2010-12-11 - New Search !!


Crazy Greek
Staff member

I am really excited to announce that we have installed a brand new search in our forums.

The search engine is independent of the forum mechanism and has been built with performance in mind. Therefore if you search it will not slow the forum down.

The new search refreshes its index (contents) every 10 minutes so some topics might not appear instantly. At any point you can see at the top of the search page how 'fresh' the index is.

You can now highlight a term on any thread and a magnifying glass will appear right next to the highlighted terms. Clicking that magnifying glass will produce search results. You can always switch off this contextual search in your profile User CP -> Options -> Thread options -> Contextual Search.

For some hints and tips as well as how to make the most of our search, please visit this page in the FAQ section:

Long Hair Care Forum - FAQ: Axivo Searchlight FAQ

I am really excited to announce that we have installed a brand new search in our forums.

The search engine is independent of the forum mechanism and has been built with performance in mind. Therefore if you search it will not slow the forum down.

The new search refreshes its index (contents) every 10 minutes so some topics might not appear instantly. At any point you can see at the top of the search page how 'fresh' the index is.

You can now highlight a term on any thread and a magnifying glass will appear right next to the highlighted terms. Clicking that magnifying glass will produce search results. You can always switch off this contextual search in your profile User CP -> Options -> Thread options -> Contextual Search.

For some hints and tips as well as how to make the most of our search, please visit this page in the FAQ section:

Long Hair Care Forum - FAQ: Axivo Searchlight FAQ

Would this be why I'm not able to retrieve posts that I've been quoted in, lately when I try, I only get posts that stop at November, none later, and I've read posts that I've been quoted in that are closer up to date, as in within the last couple Days. But I have to go to the threads that I know I've posted in and search to see if I've been quoted, manually, thread by thread!
Nikos, Can you look into this for me Please?

Just for reference, This is how I search for quotes, I go into "Search", click "Posts" input my Screename, and whatever posts that my name appears in usually comes up, but lately it stops at Noevember!

Thank You in Advance!
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