1st time ever, I had to cut out a plug of hair :(

Je Ne Sais Quoi

Well-Known Member
I'm starting to rethink my transition yall :lol: Last night i had to cut a small hunk of hair out of my left side, about 1/2 way up the strand due to a tangle of hair. It wasn't major, maybe about 15-20 hairs stuck together but it made me angry :wallbash:

I felt like Florida Evans when James died :lachen::lachen::lachen:
you are a mess :lachen: if you feel it is going to be too much for you then maybe you should go back to the creamy crack! lol! that would have made me upset too! i hope someone can give you some better advice! cause i am kinda confused myself right about now!
Sorry this happened to you.

This has definitely happened to me after washing and trying to detangle my hair.

Is that when you came across the knot?

How many months post are you?
you are a mess :lachen: if you feel it is going to be too much for you then maybe you should go back to the creamy crack! lol! that would have made me upset too! i hope someone can give you some better advice! cause i am kinda confused myself right about now!

Girl!! I was like damn, damn DAMN!!!!! :rofl: :rofl:
I think i'm ok now, but last night i was hot :lachen:
Sorry this happened to you.

This has definitely happened to me after washing and trying to detangle my hair.

Is that when you came across the knot?

How many months post are you?

Yes, this was after cowashing and i'm about 4.5 mos post. I just need to be really really careful because my hair starts to dread after a day or two :(
Awww, I'm sorry you had to cut your hair. Well, if you think that transitioning is not for you, right now, I will welcome you back into the texlaxing fold. :poke: :grin:
That sucks :sad: Did you use any new products? Maybe that was the cause?
I'm sorry this happened to you.
I don't blame you for reconsidering. I had to hack off a bunch of my hair this weekend as well. My transition is officially over; I have a salon appointment for a texlax Wednesday morning.
Good luck with your decision, and don't lose anymore hair!
Yes, this was after cowashing and i'm about 4.5 mos post. I just need to be really really careful because my hair starts to dread after a day or two :(

I feel silly askin cuz I know you know betta, but are you sectioning your hair before you get it wet?

You know that the afroliciousness don't let you get away wit what the perm letcha get away wit.

I feel ya though, I'm 13 weeks post and my ng be talkin bout "WHATCHOO DOIN?" if I try to detangle a section that's too wide.
Aww... Sorry you had to deal with that.
Try to hold out with your transitioning... we learn from experiences - I'm sure this won't happen again :-)

That sucks :sad: Did you use any new products? Maybe that was the cause?

Nope, no new products. I just need to remember that as I convert back to my nappiness my hair is different.

I feel silly askin cuz I know you know betta, but are you sectioning your hair before you get it wet?

You know that the afroliciousness don't let you get away wit what the perm letcha get away wit.

I feel ya though, I'm 13 weeks post and my ng be talkin bout "WHATCHOO DOIN?" if I try to detangle a section that's too wide.

Honestly, i can't say that I detangled well so i'm sure that was the "issuh"

You just made me guffaw in the office by the way :lol:
Aww... Sorry you had to deal with that.
Try to hold out with your transitioning... we learn from experiences - I'm sure this won't happen again :-)


I'm hanging in there!! :)
I'm so sorry this happened to you. I definitely say do what's best for you. You can definitely have healthy hair either way you go.
Why are you transitioning? What didn't you like about the texlax?

I'm transitioning because I miss my hair (go figure). I thought texlaxing would make things easy(ier) but it's actually about the same and i'm still dealing w/ knots and tangles. The only real benefit i've noticed is being able to wear my hair straight and have it last. Well, as of late i've only been straightening every 4-6 weeks anyway so really what's the point of continuing to texlax.

I just don't feel like dealing with chemicals right now. Who knows? Maybe in a few years i'll revisit since i'm so wishy washy but for now i'm going back to natchal :) Aren't ya happy?!?!?! :giggle:
I'm so sorry that happen. I understand what you feel. One day I went to take out a pony tail holder that was too tight (hair was wet) and a good 1 inch section of relaxed ends just came with it. I almost wanted to cry I was so mad since I try to baby my hair due to the extreme difference in texture and this is what happens.

Just be strong and continue to keep good hair practices and you'll be natural in no time. HHG!