1st Self Relaxer in Years...Pics and Pissed!


Well-Known Member
So I self-relaxed last night, well at least that's what I call myself doing. I am underprocessed in most areas. However, my hair is silky and soft (especially after I flat-ironed my roots...pissed about having to do that too) I'm gonna try to detail my steps and maybe the experienced self-relaxers can tell me where I went wrong. However, I think it was the relaxer I used.

I did a relaxer prep earlier in the week (clarify then protein DC).

Here are the supplies I used:


I put EVOO and SAA in the relaxer...

Here is my pre touchup NG:


After relaxing and smoothing for about 20 min I still noticed waves which I thought was strange.

I rinsed the relaxer out, did a protein condish for 5 min then neutralized. I DCd with a moisturizing condish with a plastic cap for about an hour with no heat. Rollerset last night and saran wrapped this AM.

Here are my post "relaxer" pics of NG:



The one above has sections of hair I flatironed and the non-flat ironed sections (with the supposedly touched-up NG)

So here is my length "post" relaxer...



So should I do a corrective in a month or so? Or should I just wait and switch relaxers the next time I attempt this (which I'm not so sure I will do).

I would like to become more proficient at this but not if it's going to damage my hair and impede my growth.

So after this weekend, my hair will be rolled til summer hopefully and/or protective styled til next scheduled relaxer (which is supposed to be june 09).

So I'm a bit upset and discouraged at my (lack of) results....
aww dont be upset. Your roots are a little underprocessed but I dont think that would prevent your hair from growing. Did you use enough relaxer? A lot of us tend to not use enough relaxer the right time we self relax. I also get better results when I do the half and half method.

I think your hair looks nice.

Oh and usually you're supposed to wait 6 weeks to do the corrective.
Sorry but it was not the relaxer it was the SAA and EVOO you added. This happened to me a while back and I didn't know that when you add these things it slows the action of the relaxer, so basiclly it's like your texlaxing I was pissed and underprocessed as well, I thought it was my mizani but when I used it the next time plain my hair was bone straight. Hope that helps some.
Sorry but it was not the relaxer it was the SAA and EVOO you added. This happened to me a while back and I didn't know that when you add these things it slows the action of the relaxer, so basiclly it's like your texlaxing I was pissed and underprocessed as well, I thought it was my mizani but when I used it the next time plain my hair was bone straight. Hope that helps some.

Oh yeah. That would cause you to be underprocessed.
Sorry but it was not the relaxer it was the SAA and EVOO you added. This happened to me a while back and I didn't know that when you add these things it slows the action of the relaxer, so basiclly it's like your texlaxing I was pissed and underprocessed as well, I thought it was my mizani but when I used it the next time plain my hair was bone straight. Hope that helps some.

I agree. I use SAA and EVOO in my relaxer to have texlaxed hair not bone straight hair. So do not use them when you do your next touch up.
I'm texlaxed and I use Mizani for sensitive scalp. I only use EVOO or conditioner with my relaxer to TEXlax. When you relax, I would suggest basing the scalp like normal and using the mildest form or relaxer for your hair texture. I think you did a great job. I personally prefer to be underprocessed or texlaxed. It definitely gives my hair more body and works well - for me.

I think next time you should relax on schedule (whatever works for your hair) and you won't have to worry about overlapping, because you'll want to in order to correct the underprocessed hair. Technically this is the best way to keep healthy relaxed hair...but that's just my opinion. :yep:
Co-Signing. You probably added too much oil. I did that before too.

I only added about 2 capfuls of EVOO not the 1/4 cup that someone else said they used in the Self Relaxing Threads. but I guess even that was too much.

I do like the softness in my hair and I don't see any breakage, so that's good. I will just adjust my methods next time.
I'm texlaxed and I use Mizani for sensitive scalp. I only use EVOO or conditioner with my relaxer to TEXlax. When you relax, I would suggest basing the scalp like normal and using the mildest form or relaxer for your hair texture. I think you did a great job. I personally prefer to be underprocessed or texlaxed. It definitely gives my hair more body and works well - for me.

