2005 January


Crazy Greek
Staff member
What is your hair care regimen?

I try to keep my hair care regimen as simple as possible. The less I manipulate it, the better. I shampoo and deep condition my hair every Sunday. When I deep condition, I sit under a hooded dryer for at least 10 minutes, using a warm setting. Throughout the week I may do a conditioner wash and I make sure not to rinse all of the conditioner out.. During the warmer months I'll do a conditioner wash 3-5 days a week. In the colder weather, I do conditioner washes once a week on Wednesdays or as needed. My hairstyles are pretty simple. In the summer I may do a wash-and-go pony puff (loose- not tight) or braidouts and in the winter I always do braidouts.

I always use V05 to shampoo for my hair. I especially like the Nourishing Oasis Honey & Almond Shampoo. For dandruff, I use Head & Shoulders. Since I conditioner wash my hair a lot, I use various kinds of conditioners so that my hair doesn't get used to only one kind. My favorite conditioners are: Pantene Hydrating Curls, Suave Milk & Honey, and various V05 conditoners (my favorite is Blueberry). I use Super Conditioner 10 en 1 or Dr. Miracles Damaged Hair Medicated Treatment to deep conditoin my hair. For styling products my favorites are: IC Fantasia Styling Gel with Sparkle Lites, African Royale M.O.M, WonderGro hair grease (I *never* put it on my scalp), Spectrum Essentials Coconut Oil, and Jojoba Oil. I also love Avocado Butter, but I haven't used it in quite some time now. I use at least 1-2 products on my hair at a time, never all of them at once.

Do you take any supplements? If so, what are they?

Previously I was taking a multivitamin and biotin, but I haven't been consistent in taking them. I really don't like taking any kind of pills.

Currently, how long is your hair and what is your hair type?

My hair is 3C-4A and it's very thick. Its also texturized and I guess I'm trying to transition right now. I haven't had a touch-up for almost seven months. From texturizing my hair for a year, I've decide either to go completely natural again or get a complete relaxer sometime next year along with a haircut. I'll see. I don't know how many inches my hair is. I take a lot of pictures though and can say that my hair finally reaches my brastrap!

What are the things that you feel have helped you the most in achieving and maintaining your hair length?

I'm not into looking glamorous all the time and I believe wearing simple hairstyles and not using a lot of heat has helped me in achieving my length. Conditioning my hair has helped a lot as well. Putting Vaseline or hair grease on the ends of my hair helps to keep them moisterized.