2 months post shaven. I dont know if my hair is healthy? Feels dry and brittle


New Member
I did the big chop about 2 months ago, coming up to three months in July. I shaved it all the way down.
Recently though my hair feels really really dry. Like if I touch it and rub it between my finger tips it feels and sounds like bristles rubbing against eachother. It doesn't hold in moisture for very long either.

I don't use sulphates or harsh chemicals in my hair and use a natural herbal hand made bar shampoo. I use EVOO and castor oil with Shea as my staples. I add peppermint and rosemary oil to it. Plus a Dr Miracles hot gro mixed with shea but I rarely use that.

I don't know if I'm only noticing this now tbh.

Any tips? My hair no longer feels soft. Maybe it's cos I don't use coconut oil anymore?

Girl, I know what your going through. I did a bc last year (Barber Shop Fade) it actually took 9 months to 1 year for my hair to retain moisture all day. I have several different textures and the 4a/b did not retain moisture throughout the day, but my 3c was okay. As time goes on it will change. Continue wash n go and let it do its thing, it will settled down.
Waterbased products have more moisture then oils. Add the oils after you've moisturized daily. Are you doing moisturizing DCs alternating with protein DCs? If not, you should.
Waterbased products have more moisture then oils. Add the oils after you've moisturized daily. Are you doing moisturizing DCs alternating with protein DCs? If not, you should.

I haven't started the whole DC thing because I thought my hair isn't long enough? I can just about pull it. It's something I will look into now though
did you use EVOO before? did it work. It can be drying for some people. Also, I noticed that when my hair was TWA it hated certain oils that it tolerates now.
You are definatley missing the crucial DC step. Find some aubrey organics blue chamomile... best hydration ever! A couple weeks and you'll be fixed right up!

Your hair also looks exactly like mine--fine and maybe porous if I may take a guess. So you might have to put the lighter oils aside for a minute. They dont seal in the moisture well. Something heavy like pure shea or the castor will hold the moisture in longer.

Don't forget a protein reconstructor! It will help your hair to accept the moisturizing DCs better! It's very important to light to medium protein. I do aphogee 2 min twice a month or more.

BTW, water is fine as a moisturizer. I use it. I think the problem maybe somewhere between the lack of DC, protein and needing a heavier sealer.
