2 day relaxer??


Always follow your heart
I read this one another board(can't remember where) but has any one done this? What I mean by 2 day is split your hair in 2 and relax one section one day then the other the next. It would make it alot easier since I wouldnt be rushed and it leaves more time for smoothing. What do you guys think?? I only have 2 1/2 months before my year w/no chemicals challenge.
I am so proud...now if I can not eat junk food for one year
So expect lots of questions from me
so did you split it top and bottom or right and left side? How did you protect your next day hair? sorry so many questions I have never done this before and I have thick hair so it sounds like it would work.
I can't do front and back. I split down the middle. the hair that is not getting done gets pinned up or braided in a couple braids (whatever, anything just to keep it out of the way) coated in cholesterol.
I relax the other half, condition and pin it up in the shower. Then I take the cholesterolled half down while still in the shower, rinse it all out and repin. Then I'm ready to go in two days.
The relaxed half then gets coated in cholesterol and pinned out of the way. After the other half is relaxed and neutralized, I take it all down and condition it together.
I split from top to bottom, do the top first, dont wet the back and do the back when I have finished. I do this in one day, as long as your careful theres no need for a whole day in between. I couldnt imagine having half of my hair relaxed and the other not until a whole 24 hours later, I suppose that if your not big on styling (e.g roller sets) then it wouldnt really matter but as I am, a 2 day relaxer would not work for me. Each to his own...
lonei said:
I split from top to bottom, do the top first, dont wet the back and do the back when I have finished. I do this in one day, as long as your careful theres no need for a whole day in between. I couldnt imagine having half of my hair relaxed and the other not until a whole 24 hours later, I suppose that if your not big on styling (e.g roller sets) then it wouldnt really matter but as I am, a 2 day relaxer would not work for me. Each to his own...

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This is exactly how I do it as well--and for the same reason!
You would have to be extra careful not to get the dry hair wet so it can be relaxed the next day without major burning. I've never done this. I'd rather get it all over with on the same day.
lonei said:
I split from top to bottom, do the top first, dont wet the back and do the back when I have finished. I do this in one day, as long as your careful theres no need for a whole day in between. I couldnt imagine having half of my hair relaxed and the other not until a whole 24 hours later, I suppose that if your not big on styling (e.g roller sets) then it wouldnt really matter but as I am, a 2 day relaxer would not work for me. Each to his own...

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I relaxed my hair this way and the results were wonderful. It really allowed me to take my time. I did it all in one day as well.
lonei said:
I split from top to bottom, do the top first, dont wet the back and do the back when I have finished. I do this in one day, as long as your careful theres no need for a whole day in between. I couldnt imagine having half of my hair relaxed and the other not until a whole 24 hours later, I suppose that if your not big on styling (e.g roller sets) then it wouldnt really matter but as I am, a 2 day relaxer would not work for me. Each to his own...

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So how do you make sure the bottom doesnt get wet??
You use a shower head and just make sure the pressure isnt too high, you guide it carefully so to not wet the back. If it helps, you can ask someone to wash out the front for you, when you finished the back, you just wash and shampoo as normal.
It can be done with no problem. Yes it takes longer BUT you're less prone to burns with the back starting out first leading up to the top, and if like me you don't want a bone straight do, then this is perfect as it less time with the relaxer on.