I think next time you should relax on schedule (whatever works for your hair) and you won't have to worry about overlapping, because you'll want to in order to correct the underprocessed hair. Technically this is the best way to keep healthy relaxed hair...but that's just my opinion. :yep:

Thanks for this! I actually have grown to like my hair with a bit of texture and am sorta ok with it not being bone straight. The only part that I prefer bone straight are my edges. So I think that's the part I'm not feeling right now. But they are straight, just not bone straight.
I love how thick and healthy your hair looks.:yep: Lye relaxers never got my hair strait. I am glad you are no longer pissed at your hair. I think it looks very pretty.
Well it looks pretty good to me, unless you want that bone straight look but then again you said you had to flat iron for that look. Your hair looks healthy too.
I think your hair looks beautiful! But I agree with the other ladies. Oil slows down the processing of relaxers. Is that SE relaxer mild? That could be another culprit, adding oil to an already mild relaxer. Also using protein right after a relaxer is a no-no for some ladies. The theory is that since protein rebuilds your hair, it rebuilds some of the broken down freshly relaxed hair. IDK how true this is scientifically, but some ladies say their hair reverts if they use protein too soon after relaxing. HTH!
It is better to be underprocessed than overprocessed any time. I would wait to correct until the next touchup. At the next relaxer touchup the NG as you normally would and then during the last 5 minutes pull the relaxer down to the undeprocssed areas that happened with this relaxer. Who knows......those waves might grow on you. I think you did an awesome job, your hair looks nice and healthy.

I have realized that my hair is slightly resistant to relaxers and even with out adding oil it still comes texlaxed- this used to bother me to no end. I have finally accepted it, it is what it is.
Sorry but it was not the relaxer it was the SAA and EVOO you added. This happened to me a while back and I didn't know that when you add these things it slows the action of the relaxer, so basiclly it's like your texlaxing I was pissed and underprocessed as well, I thought it was my mizani but when I used it the next time plain my hair was bone straight. Hope that helps some.

Exactly what I thought as soon as I saw the EVOO in the picture. Either too much oil, or because you added oil, not enough processing time.
Sorry but it was not the relaxer it was the SAA and EVOO you added. This happened to me a while back and I didn't know that when you add these things it slows the action of the relaxer, so basiclly it's like your texlaxing I was pissed and underprocessed as well, I thought it was my mizani but when I used it the next time plain my hair was bone straight. Hope that helps some.
i agree... you diluted your relaxer too much... i tried this with just a little oil and me no likey... my hair didn't get straight at all
So I self-relaxed last night, well at least that's what I call myself doing. I am underprocessed in most areas. However, my hair is silky and soft (especially after I flat-ironed my roots...pissed about having to do that too) I'm gonna try to detail my steps and maybe the experienced self-relaxers can tell me where I went wrong. However, I think it was the relaxer I used.

I did a relaxer prep earlier in the week (clarify then protein DC).

Here are the supplies I used:


I put EVOO and SAA in the relaxer...

Here is my pre touchup NG:


After relaxing and smoothing for about 20 min I still noticed waves which I thought was strange.

I rinsed the relaxer out, did a protein condish for 5 min then neutralized. I DCd with a moisturizing condish with a plastic cap for about an hour with no heat. Rollerset last night and saran wrapped this AM.

Here are my post "relaxer" pics of NG:



The one above has sections of hair I flatironed and the non-flat ironed sections (with the supposedly touched-up NG)

So here is my length "post" relaxer...



So should I do a corrective in a month or so? Or should I just wait and switch relaxers the next time I attempt this (which I'm not so sure I will do).

I would like to become more proficient at this but not if it's going to damage my hair and impede my growth.

So after this weekend, my hair will be rolled til summer hopefully and/or protective styled til next scheduled relaxer (which is supposed to be june 09).

So I'm a bit upset and discouraged at my (lack of) results....

You might want to try a different relaxer--I tried Silk Elements Regular instead of Mizani Regular and my hair was underprocessed all over(self-relaxed)--nothing was relaxed really. All it did was loosen the curl whereas with Mizani adding oils in moderation got the hair bone-straight.
I only added about 2 capfuls of EVOO not the 1/4 cup that someone else said they used in the Self Relaxing Threads. but I guess even that was too much.

I do like the softness in my hair and I don't see any breakage, so that's good. I will just adjust my methods next time.

I think it was the combo of the evoo and the SAA, I think the SAA really slows down the process. Next time I would just use the oil. Also, lots of people get under-processing with silk elements.
Yeah I was going to mention the oils...I use them in my relaxer and I am texlaxed. I don't believe you are suppose to use them if you want straight relaxed hair. Try doing without those next time and I am sure that you will notice a difference. Your hair looks good though..I love wavy roots though