New Year ladies! Hope everything went well and you guys will be able to recuperate by the week's end. Today I'm home all day, we spent the whole night praying, singing, dancing and testifying with our church.

To be honest I'm feeling really blah about everything, which is actually causing me to rethink my whole mindframe in another direction. Hear me out: I've been a single woman for a decade, the same amount of time I've been dealing with a mental illness. Really didn't feel like making any resolutions because they barely ever come to pass. God ALWAYS does a bunch of little things for me, that make my life run smoothly, but the much bigger things...well that's another story.

Was on FaceTime yesterday with my sister and I told her that this year might be the year that I am able to completely wean myself off of anti-psychotic drugs. I told her because she's one of the few believers in my family, but even she was doubtful, saying "again?" in a tone that left much to be desired. Anyhoo, I'm not gonna let that deteriorate me, it can still happen for me.

I really didn't feel like making New Years Resolutions and I really didn't even make them. But in 2017 I worked for a health insurance company in their customer service department. It struck me that most people do not read the fine lines of their contract and that's how I've been treating the Bible for the past few years. Just getting by on scraps that everyone recited, instead of getting deep into the Word. "Big doors revolve on small hinges" as Brother Zac Poonen always says, he says we have to read the Bible slowly. So that's what I plan to do this year AND attack the enemy of lust that has been with me for so long, I cannot even remember when I had a whole day without a lustful thought. This can't be life.

It's kinda like the starry eyed period of a marriage and then comes the time when your love begins to really be tested: can you withstand the time? I thought that by this time I would be testifying on FaceBook about finding the love of my life...and I did, I found Jesus, but like @Lucia pointed out, I barely ever speak about Him. I'm more interested in what He can do for me than what I can do for Him.

What gives me hope is this plant I received from a woman I tutor. The plant had died out, I had already written in my notebook that I was to throw it out and keep the vase. But just as I was getting ready to get rid of it, I saw several new shoots (the ones bending). As I always say: there is life after life. Hold on.

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Happy New Year ladies! Hope everything went well and you guys will be able to recuperate by the week's end. Today I'm home all day, we spent the whole night praying, singing, dancing and testifying with our church.

To be honest I'm feeling really blah about everything, which is actually causing me to rethink my whole mindframe in another direction. Hear me out: I've been a single woman for a decade, the same amount of time I've been dealing with a mental illness. Really didn't feel like making any resolutions because they barely ever come to pass. God ALWAYS does a bunch of little things for me, that make my life run smoothly, but the much bigger things...well that's another story.

Was on FaceTime yesterday with my sister and I told her that this year might be the year that I am able to completely wean myself off of anti-psychotic drugs. I told her because she's one of the few believers in my family, but even she was doubtful, saying "again?" in a tone that left much to be desired. Anyhoo, I'm not gonna let that deteriorate me, it can still happen for me.

I really didn't feel like making New Years Resolutions and I really didn't even make them. But in 2017 I worked for a health insurance company in their customer service department. It struck me that most people do not read the fine lines of their contract and that's how I've been treating the Bible for the past few years. Just getting by on scraps that everyone recited, instead of getting deep into the Word. "Big doors revolve on small hinges" as Brother Zac Poonen always says, he says we have to read the Bible slowly. So that's what I plan to do this year AND attack the enemy of lust that has been with me for so long, I cannot even remember when I had a whole day without a lustful thought. This can't be life.

It's kinda like the starry eyed period of a marriage and then comes the time when your love begins to really be tested: can you withstand the time? I thought that by this time I would be testifying on FaceBook about finding the love of my life...and I did, I found Jesus, but like @Lucia pointed out, I barely ever speak about Him. I'm more interested in what He can do for me than what I can do for Him.

What gives me hope is this plant I received from a woman I tutor. The plant had died out, I had already written in my notebook that I was to throw it out and keep the vase. But just as I was getting ready to get rid of it, I saw several new shoots (the ones bending). As I always say: there is life after life. Hold on.

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So beautiful is this heart filled message. I love the "big doors revolve on small hinges". It has me looking at the door of my heart.

God bless you dear one, @Maracujá. The door of your heart has strong hinges. It's open to Jesus.

Amen ❤
Your very welcome, all glory to God. Amen. You can see I had some technical difficulties getting the full maessage uploaded. :rolleyes: :D I wasn’t giving up, So I rebuked my iPad and told it to get right. :lol:
You did all of this on an iPad? You are truly dedicated to sharing God's Word. God bless you, again and again.
Happy New Year to everyone. May God richly bless you throughout this coming year and beyond.

God is Holy. Somehow we have lost the holiness of God and who He really is. We have co-opted a god who fits our narrative and made Him into one of us. God is not on anybody's side -- we need to get on His side. God is righteous -- we are not. We get our righteousness from Him. We all believe our way is the right way to live, love and serve God. But God meets us where we are and brings us to where He is. Our faith is a journey the final destination of which is up to God not us. No two people have the same testimony. Each of us has a different story, a different experience with God. God loves all of His creation, but not everyone who says they love Him really do. God is Holy and we must recognize His Holiness.
Happy New Year, everyone!
I've had an interesting year but God has been faithful and I'll remain steadfast, to share testimony. My spirit has been uplifted by the beautiful words shared in this thread.
Thank you so much for coming in to share @Laela
Happy New Year to everyone. May God richly bless you throughout this coming year and beyond.

God is Holy. Somehow we have lost the holiness of God and who He really is. We have co-opted a god who fits our narrative and made Him into one of us. God is not on anybody's side -- we need to get on His side. God is righteous -- we are not. We get our righteousness from Him. We all believe our way is the right way to live, love and serve God. But God meets us where we are and brings us to where He is. Our faith is a journey the final destination of which is up to God not us. No two people have the same testimony. Each of us has a different story, a different experience with God. God loves all of His creation, but not everyone who says they love Him really do. God is Holy and we must recognize His Holiness.

Thank you so very much for starting this thread with the heart of God, our Father. God Bless You.
Happy New Year, ladies.
I don't even know where to begin...I feel like I've taken so many matters into my own hands that I've relegated God to second place in my life. I've let myself become consumed by things of the world rather than Him.

He has blessed me and my family immensely this year. We've been prosperous, have been covered and restored by Him when we were sick, and so on. But in the midst of all those blessings, I've let my hunger for Him become so dull to the point of flattening.

Worse, my lukewarmness has rubbed off on DH. He is still trying to be the spiritual leader but I now realize my excuses drag him and our entire family down, spiritually.

It's time to make a change and let my flesh out of the way.
Oh wow.... My heart is overjoyed at some of the testimonies shared in here already. I’ve strayed away big time as well. And God has kept me covered through my mess. Even though we aren’t saved by our works but by His grace, that’s no excuse for living a lackluster and lukewarm life. We aren’t perfect but should be striving for perfection daily. I thank God for His redeeming power. When I keep Him first EVERYTHING else falls into its proper place. I have to get back to my first love. Nothing ever seems right or goes as planned when I’m running to and fro and not keeping my mind stayed on Jesus.
The last few months of 2017 were rough. I lost a dear friend and my grandmother within three months of each other and then had some things happen that just threw me for a loop. But....through those events I drew close to God. I set up a war room in my home. I'm embarrassed to say how long I had been thinking about it, but never did it. I've been reading and praying more than I have in years. For so long I was afraid to pray because I was afraid of what God might say to me, but I got to a place where I couldn't see myself making it without prayer, reading and studying the word.

I started praying fervently around Thanksgiving and I haven't let up. The first couple of weeks were hard. My family and I were under spiritual attack. After those couple of weeks, the attacks were less intense and it became easier for me to pray.

