2017 Faith Challenge


Simply Komplex
So why do you have such little faith?

I stopped having faith. I question everything and let worry succumb my life.

I worry that my child has the same disorder as I. He only has one symptom but I worry he won't have a normal life and get to be a boy if so.

I worry about the longevity of my marriage. I am trying to hold on but I feel like I made a mistake and my realization of said mistake will lead to the end of us very soon.

With that said I worry about my child having a two parent household. I had one and I would like one for him.

I worry about never being able to get out of the classroom. I put forth the effort and actions towards finding something new but because all of my work experience is being a teacher I feel I'm stuck in a box and no one else will hire me.

My Steps:
Speak faith based affirmations out loud.
Read a faith based scripture each morning before my feet touch the floor.
Talk more with my tribe within my church.
Day 1
1 John 5:5
Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.

Dear Lord I come to you as I begin my day. Dear Lord you are my alpha and omega. I know all things can be done through you who strengthens me. Lord please open my heart to receive your Word. Please give me the faith to know better days will come. I wish for my house to feel like a home. Teach and guide me towards the way to build up my house brick by brick rather than tear it apart. Give me the wisdom to know these things and know when to speak and stay silent. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.
Hi, @PrissiSippi.

Thanks so much for this thread.

Wow, I can really, really, REALLY relate to your situation.

I saw this thread when you first created it, but at the time I did not have the time to respond. In searching again for this thread, I came across THIS thread: https://longhaircareforum.com/threads/struggling-with-faith.428950/#post-9675798. It's short -- just a hand full of posts -- but it helped me by giving me a little perspective. If you're so inclined, it's worth a read. :smile:

So, my struggle is that I am worried that God is fine with some of the things in my life that I don't want Him to be fine with . . . and that I need Him to partner with me to change. Just because I can handle some of the unplanned for roles and circumstances that have cropped up doesn't mean it feels right or healthy or joyful to me.

And . . . I don't want to hear that I should find and just focus on the joy in what I've been dealt. There were two major dreams that were VERY important to me -- that ARE very important to me -- and now they are threatened by circumstances that have nothing to do with me.

I need God to show me that he is not relegating me to these circumstances. I need God to show me that my life and dreams don't have to be subordinated to these circumstances.

I keep praying for the adults who are SUPPOSED to be doing their part to step up, but it's been years, and they won't. I need God to show me the way to peace and happiness and success. In the meanwhile, I feel like I'm in a holding pattern, ensuring that OTHERS get to live their dreams while mine go unmet.

It's DEEPLY affecting my energy, focus, and faith. I'm still a christian and still trying, but the quality of my faith is very different than it was before all of this stuff.
Hi, @PrissiSippi.

Thanks so much for this thread.

Wow, I can really, really, REALLY relate to your situation.

I saw this thread when you first created it, but at the time I did not have the time to respond. In searching again for this thread, I came across THIS thread: https://longhaircareforum.com/threads/struggling-with-faith.428950/#post-9675798. It's short -- just a hand full of posts -- but it helped me by giving me a little perspective. If you're so inclined, it's worth a read. :smile:

So, my struggle is that I am worried that God is fine with some of the things in my life that I don't want Him to be fine with . . . and that I need Him to partner with me to change. Just because I can handle some of the unplanned for roles and circumstances that have cropped up doesn't mean it feels right or healthy or joyful to me.

And . . . I don't want to hear that I should find and just focus on the joy in what I've been dealt. There were two major dreams that were VERY important to me -- that ARE very important to me -- and now they are threatened by circumstances that have nothing to do with me.

I need God to show me that he is not relegating me to these circumstances. I need God to show me that my life and dreams don't have to be subordinated to these circumstances.

I keep praying for the adults who are SUPPOSED to be doing their part to step up, but it's been years, and they won't. I need God to show me the way to peace and happiness and success. In the meanwhile, I feel like I'm in a holding pattern, ensuring that OTHERS get to live their dreams while mine go unmet.

