18 products used on my hair at one time-Product Overdose


Well-Known Member
Is it just me that have a product overload going on. I did my hair yesterday and after I was done, I decided to write down everthing that I used to try keep track on what products really work for me since I'm really trying to retain 6 inches this year after being wacked by a scissor happy witch. After writing them down, I realized that I need to simplify this regimen because I must be wasting products. Here goes:

Pre Poo - Olive Oil and Keraphix
Poo - Aveda DR
Protein Treatment-Aphogee*
Lt Poo - Philip B White Truffle Poo*
Deep Cond-Aveda DR, Redken Heavy Cream, Keraphix, Peppermint Oil, Ylang Ylang Oil (mixed together)
Moist Cond- Redken Smooth Down and Frederic Fekk Moist Cond
Leave In-Aveda Elixir, Redken Anti Snap, Mizani Therma Strength and Aveda Styling Curressence
Roller Set-Water with Phytospecific Intergral Hair Care (sprays to keep hair wet)
Finish-Aveda Brilliant Finishing Gloss

Asterick indicates not weekly usage. I'm 4 weeks post and my is shiny and bouncy. But still, isn't this a bit much???
:eek: :eek: Chile that is way too much and seems like alot of work. Don't listen to my hair lazy ***:lol: . I'm a mimimalist at best.
firecracker said:
:eek: :eek: Chile that is way too much and seems like alot of work. Don't listen to my hair lazy ***:lol: . I'm a mimimalist at best.

I was thinking the same thing. 2 question: your leav-ins, do you use them all at the same time & the different condish, do you think that could lead to over conditioning?

ETA: I'm from the school of "Less is More"
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I would agree that all those products at one hair session is a lot.
The question is does it make your hair gorgeous or just OK?

I would reduce or eliminate combining more than 2 products because you'll never really know what works or what doesn't.

I thought I as a PJ! I have a lot of products but I try to spread them out so I can determine which ones are working well with my hair. You will never know with those combos, not to mention all of the stuff looks pricey.

keraphix and aphogee are both protien. and you used the keraphix twice. that is like protien overload (isnt aphogee already a very heavy protien?). Too much protien can make your hair so tough that it loses elasticity and snaps off :(

You only really need one moisturizing dc (you already used protien), you can mix it with oils if you like but I find that unnecessary. I may use 2 leavins like a water based one followed by an oil based one. but 4 at once? :lol: :look: Again the producs you are using look pricey but if money is not an issue to you then go for it. I would still limit the many types used.

question: your hair is not severely weighed down after all of this?

ps: I am not laughing at you, I am a PJ too but 18 products at once made me go dang!:eek: I am slowly learning about the benifits of simplicity myself, maybe we need to take some "less is more" class together.
janeemat said:
Is it just me that have a product overload going on. I did my hair yesterday and after I was done, I decided to write down everthing that I used to try keep track on what products really work for me since I'm really trying to retain 6 inches this year after being wacked by a scissor happy witch. After writing them down, I realized that I need to simplify this regimen because I must be wasting products. Here goes:

Pre Poo - Olive Oil and Keraphix
Poo - Aveda DR
Protein Treatment-Aphogee*
Lt Poo - Philip B White Truffle Poo*
Deep Cond-Aveda DR, Redken Heavy Cream, Keraphix, Peppermint Oil, Ylang Ylang Oil (mixed together)
Moist Cond- Redken Smooth Down and Frederic Fekk Moist Cond
Leave In-Aveda Elixir, Redken Anti Snap, Mizani Therma Strength and Aveda Styling Curressence
Roller Set-Water with Phytospecific Intergral Hair Care (sprays to keep hair wet)
Finish-Aveda Brilliant Finishing Gloss

Asterick indicates not weekly usage. I'm 4 weeks post and my is shiny and bouncy. But still, isn't this a bit much???

yeah that's more than a bit much!

is there a reason why you're mixing so many products together? Have you found that each one does something different or is it just by recommendation?

