2010 OCT/MegaTek Challenge Reveal


New Member

I am soooooo sorry for getting this thread started so late!:nono: I've been revealing in a couple of other threads, and somehow, this one slipped past my radar. My apologies!

Please post your starting pix along with your progress here, and let us know how you did with your reggie and if you will continue to use OCT/MegaTek.

Okay, here goes...

Starting pics:


I had a starting pic of the thin area at the front of my hairline, but alas, it was lost when they did all of the upgrades and changes to the website.:sad: I will see if I can track one down when I get home this evening.

Here are my results:


Here is a pic of my hairline:

I must admit that I seriously slacked big time during the last two months of the challenge. With my being natural, I found that it was a little harder for me to use the MT in the winter months because I can't wash my hair as often as I do in the warmer months. That and I was just plain lazy.

For me, the OCT was a waste of my money. I didn't see any significant growth changes that I could recognize. After a month of the OCT I switched over to the MT and did pretty well up until November and December.

All in all, I don't think I gave the MT enough time to work because of my inconsistencies. I still have a good bit left over and I intend to use it during the 2011 HYH Challenge. I will continue to gauge whether or not it's working.

Regarding the OCT...perhaps a month wasn't long enough. Maybe I needed to use it for two months. But it was so dang expensive that I didn't want to invest any more money into it (especially when the MT was basically the same product but less expensive).

On a good note, I do believe the thin area in the front has shown some improvement. I was also able to reach my goal of MBL. Not sure if that's because of the MT or if it was because I was doing the 2010 HYH Challenge simultaneously with this one.

Who knows...

Maybe the 2011 MT challenge will yield better results.:yep:
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Great Progress! You can really see that your ends thickened up and you gained length! I've been following the challenge from the sidelines. How long did you use MT?
Thanks Alyssandra!

Let's see...from July 31st until August 31st I used the OCT. Then in September I switched over to the MT. I used the MT from September thru October. At the end of October I fell off the wagon. From November to December I would look at my bottle every couple of days and say, "okay, I'm going to start back using it tomorrow..." When tomorrow came around I would say, the same thing.

Before I knew it, I was at the end of the challenge. I'm such a slacker.:look:

Hopefully the other challengers will check in soon. I'd love to know how they progressed. Throughout the challenge quite a few of them said their hair was thickening up nicely...
Thanks! I've just started using MT in December. Did you cowash it out? Use it straight or mix it with something else?

Sorry for all the questions, i'm just looking for some 2011 MT inspiration and i'm loving your results :yep:
Thanks! I've just started using MT in December. Did you cowash it out? Use it straight or mix it with something else?

Sorry for all the questions, i'm just looking for some 2011 MT inspiration and i'm loving your results :yep:

Feel free to ask as many questions as you'd like.:grin: I started out using the MT straight. Then I started mixing it with aloe vera (liquid, not gel) and coconut oil. That little concoction worked out great for me, and it smelled heavenly.

I would apply the MT at night, and co-wash in the morning and then I would follow-up with CFC Gold (Carefree Curl Gold Activator) and wear my hair in a bun or a wash n' go. My hair was always very soft and very well moisturized when I did that. Sometimes, out of pure laziness I would leave the MT on for up to a week without any problems.

I have to say, throughout the challenge I never once suffered any adverse side effects (such as shedding and headaches) like some of the other challengers. What migraines I did have were stress related.:look:

Let me know if you have any other questions. Hopefully, the other challengers will chime in at some point.:perplexed
Ok sorry I'm late ladies but I've been away from a computer for a while on break. Anyway, I have good and bad news. Yes MT did work for me and worked well BUT I didn't know how to balance out the moisture and protein. Soooo therefore it grew but grew in with lots of lead hairs that were beyond an inch or more than the rest of my hair. Ontop of that, it was very thin towards the middle. Now that I know what I'm doing, I will continue using it for this year especially since I'm in the HYH challenge as well.

Ok enough talking for me....
The first pic is the starting pic...
the second and third is of it growing but growing in waaay to fast in some parts. It was thinning so in the fourth pic, I decided to trim two times, one in October and then again at the end of november.
The last pic is my progress as of dec. 26th 2010.

Overall I think I done well. HHG


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Altho I have posted them around in other threads, here are my results:

Pic 1 - is my length check. While I gained a little length, I gained a LOT in thickness and overall health.

Pic 2 - My part as its growing back

Pic 3 - A close up of crown. Still thin but growing in.

Pic 3 - Back in Aug when I started this challenge. The scalp and bald spot.

So yes, I will be continuing in 2011. Not a question there at all.


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Hello every1..... i know my reveal is long over due but i couldnt upload pics , my laptop is a hot mess :blush:. So i can only upload a few pics right now, the mega tek has made my hair thicker :lick:, very thick and my hair has grown a little... i dont know what to claim too be honest.

I will continue using MT because i'm seeing the results and i'm liking them :yep:........

ok so the pics...... are here :look:


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