It's DEEPLY affecting my energy, focus, and faith. I'm still a christian and still trying, but the quality of my faith is very different than it was before all of this stuff.

Hello @YvetteWithJoy, sorry to hear that you're struggling (assuming you still are). The sections above in bold are what jumped out at me. Obviously, I don't know what your circumstances are, but the way those sentences are written make it sound like God is you employee - you want Him to partner with you...? To bring your dreams to pass...? Are the dreams that you have from Him? I ask because we humans have a tendency to see things we like (or things the world tells us what we should want) and then decide that they are ours and God should, nay MUST, give them to us. So, are your dreams from God? Please prayerfully seek His will on the matter - Jesus said "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven".

Secondly, even if your dreams are from God, He may be taking you/letting you go through a refining process. I know it's painful, but look at Joseph. His dream was from God, but after a long, painful refining process (involving betrayal, slavery and imprisonment), He was able to say God sent him ahead to save lives (Genesis 45:5). Life might not be easy, but it doesn't have to be harder than it is. Cast your cares on Him, take His yoke on yourself, rest in His promises, seek the good of others. No matter what, God's will will prevail, it's just nice if we partner with Him - through prayer and action - to bring it to pass on earth. May God bless you and give you the grace and strength to persevere in Him.
So why do you have such little faith?

I stopped having faith. I question everything and let worry succumb my life.

I worry that my child has the same disorder as I. He only has one symptom but I worry he won't have a normal life and get to be a boy if so.

I worry about the longevity of my marriage. I am trying to hold on but I feel like I made a mistake and my realization of said mistake will lead to the end of us very soon.

With that said I worry about my child having a two parent household. I had one and I would like one for him.

I worry about never being able to get out of the classroom. I put forth the effort and actions towards finding something new but because all of my work experience is being a teacher I feel I'm stuck in a box and no one else will hire me.

My Steps:
Speak faith based affirmations out loud.
Read a faith based scripture each morning before my feet touch the floor.
Talk more with my tribe within my church.

Hello @PrissiSippi, Jehovah is almighty, and nothing is impossible for Him. Don't be afraid, just believe in Jesus. Lay your heart bare before the Lord and let Him strengthen and direct you. Here's a hymn to encourage you. God bless.
Hello @YvetteWithJoy, sorry to hear that you're struggling (assuming you still are). The sections above in bold are what jumped out at me. Obviously, I don't know what your circumstances are, but the way those sentences are written make it sound like God is you employee - you want Him to partner with you...? To bring your dreams to pass...? Are the dreams that you have from Him? I ask because we humans have a tendency to see things we like (or things the world tells us what we should want) and then decide that they are ours and God should, nay MUST, give them to us. So, are your dreams from God? Please prayerfully seek His will on the matter - Jesus said "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven".

Secondly, even if your dreams are from God, He may be taking you/letting you go through a refining process. I know it's painful, but look at Joseph. His dream was from God, but after a long, painful refining process (involving betrayal, slavery and imprisonment), He was able to say God sent him ahead to save lives (Genesis 45:5). Life might not be easy, but it doesn't have to be harder than it is. Cast your cares on Him, take His yoke on yourself, rest in His promises, seek the good of others. No matter what, God's will will prevail, it's just nice if we partner with Him - through prayer and action - to bring it to pass on earth. May God bless you and give you the grace and strength to persevere in Him.

Thanks so much, @blessedandfavoured.

Yes, I'm sorry: I shouldn't have used the language and tone I was using in the post above. I was doing it on purpose, to highlight that my attitude has taken a turn because I've been struggling so long.

I wrote: "So, my struggle is that I am worried that God is fine with some of the things in my life that I don't want Him to be fine . . ." and I was assuming it would let the reader know, "Oh. This reader understands that she's ERRONEOUSLY in a place of trying to get God to see things her way! :lol:"

I recognize that I'm supposed to say Your will, not mine. This is what is causing the faith problem: I just keep saying that year after year, decade after decade, and now I just feel like an instrument that gets things done for others' lives. It all feels very out of balance, and it causing me to feel very little stake in life. It's never about me, and no matter how giving and sacrificing I want to continue to be, it's starting to wear on me now, it doesn't feel healthy, and it doesn't even feel sustainable.

I'm worried.
Thanks so much, @blessedandfavoured.

Yes, I'm sorry: I shouldn't have used the language and tone I was using in the post above. I was doing it on purpose, to highlight that my attitude has taken a turn because I've been struggling so long.

I wrote: "So, my struggle is that I am worried that God is fine with some of the things in my life that I don't want Him to be fine . . ." and I was assuming it would let the reader know, "Oh. This reader understands that she's ERRONEOUSLY in a place of trying to get God to see things her way! :lol:"

I recognize that I'm supposed to say Your will, not mine. This is what is causing the faith problem: I just keep saying that year after year, decade after decade, and now I just feel like an instrument that gets things done for others' lives. It all feels very out of balance, and it causing me to feel very little stake in life. It's never about me, and no matter how giving and sacrificing I want to continue to be, it's starting to wear on me now, it doesn't feel healthy, and it doesn't even feel sustainable.

I'm worried.
Hey @YvetteWithJoy, reading between the lines isn't one of my strong suits, lol. I understand what you're saying. All I can say is pour out your heart to God and let Him comfort and direct you. I know it sounds cliched and like a meaningless platitude, but I know of nothing else that works. Just go to Him and be 100% stark-naked honest. And then receive from Him. A lot of the biblical Christian life is waiting and hoping and trusting, with a bit of suffering and persecution sprinkled in. It wasn't glamorous or attractive, but God always came through for His people, and by His grace, He will come through for you as well. Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. God bless.
So why do you have such little faith?

I stopped having faith. I question everything and let worry succumb my life.

I worry that my child has the same disorder as I. He only has one symptom but I worry he won't have a normal life and get to be a boy if so.

I worry about the longevity of my marriage. I am trying to hold on but I feel like I made a mistake and my realization of said mistake will lead to the end of us very soon.

With that said I worry about my child having a two parent household. I had one and I would like one for him.

I worry about never being able to get out of the classroom. I put forth the effort and actions towards finding something new but because all of my work experience is being a teacher I feel I'm stuck in a box and no one else will hire me.

My Steps:
Speak faith based affirmations out loud.
Read a faith based scripture each morning before my feet touch the floor.
Talk more with my tribe within my church.

After reading your post I googled bilbical affirmations and found a few pdfs that I downloaded on my ipad to read. I have such a hard time trusting others but I am working on it. I know that the Father uses oters to be a light in my light and i would to work hard to faith walk in this season.
Day 1
1 John 5:5
Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.

Dear Lord I come to you as I begin my day. Dear Lord you are my alpha and omega. I know all things can be done through you who strengthens me. Lord please open my heart to receive your Word. Please give me the faith to know better days will come. I wish for my house to feel like a home. Teach and guide me towards the way to build up my house brick by brick rather than tear it apart. Give me the wisdom to know these things and know when to speak and stay silent. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.

I hope you receive this in the way it is meant but please seek couple's counseling. A healthy marriage is fostered from both partners. And if the anxiety gets out of control, seek help for that. G-d made counselors for all types of our problems.
Why do I have little faith? I'm not really sure. This thread is a good coincidence because I have been thinking about this question for a while now.
I seem to rely less on God when things aren't going well in life and I'm not sure why. You would expect me to turn even more to him but nope. I don't think I subconsciously believe he can really comfort and make everything right again for me. Otherwise why would I not seek him when I need him more? I really don't know.
I was going through a very very challenging time financially & with a biz associate. I was constantly worrying & stressed out. I couldn't see the light.

I started to have more faith. I increased my time @ church.. Prayed.. Meditated... Learned to be more present in my life. I literally let go of what I couldn't control... I let it go. Believed in HIM & Took action to make change.

I feel so much lighter... Relieved & I do see the light.

He is there for us. We need to believe & trust him. Most importantly have Faith.