I think I signed up and forgot to post here.
What is everyone using as a moisturizing (cone-free, protein-free) DC while on the MT/OCT challenge?
I don't use a protein-free DC for moisture. I use Joico Intense Hydrator but the protein is listed fairly low in the process so it seems to work for me without issues.
Can you share some of the knowledge you gained? I'd like to know how to balance out the protein and moisture. What are you using for moisture? What regimen will you be following this time around?
I balance out my protein and moisture in this way:
1) Pre-poo with Chicoro's moisture drench method (aloe vera juice/gel, JBCO (or oil of choice) and coconut oil - let that sit on my hair for at least 30 minutes.
2) Poo, followed by 2-3 minutes with Roux Porosity Control
3) 10 minutes with Megatek (protein) on the length of my hair under a heated dryer. Rinse
4) 30 minutes (or more) Joico Intense Hydrator. Rinse then style.
If you feel more comfortable using a pre-packaged protein/moisure program, consider the Joico 17-minute miracle which follows the same type of set up (Poo, Cuticle Sealer (which works like Roux Porosity Control), followed by a protein conditioner then moisture conditioner).
im soo confused..
are yu suppose to treat it like a conditioner or as a leave in?
How you use Megatek depends on your goals. Most seem to use it on their scalp as a growth aid (I do) while others use it on length of hair for thickness and length (I do this too).
Personally, I do both - I have a MT mix (Aloe Vera, MT, EOs and oil) which I apply with my homemade MTG (sulfur oil). I apply a drop or two of sulfur oil, then a few drops of MT mix then massage into my scalp. That works well for me. Outside of the itches and a brief period of shedding early on, it seems to work well without issues.
How I apply MT (uncut) to the length of my hair is listed above.