1year updates of my hair after....


New Member
enduring several setbacks like my hair breaking off really bad in the back and then trying to do too much to my hair I have finally gotten past shoulder length and retained my growth.

So far I have been doing the weave challenge which has helped tremendously due to low manipulation to my fine strands and using limited heat or only using it for DC.

Here is a pic of my progress thus far...


  • Dec07_Nov08.JPG
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Lookin good, girl! Besides the length, your hair LOOKS a lot healthier. All soft and smooth and feathery! Great job!
wow! and you said you had set backs? i say - for that kinda progress, i would take em in stride. you go girl - keep up the good work!
Thanks to all you ladies on this board I've made this progress! So many times have I heard to keep it simple and it was so hard for me to do since I was so use to doing something to my hair every other day. You ladies have been my motivation and inspiration and cant wait till i reach mbl