Its quite possible that your hair isn't even responding to all of those products because so much is being put on your hair. With all of these products its going to be hard to tell which product is giving you what you want. You should cut back and do a trial and error which is necessary when finfing out what's good and what's not.


eta: I remember when I first got on the board I went overboard with product recommendations. I was buying all kinds of stuff and swore I was a little chemist. Essential oils, carriers, protein, etc. Well...I don't use any of that stuff anymore lol but it was fun.
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wow that is way too much. you don't need a moisturizing conditioner after a deep conditioner and you don't need to shampoo more than once.
janeemat said:
Is it just me that have a product overload going on. I did my hair yesterday and after I was done, I decided to write down everthing that I used to try keep track on what products really work for me since I'm really trying to retain 6 inches this year after being wacked by a scissor happy witch. After writing them down, I realized that I need to simplify this regimen because I must be wasting products. Here goes:

Pre Poo - Olive Oil and Keraphix
Poo - Aveda DR
Protein Treatment-Aphogee*
Lt Poo - Philip B White Truffle Poo*
Deep Cond-Aveda DR, Redken Heavy Cream, Keraphix, Peppermint Oil, Ylang Ylang Oil (mixed together)
Moist Cond- Redken Smooth Down and Frederic Fekk Moist Cond
Leave In-Aveda Elixir, Redken Anti Snap, Mizani Therma Strength and Aveda Styling Curressence
Roller Set-Water with Phytospecific Intergral Hair Care (sprays to keep hair wet)
Finish-Aveda Brilliant Finishing Gloss

Asterick indicates not weekly usage. I'm 4 weeks post and my is shiny and bouncy. But still, isn't this a bit much???

Man, I thought I used a lot of stuff:lol: . You must mix your conditioners, no? I say this because I see 2 moisturizing conditioners, 3 deep con's and 4 leave-ins. Do you use them all at the same time? It would be easy for you to cut down your products though because all you need to do is select one of each of the products that you use multiple's of. I think you will see the same results or better if you cut out some stuff.
Seems like alot...have you thought about using one line to see if it works well for you. I noticed that you like Aveda. Maybe you could try :

Pre Poo - Olive Oil and Keraphix
Poo - Aveda DR
Protein Treatment-Aphogee*
Deep Cond-Aveda DR
Moist Cond- Redken Smooth Down
Leave In-Aveda Elixir
Roller Set-Water with Phytospecific Intergral Hair Care
Finish-Aveda Brilliant Finishing Gloss

If that rotation doesn't work for you then you can try your other products.

janeemat said:
Pre Poo - Olive Oil and Keraphix
Poo - Aveda DR
Protein Treatment-Aphogee*
Lt Poo - Philip B White Truffle Poo*
Deep Cond-Aveda DR, Redken Heavy Cream, Keraphix, Peppermint Oil, Ylang Ylang Oil (mixed together)
Moist Cond- Redken Smooth Down and Frederic Fekk Moist Cond
Leave In-Aveda Elixir, Redken Anti Snap, Mizani Therma Strength and Aveda Styling Curressence
Roller Set-Water with Phytospecific Intergral Hair Care (sprays to keep hair wet)
Finish-Aveda Brilliant Finishing Gloss

Asterick indicates not weekly usage. I'm 4 weeks post and my is shiny and bouncy. But still, isn't this a bit much???

How is your hair doing with all of this? If it works for you, then cool. It looks okay to me. (Good to see I'm not the only one who washes after using the Aphogee Treatment.) My suggestion would be to evaluate WHY you use each product as oppose to the number of products you are using because I think now that I use several leave-ins too. I usually apply Infusium or 911 leave-in followed by 911 heat protector spray and seal with WGHO and sometimes I use a setting lotion depending on how I'm styling my hair. That's about 3-4 products right there. I'm not familiar with the products you use but it looks like you are doing the same thing (applying a leave-in, a heat protector and a setting lotion). Once you figure out why and what you are trying to get from each product that will help you (and I) hopefully find one product that will do it all (if it exists).
janeemat said:
Pre Poo - Olive Oil and Keraphix Cool!
Poo - Aveda DR Cool!
Protein Treatment-Aphogee* Unneccessary if you are doing a protein pre-poo, if not I say cool
Lt Poo - Philip B White Truffle Poo* Read Comment above-Unneccessary, even if you are doing Aphogee this don't recommend shampooing out (I could be wrong)
Deep Cond-Aveda DR, Redken Heavy Cream, Keraphix, Peppermint Oil, Ylang Ylang Oil (mixed together)-Cool, but you already have you protein, I would leave the Keraphix out, plus the Aveda has enought protein in it.
Moist Cond- Redken Smooth Down and Frederic Fekk Moist Cond- I would totally take this out. Your deep conditioner should cover the moisture, especially if you are following a protein treat.
Leave In-Aveda Elixir, Redken Anti Snap, Mizani Therma Strength and Aveda Styling Curressence-Too many protein filled leave-ins. I would take out the Mizani, Redkin, and Styling Curressence
Roller Set-Water with Phytospecific Intergral Hair Care (sprays to keep hair wet)-Maybe you can use the phyto as a leave-in, other than that I would take it out and just use water.
Finish-Aveda Brilliant Finishing Gloss-Cool!