God has been speaking to me about a lot of things these past several weeks, but there is a theme and it all works together. He wants me to forgive the same way He has forgiven me. He has shown me that He views no sin as greater than the other. We, as humans do that, God does not. One day I was thinking about all the things someone has done to me and God began showing me some things that I had done. I justified my actions by telling myself it happened a long time ago, but God said, "So? It happened." I have a tendency to judge people because they aren't where I think they should be and that is wrong. God wants me to forgive, so everyday I pray to forgive.

Sunday morning's message was about laying aside everything that hinders us from serving God with our whole hearts and not becoming apathetic/slack/uninterested.

I say all this to say that while this path I am on is a little scary at times, I feel a sense of assurance that God is hearing my prayers and answering them one by one.
The last few months of 2017 were rough. I lost a dear friend and my grandmother within three months of each other and then had some things happen that just threw me for a loop. But....through those events I drew close to God. I set up a war room in my home. I'm embarrassed to say how long I had been thinking about it, but never did it. I've been reading and praying more than I have in years. For so long I was afraid to pray because I was afraid of what God might say to me, but I got to a place where I couldn't see myself making it without prayer, reading and studying the word.

I started praying fervently around Thanksgiving and I haven't let up. The first couple of weeks were hard. My family and I were under spiritual attack. After those couple of weeks, the attacks were less intense and it became easier for me to pray.

God has been speaking to me about a lot of things these past several weeks, but there is a theme and it all works together. He wants me to forgive the same way He has forgiven me. He has shown me that He views no sin as greater than the other. We, as humans do that, God does not. One day I was thinking about all the things someone has done to me and God began showing me some things that I had done. I justified my actions by telling myself it happened a long time ago, but God said, "So? It happened." I have a tendency to judge people because they aren't where I think they should be and that is wrong. God wants me to forgive, so everyday I pray to forgive.

Sunday morning's message was about laying aside everything that hinders us from serving God with our whole hearts and not becoming apathetic/slack/uninterested.

I say all this to say that while this path I am on is a little scary at times, I feel a sense of assurance that God is hearing my prayers and answering them one by one.

When you start or come back to really getting on your knees in prayer there will be more spiritual attacks at first then it will be random or ramp up either just before a blessing is coming or when God is about to change your life or promote you to a higher level. That’s what people forget to tell you and that’s exactly what discourages alot of people from praying at all and they give up, which is exactly what the enemy wants. When you’re back not praying your literally a leaf in the wind and they blow you in any direction they want, and cause havoc in your life. They want Luke warm and neutral everyone doesn’t have to be sold out to the devil. As long as you’ve chooses anything but Jesus they’re good.

1 Thess 5:16-18
Pray without ceasing, fir thus is the will of Christ Jesus for you.

"“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you."
-‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7:7‬‬
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When you start or come back to really getting on your knees on prayer there will be more spiritual attacks at first then it will be random or ramp up either just before a blessing is coming or when God is about to change your life or promote you to a higher level. That’s what people forget to tell you and that’s exactly what discourages alot of people from praying at all and they give up, which is exactly what the enemy wants.

1 Thess 5:16-18
Pray without ceasing, fir thus is the will of Christ Jesus for you.

"“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you."
-‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7:7‬‬

Exactly! That was one of the reasons I was hesitant. I knew the attacks would come. I had reached a place of complacency and I didn't want to rock the boat. I have been reading The Circle Maker. It is not an easy read and I am finding it difficult to finish the book, but there is tons of inspiration. In the book the author talks about the book of Daniel. Daniel prayer and his answer didn't come for 21 days. When he finally received his answer the angel told him he had been trying to get to him to give him his answer, but one of the devil's angels resisted him. In the book, the author asks the question what would have happened if Daniel had stopped praying after 19 days or 20 days? His breakthrough was just around corner. We never know when our breakthrough is coming. It could be in six months or six minutes, so keep praying.

