Well-Known Member
I am afraid to try a lacefront. I have thinning edges. I have been getting mixed reactions to my wigs which I prefer to be no longer than chin, maybe dusting shoulder length. At work, the White people love the wigs. Half the Black women give compliments, the others don't understand why I would wear a wig when I have hair. A couple of those in the latter group snicker when I walk by. I don't even give a flip because when I see the condition of their chewed off badly damaged hair, I want to give them the link to some healthy hair forums and would love to tell them they need to be wearing a wig themselves! Instead, I hold my head high and dream of the day when I reveal what is under my wig! I have only been at this job since November and the longest they have seen my hair was at just past shoulder length in a braid out. So, until that time..............