18+ Forum


New Member
It dawned on me today that we really do have members under 18 who post in the other forums. I've also been seeing an uptick in sex threads in all of the forums and I don't think they will stop because people really want to discuss things.

Do you think it would be possible to have an 18+ forum or is there a way to block underage users from accessing certain threads?
We had one a couple of years ago and from my understanding it went buck wild and was shut down and we have been told it would be happening again.

It dawned on me today that we really do have members under 18 who post in the other forums. I've also been seeing an uptick in sex threads in all of the forums and I don't think they will stop because people really want to discuss things.

Do you think it would be possible to have an 18+ forum or is there a way to block underage users from accessing certain threads?
It dawned on me today that we really do have members under 18 who post in the other forums. I've also been seeing an uptick in sex threads in all of the forums and I don't think they will stop because people really want to discuss things.

Do you think it would be possible to have an 18+ forum or is there a way to block underage users from accessing certain threads?
The forum owner / admin has addressed this issue several times, and the answer is still no there will not be an 18+ forum.