2 months into my transition...


Well-Known Member
and my hair is a tangled dry mess. No matter what I do it's tangled it's ugly and my curls aren't defined. i tried put EVOO in my cond and putting my hair is sections and slathering the cond on in the shower and detangled but it's still tangly. Could it be overprocessed and damaged beyond repair. i am so ready for a BC. i just want some braids to help me with this transition but I can't afford them now. What kind of products can i use to help me with Detangling and keep my hair soft and moisturized. Next time I get paid I am going to pick up some S curl but what else can I use to condtion with?
I am not tempted to relax I just don't want a damged head of natural hair when this is all said and done. Are their any tips or special things I could be doing? I detangle with a wide tooth comb and then use my denman brush. Today I tried to use a smaller tooth comb that's not quite a rat tail because I thought my hair was tangling due to shed hair but it's still tangled. All I wanna do is wear my hair in a ponytail everyday and have my waves busting out at the same time. What kind of products can I use to define my 4a/b hair? i am not sure which hair type I have but it's a 4.
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Time to try different conditioners that have slip and moisture. Add some honey to it too next time. Honey and EVOO always boost the crappiest conditioner.
How much new growth do you have? How much relaxed hair do you have? What helps me is keeping both textures the same (straightened) until I have all natural hair. What styles are you trying to achieve right now?
I am transitioning, too! Before LHCF, I was just washing weekly and bunning. Since finding this, along with haircare blogs, I have been co-washing about twice a week with Herbal Essences Hello Hydration, and deep conditioning on Fridays with Pantene Relaxed and Natural Deep Conditioning Mask. I've then been either bunning or doing twistouts (making sure to use plenty of Elasta QP Recovery Oil Moisturizer as a leave-in, which leaves my hair so soft). All of these products are pretty cheap and work pretty well. Keep my hair soft and moisturized. HTH!
HMM You might try finger combing first before the wide toothed comb. Also braid the hair into four large braids and wash it like that. Let some conditioner sit on the hair for 30min -1 hour before you wash. I'm sorry did you mean 2 months of new growth? That's like and inch- in 1/2. You're not really going to be able to define the natural hair until you have more growth.

There's a product called afro-detangler. MsCoCoface uses it. You might pm her.
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I transitioned (stretched) for 10 months. The first 6 months, cowashing and deep conditioning were vital. I cowashed 2 times weekly using VO5 and Cholestorol. Try detangling in the shower as you are rinsing the conditioner out-that way you have some slip and you loose less hair. What styles are you wearing? I did mainly braid-outs, flexirods. These are great especially in the early stages. However, I would recommend not separating the hair too much otherwise you will see a true tangled mess. Be sure to moisturize and seal each night and try the baggie method. That is something that I have stuck with faithfully since being introduced. It has worked wonders for tangles and also for retaining length.
How much new growth do you have? How much relaxed hair do you have? What helps me is keeping both textures the same (straightened) until I have all natural hair. What styles are you trying to achieve right now?
i Probably have 1 1/2 to 2 inches of NG it varies all over my head. I probably have 8-10 in of relaxed hair...well it's as long as my pic...I don't measure hair so I'm not sure if the measurments are on point. Maybe I will blow dry once a wk after a wash and DC cause trying to deal with both textures is depressing. My hair is sooo ugly and damaged when flat ironed I don't even wanna look at it. I am just trying to acheive ponytails and buns. Nothing fancy. I don't have time for things that take too much time.

HMM You might try finger combing first before the wide toothed comb. Also braid the hair into four large braids and wash it like that. Let some conditioner sit on the hair for 30min -1 hour before you wash. I'm sorry did you mean 2 months of new growth? That's like and inch- in 1/2. You're not really going to be able to define the natural hair until you have more growth.

There's a product called afro-detangler. MsCoCoface uses it. You might pm her.
Today I braided my hair in 4 sections and wet my hair then put condtioner on each section then went back and detangled then rinsed. It was still tangled. I will try finger combing. Yes 2 months of NG. Ok I will wait for more growth but I just wanna see my waves on the side when I slick my hair back. I can't wait.

I transitioned (stretched) for 10 months. The first 6 months, cowashing and deep conditioning were vital. I cowashed 2 times weekly using VO5 and Cholestorol. Try detangling in the shower as you are rinsing the conditioner out-that way you have some slip and you loose less hair. What styles are you wearing? I did mainly braid-outs, flexirods. These are great especially in the early stages. However, I would recommend not separating the hair too much otherwise you will see a true tangled mess. Be sure to moisturize and seal each night and try the baggie method. That is something that I have stuck with faithfully since being introduced. It has worked wonders for tangles and also for retaining length.
You used VO5 and cholestorl mixed together? I tried detangling in the shower today and then it still was a tangly mess. I am loosing more hair then a lil bit. I have breakage and MAJOR shedding. I just wear my hair in a ponytail with a butterfly clip or I just tuck my hair in with a ponytail holder nothing fancy. Although I do like fancy just no time for all that. What is seperating the hair? I love baggie and used to do it daily. I need to get back on it..I've been truly lazy lately.
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-Daily: Spray bottle with one half bottled water and the other cheap conditioner, glycerin, and jojoba oil. Appy directly on roots, aviod scalp...
-Coconut oil to seal
-washing in three sections with hair ties
-drink lots of water
i used the water and cheap cond as a moistrizer and it worked good and left my hair smelling yummy. i will add the rest of your ingriedents and see how my har likes that. thanks alot for all the help. i was really getting discouraged.
use your fingers to detangle first as suggested and then the comb. Don't use the Denman until your natural your hair will break at the demarcation line. before you wash your hair part into 4 sections detangle and wash it in these sections- this really helps prevent tangles. and a pre-poo with an oil before washing REALLY helps the wash process go much smoother. one last thing add glycerin to your DC and DC with heat OR spritz glycerin-water mixture on your hair while wet before styling and seal with oil-not too much or it will be greasy. tie a silk/satin scarf on your hair at night- the result in the morning- shining, moisturized hair and smooth edges.
hope this helps
-Daily: Spray bottle with one half bottled water and the other cheap conditioner, glycerin, and jojoba oil. Appy directly on roots, aviod scalp...
-Coconut oil to seal
-washing in three sections with hair ties
-drink lots of water

I have to vouch for the water and glycerin mix. I add some rosewater for some nice smell. It does the job.