I left comments in the body and I took out the ones that i saw unneccessary. But these are just my opinions.
OK, I'm going to be the first to admit Product OD. To try and answer some questions, I began mixing products before LHCF. I've only added the Aveda and oils since being on this forum. I have tried to use one of each but my hair does not feel the way I would like it to feel. My hair is never limp or weighted down. It has swing, body and shine. I usually do my hair on Sat and when I go to church Sunday I get tons of compliments. As far as lightly pooing after the aphogee treatment, this is something that I've always done. I think and old beautician did that. I only use aphogee two weeks following a relaxer. However this time I did not get to do it until 4 weeks. I opt to use the Philip B poo because it is very moisturizing. The reason I use the moist cond folllowing the deep cond is because my hair does not have that slip I'm use to feeling in the final rinse. I am planniing to adjust the deep cond by eliminating one of the products. It's just that I know Redken Heavy Cream and Keraphix is a power house cond because when my hair was damaged it brought it back to life. As far as the Phytospecific goes, I'm really just using it up because I really prefer creamy leave ins. The Aveda leave ins just got thrown in the last few months. In the past it was Anti Snap, Mizani Therma Strength and an alcohol free moouse. I may try just one product on Sat of each and see what happens. Locksofluv, I like the way your broke it down. I think I will eliminate the Keraphix as a pre poo and just use the oil with honey or something. The Philip B is very expensive so I may not purchase it again once it's gone. I use it sparingly but it does seem to help my color last. I know I need to do some serious eliminating but I'm trying for 6 inches this year. My hair grew very fast the past year I don't want to hinder it.
Could you need better/different products?

I seems that you are mixing several products for each step to get the results that you want-- could you find one that one to do the job?

:confused: I don't have the answer, but 18 products seems like too much for me at one time.

Good luck.
janeemat said:
Is it just me that have a product overload going on. I did my hair yesterday and after I was done, I decided to write down everthing that I used to try keep track on what products really work for me since I'm really trying to retain 6 inches this year after being wacked by a scissor happy witch. After writing them down, I realized that I need to simplify this regimen because I must be wasting products. Here goes:

Pre Poo - Olive Oil and Keraphix
Poo - Aveda DR
Protein Treatment-Aphogee*
Lt Poo - Philip B White Truffle Poo*
Deep Cond-Aveda DR, Redken Heavy Cream, Keraphix, Peppermint Oil, Ylang Ylang Oil (mixed together)
Moist Cond- Redken Smooth Down and Frederic Fekk Moist Cond
Leave In-Aveda Elixir, Redken Anti Snap, Mizani Therma Strength and Aveda Styling Curressence
Roller Set-Water with Phytospecific Intergral Hair Care (sprays to keep hair wet)
Finish-Aveda Brilliant Finishing Gloss

Asterick indicates not weekly usage. I'm 4 weeks post and my is shiny and bouncy. But still, isn't this a bit much???

Yep right off top I'm seeing you're using 3 protien treatments in one wash...also I don't see the need to poo after usnig ApHogee and if you've got one good leave in it should be necessary to use all four. Also because you're mixing so many products together you probably don't know which products are really working for your hair and which aren't. I'd try just using one product for each step ...pre poo, shampoo, deep condition, finishing.