2 Step and 2 minute Protein Treatment

My Friend

New Member
I used the 2 minute last night and was wondering if I could do a 2 step tonight? Would that cause protein overload? I still have a little breakage and wanted to see if this would finally put an end to it. If not tonight how soon would you suggest?

In previous post, I have mentioned I think the reason for my breakage is due to hard water and no pre pooing. Well, I have been pre pooing and the breakage has cut down ALOT :yep:

I am also in the Juice Challenge and my hair was kinda mushy but I had breakage prior to the challenge. So my moisture overload did not cause the breakage.

Have you used a chelating shampoo to combat the effects of your hard water? I don't think using the 2 step would be a good idea right now since you just used protein yesterday.
Have you used a chelating shampoo to combat the effects of your hard water? I don't think using the 2 step would be a good idea right now since you just used protein yesterday.

I thought by pre pooing I was combating the effects of my hard water, does it not? Do I need to incoporate both?
The prepoo is more for the harsh effects of your shampoo. A chelating shampoo is supposed to remove the calcium (and other mineral) deposits that has built up from the hard water you've been using in your shower.
being a juicer, i use protein alllllllllllllllllllllll the time, im talking about hard core protein, OFTEN. with all the moisture from the juice, it was the perfect balance. *sitting under hood with aphogee in hair right now acturally*
I would wait at least until a week from now. I think that the protein treatments will improve the strength of your hair, and more over time, but it won't completely eliminate all breakage overnight.

As an aside, I have never used the 2 step, but the 2 minute works wonder if you leave it in your hair for much longer than 2 min (I leave mine end for 30 minutes). You may not have left it in long enough. Maybe in a few days you can do the 2 minute again for a little longer?
I used the 2 minute last night and was wondering if I could do a 2 step tonight? Would that cause protein overload? I still have a little breakage and wanted to see if this would finally put an end to it. If not tonight how soon would you suggest?

In previous post, I have mentioned I think the reason for my breakage is due to hard water and no pre pooing. Well, I have been pre pooing and the breakage has cut down ALOT :yep:

I am also in the Juice Challenge and my hair was kinda mushy but I had breakage prior to the challenge. So my moisture overload did not cause the breakage.


@ the bolded: this would be a disaster for my hair BUT then again I am prone to protein- sensitivity. What works for one head may work for another. If your hair is seriously mushy, then the 2 step may help.
i'm not sure about the protein treatment. what i've learned from LHCF is that you can do the 2min weekly and 2step every 6 weeks or so. many believe the 2step is not required if you're using the 2min weekly. they feel the 2min keeps enough protein in the hair on a weekly basis that the hard core protein (2step) is not required.

i use to shed a lot, or what i thought was shedding when it truly was breaking now that i know how to tell the difference between shedding and breakage. the baggie method instantly helped me. it added moisture and the breakage calmed down a lot. when i went to the low manipulation methods -- finger combing hair and wearing buns, all breakage stopped. i only have breakage when i get in a rush and finger comb too aggressively. otherwise, it's all shedding.
I just started incorporated the Aphogee 2 min in my regimen about a month ago. I use it every time I shampoo, which is once a week. Every since I've started, my hair has felt different..hard to explain other than course and dull, almost as if I feel product on the hair. This coarse feeling remains even after I've rollerset and have dried. Is this a sign that I need to clarify? Or is it the protein causing this feeling?
^^^^ I think its the protein. That's the effect its supposed to have, which shows that its stronger. I have fine hair, so I welcome that "coarse" feeling because I know my hair can withstand things better. Coarse, btw, is something different from dry, dull, or whatever. Your hair can be coarse but still moist and healthy. But if its too coarse (measuring that is up to you) then you may want to cut back on the treatments and do them twice a month instead.
being a juicer, i use protein alllllllllllllllllllllll the time, im talking about hard core protein, OFTEN. with all the moisture from the juice, it was the perfect balance. *sitting under hood with aphogee in hair right now acturally*

I use either Joico kpak intense reconstrucor or Aphogee 2 min every week before I DC and I use Aphogee 2 step the week before a relaxer and sometimes the week after as well. My hair seems to LOVE protein!