This only works well with a handheld shower unit as opposed to just standing under the shower. I did the back once when it was super thick but the top half just wasn't quite there yet. You can actually wash the relaxer out without getting any of the top section wet. Just make sure the parting is super straight and the top half is secured very well
I will be relaxing like this from now on.
Thanks sooo much.
I am going to do my next relaxer this way. I think I can convince my hubby to help
Oh yea one more question. So when you rinse out one half do you neutralize it at that point or do you wait for the top(bottom) to be rinsed and do it all at once??
DO NOT DO THE BACK FIRST!!!! I did this the first time I tried it, I nearly had heart failure!! Think about it, if you have relaxed the back, you have to wash that out without wetting the front. I had to bend over the bath backwards (croutching with my face facing the door) trying to wash out the relaxer with the shower holding it sideways so to not wet the front. It wasnt funny, I nearly died!! I dont neutralise straight away, as long as you have washed all the relaxer out, it should be okay until you are ready to neutralise the whole head. Let me know if you dont understand, you should get your husband to help you wash it out.
lol I will do the top first
Thanks! I think I will put the nut. shampoo in after I rinse but I will just leave it in until I finish the top. I'm parionod about over processing my hair
yea thats what I ment put in the nutralizing shampoo then do the bottom...leaving the shampoo on the top...will that work or should I rinse out the nut. shampoo??
I think that you should rinse it out as neutralising shampoos tend to make the hair shed, you shouldnt leave it in for longer than necessary. I have no problem with not neutralising before I relax the second half, but just be careful that you dont get shampoo on the unrelaxed section or the relaxer wont take.
Parting front from back is the way I would do it if I could. It did work in terms of being able to not get the back wet more easily and so relax in the same day. You can even wear a shower cap on the back half of your head while rinsing the front.

It didn't work for me because I had a hard time telling if I'd gotten all the hair relaxed, and reaching every part to smooth. Parting vertically meant dealing with narrower sections of hair so the whole process was easier. If that made any sense, lol.
Nut. shampoo causes shedding?!
I didn't know that. I guess I will rinse it out but your right to be careful and not get it on the back...hmm I am going to have to think about this now. What I was going to do originally was to use the profective nut. foam stuff (mousse I think) to protect from over lapping. Now I am just going to use a lye relaxer over the no lye ends. Shambooies book says you can.
lonei said:
DO NOT DO THE BACK FIRST!!!! I did this the first time I tried it, I nearly had heart failure!! Think about it, if you have relaxed the back, you have to wash that out without wetting the front. I had to bend over the bath backwards (croutching with my face facing the door) trying to wash out the relaxer with the shower holding it sideways so to not wet the front. It wasnt funny, I nearly died!! I dont neutralise straight away, as long as you have washed all the relaxer out, it should be okay until you are ready to neutralise the whole head. Let me know if you dont understand, you should get your husband to help you wash it out.

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Lonei I think this all depends on how you wash out your hair. For example I never wash my hair or rinse out relaxer with my head forward, I always wash my hair and relax the way it flows, backwards.

If you wash out your hair like me in the shower with your back to the water then start with the back first. if you tip your head forward then start with the front first.
Neutralizing shampoo doesn't cause shedding. It's simply to restore the ph level of the hair to it's normal level as relaxers are alkaline and can be as high as 13 or 14. If your neutralizing shampoo causes shedding then either the relaxer has remained too long on the hair during the process, overlapped slightly onto previously relaxed hair or the neutralizing shampoo simply needs to be changed.

Before you shampoo with the neutralizing shampoo, rinse out the relaxer and apply some conditioner to the relaxed portion of hair, let it sit for a few minutes, rinse out then proceed to neutralise. As the hair cuticle is still open from relaxing, it's best to infuse some moisture back into the hair at this stage.
LondonDiva said:
Neutralizing shampoo doesn't cause shedding. It's simply to restore the ph level of the hair to it's normal level as relaxers are alkaline and can be as high as 13 or 14. If your neutralizing shampoo causes shedding then either the relaxer has remained too long on the hair during the process, overlapped slightly onto previously relaxed hair or the neutralizing shampoo simply needs to be changed.

Before you shampoo with the neutralizing shampoo, rinse out the relaxer and apply some conditioner to the relaxed portion of hair, let it sit for a few minutes, rinse out then proceed to neutralise. As the hair cuticle is still open from relaxing, it's best to infuse some moisture back into the hair at this stage.

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hmm conditioner before nut. shampoo...never heard of this one.
Anyone else do this? Sounds interesting. I also heard to do a cold shot with a dryer on your head so it closes your pores...before relaxing.
ok last chance nobody else??
I was thinking about this last night and I came up with this...how about mixing in some a little bit of nut. shampoo with the conditoner so to prevent overprocessing
Then just let it sit for a minute or 2 to let the conditioner do its thing. Rinse out then do a good run though with the nut shampoo. What do you guys think?? TIA
I don't know about this. I don't think I would try it. I wonder if there could be an adverse chemical reaction based on what's in the conditioner and shampoo?