2014 Deep Condition Challenge

Ladies. ..anyone who wants to run with a 2015 deep conditioning challenge, please feel free to do so. I am unable to give this the time it deserves.
Dc'ing with now with Marie Deans Purely Basic Mango Pineapple DC & Hemp and Aloe Conditioner PROLESS, Porosity Control, Peppermint Oil, Rosemary Oil, Olive Oil and Eucalyptus Oil.

I received the Purely Basic Mango Pineapple Dc as a sample with a recent purchase and I love the feel and consistency of this Dc. I haven to rinsed it out yet so I can come back and give a review of it later. Her sample sizes are all that.
Doing another overnight DC with Silk Dreams Razzberry Coconut Affair with my hair in jumbo twists. There is no slip, so i had a hard time detangling my hair. It did make my hands soft, so we shall see what it does to my hair.

ETA: This still isn't the one for me. My hair was moisturized but not like when I use vanilla silk or one of my other fav DCs. I also quickly learned that I can't detangle with this.
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DCing again Silk Elements MegaSilk and Design Essentials Botanical Oils on top undee the dryer for 20 minutes. Havent decided yet if Im gonna sleep in it or rinse it out tonight
DC'ed this evening with Trader Joe's Tea Tree Tingle Conditioner for a few hrs under a plastic cap. I know it's not practical (not technically a deep conditioner) but it's what works for me.
DCing under a hooded dryer with CJ Curl Rehab and olive oil. Feels great already. I've been traveling so I haven't deep conditioned in three weeks.
Deep conditioned with Bellezza Naturelle Restorative Hair Mask with body heat. I need to get either a heat therapy wrap or a soft bonnet dryer. I love DCing with heat.
In 2015 I think I will go back to making my own deep conditioners. I haven't found one yet that yields the same results as me going into the kitchen and breaking out the blender.
I didn't deep condition for over 2 months since I was traveling for work. Yesterday I just grabbed plain mayonnaise from the fridge (since I ran out of my regular DC treatments) and used it as a pre-poo treatment. I left the mayo in for 45 minutes under a plastic cap (no heat) then shampooed, used a rinse out conditioner & my usual leave-ins.

Great results! More body & shine plus significant reduction in frizz & flyaways after just 1 treatment that only cost pennies (compared to my usual cost for DC treatments.) I tried mayo before but didn't notice much difference. I guess this time the results were more obvious since I hadn't deep conditioned in so long, I had a chance to see what mayo can really do for my hair. From now on I'm adding mayo to my hair regimen and saving money :yep:.
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