2 min Aphogee Protien Treatment VS Egg + Conditioner


Well-Known Member
I have been consider the 2min Aphogee treatment just to try it out as compared to my usual protein treatment which is just egg and conditioner.

Well has anyone tried both of them? Which one is better?
I think you should try it just to see how it works for you.
I have tried both. neither really stopped my breakage because my hair is damaged. I have done the mayonnaise w/ egg and conditioner numerous of times. I would leave that in for a few hours or overnight. so I prefer this over the 2 min. I did the 2 min twice and it was okay. I have settled for doing the aphogee 2 step treatment once every 4-6 weeks and doing the mayonnaise, egg and conditioner once a week. It is more economical for me to use it weekly than to use the aphogee 2 min.
I beleive both the egg w/conditioner and the aphogee 2 min are both light protein treatments.

Ps. I have even added avacado to the conditioner with egg. So I enjoy mixing it and believing that i am treating my hair.
I actually like both but I believe the egg is stronger..I only use it every 5-6 weeks..I wud use the sphogee 2 min weekly on my transitioning hair
I've tried both. The egg didn't seem to do anything for my hair, but the Aphogee 2-min worked very well. I could feel the difference after rinsing. I use it on a regular basis.
well, egg molecules are not small enough to penetrate the hair strands, it only takes care of the outer layer.

aphogee takes care of the hair inside and out.
I've done both and Aphogee wins hands down for me.

The egg treatment didn't do anything. I would mix one egg with two tablespoons of ORS Hair Mayonnaise, and leave it on for about twenty minutes. I did that once a week, every week for a month, and nothing. My hair was still breaking off, and it looked damaged too.

But Aphogee made my hair feel and look nice right away, and I saw a marked increase in strength and elasticity within three or four uses. Also, Aphogee smells like ten times better than egg concoction, and I don't have to feel guilty about using perfectly good food in my hair. I'm okay with using like...food accessories, like oils, honey, baking soda, and teas. But actual food like bananas, avocados, and eggs make me feel bad. :lachen: