2 Birds... One Stone?... Humidifier


You know fall is starting in New England when one day the sun is shining and you're looking cute in your tank top... and that very same night your teeth are chattering and you have 3 layers of clothing on. Fall definitely started up in the Capital Region over the weekend. I ran back to my dorm that night because I thought I was going to die from the cold. To my delight, I walked into my room and discovered that the heat in the building had been turned on and my room was nice and toasty. I did not even bother setting the heat. I was just so thrilled that it was warm that I jumped into my bed and fell asleep...

BAD IDEA!! Cold exterior + Warm interior = Drastic Drop in Humidity!! You would think that as a physical science major, I would have remembered this... /images/graemlins/wallbash.gif

Not that it is really humid up here often, but there is usually some amount of humidity... and you never know what you have until it's gone... I woke up in the middle of the night, itchy all over! My skin was so dry that it was uncomfortable to lay down. On top of this, I was already battling a cold and my throat was not appreciating the extra dryness... But most importantly! My hair... it had been so well-behaved and bouncy that day... when I woke up... it was bone dry. I was horrified.

All that moisture sucked out from my skin and hair in such a short period of time?? This is why doctors say not to take hot showers in the winter:| I called my mom who informed me that it is time invest in my own humidifier. When I was younger, I got eczema on my legs. We tried every creme, antibiotic, and potion on the market. Nothing worked, until one doctor made a simple suggestion... a humidifier. From that day on, I had a humidifier in the room that I shared with my younger sister. And although I still have sensitive skin, I never had eczema again:) My sister and I were also the 2 out of 8 people in the house who were rarely sick.

This was many years ago and my hair was already damaged by then. But whenever I went home and stayed in my room with my trusty humidifier, my hair was always softer and more manageable (If only I had found this board sooner! Then I would have made some connection... Better late, than never:D). Also, my sister (who was 8 when we got the humidifier. She's 14 now.) was lucky, because after my mom realized she relaxed my hair way too early, she let my sister's hair stay natural (she got it relaxed when she was 13). Anywho, my sister's hair is almost bra strap!!! For years I thought that maybe she just got the "good hair gene" or something dumb like that. Now that I know better, I realize that the fact that she got a relaxer later in life and the fact that she slept in a pleasant, almost tropical type of humidity all year long... probably gave her a better chance of hair survival than me... /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Sorry this is so long! To get to the point, I called up my cousin, who is a doctor, and asked her about humidifiers. She sent me this link and told me that these are among the best:
I will be purchasing one this week and I am excited! /images/graemlins/laugh.gif It might just be the best purchase for my hair yet! I'll update you guys on it in a few months! But please let me know what you think of the idea! Thanks:D Help out my hair? Help out my skin? Keep germs away? Who knew that one product could do so many useful things:] I think if it does even one of these things successfully, then I will be happy.
I love reading long post /images/graemlins/smile.gif LOL
Thanks for posting, though ..I'm gonna defintely consider investing in a humidifier. My dorm is gonna be PACKED next fall.
Hehe:) Glad it is of some amusement, Innocent Kiss:D

Anywho, I've received several PMs about choosing a humidifier... warm mist vs. cold mist, etc. And I never saved my replies. /images/graemlins/blush.gif I figured I'd just put up the info here, in case I forget:] Hope it helps!

Here is a good article about choosing:

Here is the one I am ordering ($45 on Amazon, plus free shipping. /images/graemlins/cool.gif Can't wait for it to arrive!):
I definitely agree it's a good idea. I'm game for anything that will provide me with added moisture/humidity. Thanks for the idea, Skydancer /images/graemlins/up.gif.
skydancer, you are a God-send.

I had to buy a humidifier for my little guy just last week and I was inundated with options /images/graemlins/shocked.gif I ended up buying a Vicks cool mist, after my husband and I spent hours doing research...what's better cool or warm mist...yadda, yadda!

Well, thanks to you...I'm taking the vicks back and I'll go with the hunter. I may even order one from amazon.

Thank you! /images/graemlins/rosebud.gif
I am also seriously considering getting a humidifier with the cold weather coming and knowing the heat will be blasting inside...I've also heard how it benefits the hair. Thanks for all of this info Skydancer! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Humudity makes such a difference. I grew up in Florida and thought humidity was my worst enemy because of my frizz. Then I moved up to New York for a few years. Omygosh, the winters sucked my hair dry between the cold, dry air and all that heating I was not use to(we rarely use heaters in Fl., maybe one month out of the year at the most!)
By the time summer came my hair was shot! I spent all summer trying to bring it back to life.
When I finally moved back to Florida I was amazed at the overall improvement in my hair and skin. I now embrace the humidity!
I better hurry up and get one!
Thanks for the info Skydancer!!! I was thinking about getting a humidifier the other day and your information and links are going to be so helpful.
I had a warm mist one last year and it was GREAT!!!! It was really cold in N.Y. last winter and it helped keep my apartment warm...I only paid $20 in National Wholesale liquidators.
I have to buy a new one though b/c it fell off my dresser and broke.
Silly question,
Are there tiny humidifiers that I would be able to have on my desk at my job?

Humudity makes such a difference. I grew up in Florida and thought humidity was my worst enemy because of my frizz. Then I moved up to New York for a few years. Omygosh, the winters sucked my hair dry between the cold, dry air and all that heating I was not use to(we rarely use heaters in Fl., maybe one month out of the year at the most!)
By the time summer came my hair was shot! I spent all summer trying to bring it back to life.
When I finally moved back to Florida I was amazed at the overall improvement in my hair and skin. I now embrace the humidity!

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Interesting /images/graemlins/scratchchin.gif