2 Question/ 1 Thread: Where to Buy Hair Flowers & Oils for Sealing?


New Member
Ladies...I need help!

I know it's Fall, almost winter, but I was wondering if anyone's seen any hair flowers anywhere...on clearance, sale or regular price. I wanted to buy some. Anyone? :look: Ok, that's my 1st question.

Second question, I don't know what I want to seal with: EVOO, Castor Oil or Coconut Oil. Before I try all 3: Which do you prefer? What brand do you use and where do you get it? Can I use what's in the grocery baking aisle by the oils? Are the oils very weighing b/c I don't like weighed down hair? Besides sealing in moisture, what other effects have you noticed from using oils?

Ok, that's more than 2 questions... :spinning:

TIA for your help!!! :grin:
Claires, Icing, and Target usually have hair accessories year round including hair flowers so you may want to check there.

As far as oils, I love coconut oil because my hair absorbs it. But if you want something heavy then you'll want to choose evoo or castor oil (which is definitely thick). But make sure to use them lightly if you don't want weighed down hair. You can find evoo at the grocery store (try to make sure it's pure and not mixed with other oils). Castor oil would be in the pharmacy section since it's a laxative. I've only found good coconut oil at whole foods (which also has the other oils).

If you do a quick search on oils and sealing you'll come up with lots of threads that may help you out.