2 inch strands



Question: Please help me understand what is the cause for two inch strands on my clothes/vanity top when I do my hair? Do I deep condition or do an extreme protein treatment? I did an Aphogee treatment two weeks ago?...
TonicaG said:

Question: Please help me understand what is the cause for two inch strands on my clothes/vanity top when I do my hair? Do I deep condition or do an extreme protein treatment? I did an Aphogee treatment two weeks ago?...

That depends, I suggest you look really close at your routine and see if you need moisture or protein...sometimes just one Aphogee wont do the trick and sometimes you need to feed it lots of moisture after a protein treatment.
I used to get this all the time- little broken off bits all over the place whenever I touched my hair. I don't know whether your relaxed or natural but since I stopped using heat, cut off my damaged ends, and started prepooing and deep conditioning regularly, the breakage stopped. I don't do hardcore protein anymore because i think it was making my hair brittle. I do a light protein treatment every 8-10 weeks or whenever I remember. Still working on the split end issue though...
I agree with Babygurl, you need to determine if more protein is needed to strengthen the hair, or if it is actually brittle. To cover both basis, I would recommend a c-cow-c (with a moisturizing prepoo, followed by a conditioner/ diluted shampoo wash, followed by a light protein deep conditioning , followed by a deep moist. conditioning) Style with no heat and see if it's all better.
I had this issue for a LOOOOONG time, even when i'd run my fingers thru my hair i'd get these 2inch ends breaking. because i was trying to nurse my damaged hair back to health, so I'd do the protein deep cond treatment (mizani) every week, and then the moisturizing deep cond treatment. It was too much protein. Then i got lazy and skipped the protein for like a whole month and the breakage stopped. Bottom line is when people say that you shouldn't do a deep protein trtmnt only like once a month...THEY MEAN IT!!! :ohwell: Now i only use a mild protein like every 2 weeks and i'll use aphogee probably when i notice i need it.