2011 OCT/MegaTek Challenge

For those of you mixing your Mega Tek and/or OCT with JBCO, do you find the scent of the product cancels out the scent of the castor oil? I'm trying to figure out if I should purchase the regular version or the lavender JBCO.
For those of you mixing your Mega Tek and/or OCT with JBCO, do you find the scent of the product cancels out the scent of the castor oil? I'm trying to figure out if I should purchase the regular version or the lavender JBCO.

IMHO, the scent of MT overrides the scent of the JBCO. Personally I would not spend extra for the lavender JBCO if I was only using it in a mix.
I got my MegaTek today, super excited! :grin: I went to the local tack shop. The first thing the lady asked me was "So is this for you or the horse?" :lachen: I told her it was for me and she laughed. She than told me that she and her sister use it on their hair and told me that it made her really strong. She said that she was going to start using it again. She seemed really excited that someone else was trying it on their hair as well.

I'm still trying to figure out what I want to mix it with. I was thinking EVOO, EVCO, and Castor Oil. I also have some peppermint oil, tea tree oil and yang yang oil. I think I’ll do some poking around the old tread to get some ideas on what my regi will be.

Oh yeah I picked up some garlic pills…Now I need to work on MOSTIURE MOSITURE MOISTURE. The other day I whipped up a concoction for my deep conditioner. I mixed my AOHSR with some honey, water and ORS :lick:. My hair felt so good!!! The only thing I’m worried about is ORS have protein in it and I don’t want an overload. So now I’m looking for something that I could use during this challenge. I’m already using YTC and HH but I want something else…I’m nervous about having the right protein/moisture balance. :ohwell:
^ yes that balance needs to be there as I discovered. Funny story about the horse statement though. She probably thought she was the only one using it.:lachen:

I think I may have to remix my concoction as one of the ingrediants may be giving me a slight reaction to it. hmm I will keep u all posted :yep:

@Poopiedo I read you mix yours with MN as well, I used that and just started using a tad bit of sulfur, do you think that mix is safe? I'm beginning to wonder if I should cut the sulfur out because my hair was fine w/out. Just wanted to see w/ the rave was all about :ohwell:
I keep looking at this megatek and I swear it wants to start tonight.... :nono: I'm trying to wait for the start date but, I have a feeling my curiosity will get the best of me. :yep:
I would be the last one :lachen:
:lachen:yea girl, we were swapping mixtures and everything, I guess everyone thought we start ASAP. I have to make a new mixture though. I think one of the ingredients is giving me some type of health problem. I have this bilateral twitching of my eyes constantly. Have a doctors appt on Friday to see what is going on. Maybe it's not even the mix
:lachen:yea girl, we were swapping mixtures and everything, I guess everyone thought we start ASAP. I have to make a new mixture though. I think one of the ingredients is giving me some type of health problem. I have this bilateral twitching of my eyes constantly. Have a doctors appt on Friday to see what is going on. Maybe it's not even the mix

Yeah make sure you go check that out! I really hope it's not from the mixture :nono: Keep us posted.

I just mixed up some megatek, evoo, castor oil, and five drops of peppermint oil...I have some catching up to do! :lachen:
@Poopiedo I read you mix yours with MN as well, I used that and just started using a tad bit of sulfur, do you think that mix is safe? I'm beginning to wonder if I should cut the sulfur out because my hair was fine w/out. Just wanted to see w/ the rave was all about :ohwell:

I don't think it would be a problem. Actually I thought about adding it into my mix then I thought I already got a lot going on in my mix now so I decided against it.
i'm in! i have a brand new bottle of MT under the sink just waiting for me to use it consistently. i'll post pics by Jan 31st...gotta find the charger for my camera battery. i'm not sure what i'm going to mix it with but i'm thinking just some VCO so it's not full strength. i plan on applying it 3x's/wk to my cornrows. i'm on a personal 6month wig challenge so it'll only get washed 1x/wk..........you ladies think that will be enough?

i'm also taking garlic pills daily to combat shedding. the ones i have are 400mg of garlic/pill which is equivalent to 2000 mg of fresh garlic bulb. how many should i take? i was thinking 2-4/day cuz my hair sheds like a beast anyways
^^^^I was wondering about the garlic pills as well, mine are 1000mg. I shed like crazy!!! :nono: The ones I'm taking are the odorless ones made by Spring Valley.
Contemplating....... If I do I am mixing with: My hair growth Oil

1 Cup vatika
Handful nettle
Pinch horsetail
1 Sprig Thyme

4 drops Rosemary
4 drops Lavender
4 drops Peppermint

The oil will be ready on Jan 31. It has to sit for 2 weeks.
Yup you already know I'm in! I learned a few things from the last round, it caused shedding and also caused my hair to grow waaaaay to long in certain areas while the rest were still stuck at SL. Now I mix mine with oils and incorporate a co-wash two times a week if I have the time. I balance out the protein and the moisture so I will not have the same effects as last time. Seems to be working so far. I will be using this mix daily

Can you share some of the knowledge you gained? I'd like to know how to balance out the protein and moisture. What are you using for moisture? What regimen will you be following this time around?
I ordered my megatek this week. I'm hoping it gets here by next then i'll add it to my mn, jbco, evoo mix. I plan to apply it 3 times a week. Once I reweave my hair in February, I will apply it 2 times a week on the days before my co-wash. I don't want to take any chances in braids since I'm new to it. I plan to purchase some garlic pills also to prevent shedding.
What is everyone using as a moisturizing (cone-free, protein-free) DC while on the MT/OCT challenge?

I been using just water. I know it sounds crazy but my hair has been good so far. What I do is cowash it every other day. So Monday I may use the MegaTek, next day wash it out and twist and go. I been doing this for about 2 weeks now and so far so good! Hope this helps

You might want to try HE HH I love it! :lick:
I use it as a co wash, leave in and daily moisture because it has no cones. Never tried it for DC. Do a search on it because many people use it for different things. I am type 4a/b, transitioning from texlax. And wigging currently.
I use it as a co wash, leave in and daily moisture because it has no cones. Never tried it for DC. Do a search on it because many people use it for different things. I am type 4a/b, transitioning from texlax. And wigging currently.

I've read people using it as a daily moisturizer but iremember reading a interview by the makers that it should be used as a conditioner.. -_-

if it's safe to use without washing it out after 5 mins im for it(:

whichever gives me the most benifit really :look:
Im still in and still using....Can't wait to take this sew-in down at the beginning of March.
I've read people using it as a daily moisturizer but iremember reading a interview by the makers that it should be used as a conditioner.. -_-

if it's safe to use without washing it out after 5 mins im for it(:

whichever gives me the most benifit really :look:

I have never used it on my hair... I only apply it to my scalp. I rise it out with my next co wash.
I think I signed up and forgot to post here. :lol:

What is everyone using as a moisturizing (cone-free, protein-free) DC while on the MT/OCT challenge?

I don't use a protein-free DC for moisture. I use Joico Intense Hydrator but the protein is listed fairly low in the process so it seems to work for me without issues.

Can you share some of the knowledge you gained? I'd like to know how to balance out the protein and moisture. What are you using for moisture? What regimen will you be following this time around?

I balance out my protein and moisture in this way:

1) Pre-poo with Chicoro's moisture drench method (aloe vera juice/gel, JBCO (or oil of choice) and coconut oil - let that sit on my hair for at least 30 minutes.

2) Poo, followed by 2-3 minutes with Roux Porosity Control

3) 10 minutes with Megatek (protein) on the length of my hair under a heated dryer. Rinse

4) 30 minutes (or more) Joico Intense Hydrator. Rinse then style.

If you feel more comfortable using a pre-packaged protein/moisure program, consider the Joico 17-minute miracle which follows the same type of set up (Poo, Cuticle Sealer (which works like Roux Porosity Control), followed by a protein conditioner then moisture conditioner).

im soo confused..

are yu suppose to treat it like a conditioner or as a leave in?

How you use Megatek depends on your goals. Most seem to use it on their scalp as a growth aid (I do) while others use it on length of hair for thickness and length (I do this too).

Personally, I do both - I have a MT mix (Aloe Vera, MT, EOs and oil) which I apply with my homemade MTG (sulfur oil). I apply a drop or two of sulfur oil, then a few drops of MT mix then massage into my scalp. That works well for me. Outside of the itches and a brief period of shedding early on, it seems to work well without issues.

How I apply MT (uncut) to the length of my hair is listed above.
I ordered my megatek this week. I'm hoping it gets here by next then i'll add it to my mn, jbco, evoo mix. I plan to apply it 3 times a week. Once I reweave my hair in February, I will apply it 2 times a week on the days before my co-wash. I don't want to take any chances in braids since I'm new to it. I plan to purchase some garlic pills also to prevent shedding.

I received my my last week. I got my install In yesterday so I'll apply to my scalp the week prior to co/washing.
I'm in. Got my MT last week:yay:. I just posted my starting pic in the other thread. I will use MT in rotation with sulfur mixtures and ceramides. I will apply MT on the days before CW days to scalp only using a color applicator bottle.
HHG ladies!!