Today there was another spiritual attack. The frustrating thing is that I knew it was a spiritual attack, but I still couldn't hold my peace. I was smart enough to go into my prayer room and tell the Lord I knew it was a spiritual attack, but still felt frustrated.
Exactly! That was one of the reasons I was hesitant. I knew the attacks would come. I had reached a place of complacency and I didn't want to rock the boat. I have been reading The Circle Maker. It is not an easy read and I am finding it difficult to finish the book, but there is tons of inspiration. In the book the author talks about the book of Daniel. Daniel prayer and his answer didn't come for 21 days. When he finally received his answer the angel told him he had been trying to get to him to give him his answer, but one of the devil's angels resisted him. In the book, the author asks the question what would have happened if Daniel had stopped praying after 19 days or 20 days? His breakthrough was just around corner. We never know when our breakthrough is coming. It could be in six months or six minutes, so keep praying.

Today there was another spiritual attack. The frustrating thing is that I knew it was a spiritual attack, but I still couldn't hold my peace. I was smart enough to go into my prayer room and tell the Lord I knew it was a spiritual attack, but still felt frustrated.

Don’t let frustration go unchecked it’s another way to discourage you from your goals. They know if you keep praying God will open doors, break down barriers, move mountains spiritually then physically in this material world. I know some people with good intentions but just can’t get disciplined about they’re prayer and study, min I take15 minutes out to pray daily even if im really busy.
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Until recently, I wasn't aware of the Christian Random Thoughts thread. Now that I am, I will drop in from time to time to post whatever the Lord lays on my heart.

This morning, it's Gratitude. Just say "Thank You" to the Lord: Not for anything in particular, but for everything. Even the things one might count as bad, God uses for the good of those who love Him. Also learn to be content. Godliness with contentment is great gain. I Timothy 6:6 Every now and then, be the leper who went back and thanked Jesus before he partook of his blessings. Luke 17:12-18
Humility -- that is my thought for the day. Someone recently sent to me a video of a street preacher battling with people of different belief systems from his own. As I watched the video, I cringed in my spirit. While he may have made good points, he lost THE POINT. Winning a soul to Christ isn't about winning an argument or proving a point, it's about pointing a nonbeliever to Jesus Christ and allowing the Holy Spirit to do what only He can do and that is to convict the nonbeliever of his sin and cause him to repent and be saved. We have been given power from The Most High God to do His work, but it must be done with humility or it won't look differently from any other religious zealots who attempt to force their views on others. "... God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble." James 4:6b.
Humility -- that is my thought for the day. Someone recently sent to me a video of a street preacher battling with people of different belief systems from his own. As I watched the video, I cringed in my spirit. While he may have made good points, he lost THE POINT. Winning a soul to Christ isn't about winning an argument or proving a point, it's about pointing a nonbeliever to Jesus Christ and allowing the Holy Spirit to do what only He can do and that is to convict the nonbeliever of his sin and cause him to repent and be saved. We have been given power from The Most High God to do His work, but it must be done with humility or it won't look differently from any other religious zealots who attempt to force their views on others. "... God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble." James 4:6b.
I had planned to post something else, but I was drawn back to reread your post and the words, "Define humility," popped up. I will break it down via the Paleo-Hebrew hieroglyphs later to see how the ancients saw the term. (I confess Father Yah has been wanting me to do this with many words, but I have this stupid "slow to obey" problem and have the nerve to complain about my children doing it. Give praise to the Father, for He is slow to anger, unlike myself sometimes.)

Humility means to care about what Yah thinks of you and how you treat others; to be retiring, reserved, modest, or, in modern-day vernacular, even-keeled. Yahshua never brow-beat anyone. Any vitriol He had He saved for the religious leaders to let the others listening understand they had been misled about what Our Father wanted from them. Humility then is a constant state of submitting to His work through us, just as Yahshua did, without fuss. This is why it is imperative to hear from Him ourselves.
We've found a home church. It is place that is a bit outside of our comfort zone, but definitely where God wants us to be.
God has yet again showed us that we can do all things through Him who strengthens us. A family need was resolved in a way that could only be divine intervention. And DH and I are ready to honor Him through the gift with which He has just entrusted us.