2 Month Progress Photos in Album


Active Member
Hey ladies,

I just wanted you to know that my two month progress photos have been uploaded to my album. Just visit http://public.fotki.com/hair2004 and enjoy!

FYI, I plan to have more updates by the end of this week, as I have perfected my flat iron technique to get the "salon swang," and have recently trimmed my ends, so look out for that...

In other news, I would like to thank all you fly divas out there who have provided me with hair care tips. Since rejoining this site, I have experienced a lot of growth, and it's all thanks to the inspiration I received from the ladies in this forum :).

oh, wow! I was really not expecting what I saw. What did you do for the past couple of months because it seems your hair has grown the fastest recently than in the past. Or maybe it just seems that way.

Anyhow, what did you do?:grin:
oh, wow! I was really not expecting what I saw. What did you do for the past couple of months because it seems your hair has grown the fastest recently than in the past. Or maybe it just seems that way.

Anyhow, what did you do?:grin:

First, I'd like to say THANK YOU ladies for your sweet comments :)!

To answer your question chicanella, I didn't do much of anything to get my hair to grow to be honest. I actually think that's the key: low manipulation.

Girl, there were days when I didn't even run a comb thru my hair. I didn't want my hair to get too tangled though, so I put it in two ponytails and walked around looking like a 12-year-old for a few days. I worked out a lot and rinsed my pigtails after my workouts, and that's it. I'm actually thinking about getting corn rows so that I won't have to worry about it for a while. I really think braids and just keeping your hands and a whole lot of product out of your hair helps.
Your hair looks fantastic! Love the lengh :), it looked much healtheir in the later photos, what were you taking/doing???

BTW, here's the response to your signature

"All the time!" :yep:
Your hair looks fantastic! Love the lengh :), it looked much healtheir in the later photos, what were you taking/doing???

BTW, here's the response to your signature

"All the time!" :yep:

Hey, thanks for the comment!

I previously posted that I didn't manipulate my hair that much in the past few months or so, which I think contributed to my growth. However, I'd also like to add that I have upped my workouts, which I think also helps get the blood flowing to the scalp. That and I have learned to really lay off the products, which is why I believe my hair looks healthier to you than in previous months. For once it's not bogged down with grease, as I have learned to use just a quarter size amount of product at a time.
Wow!! I didn't even realized you were natural until I clicked on your first progress pic. You have some incredible flat ironing skills :yep:
Great progress!!! How often do you flat iron your hair?


I flat iron no more than once a week. There are times when I'll go weeks without applying any heat, like this summer for instance. I wore it curly the majority of the time because it requires little maintenance and I didn't have to worry about sweating out the press.
Your hair looks beautiful and healthy and it looks likes it has grown also--congrats. You have definitely perfected your flatironing skills, I'm still working on my mine :perplexed. Typically how long do your flatirons last before your hair starts to revert again?
Your hair looks beautiful and healthy and it looks likes it has grown also--congrats. You have definitely perfected your flatironing skills, I'm still working on my mine :perplexed. Typically how long do your flatirons last before your hair starts to revert again?

Hey, thanks :).

My hair can hold up for a week, but I work out frequently, so I really only straighten it for the weekends. I like to rinse my hair after each workout because I can't stand sweat, dirt and product to build up on my scalp.