I have been natural for some time now (2-3 I think) but it wasn't until the fall 2002 that I started taking vitamins, other supplements, detoxing and keeping the hair moisturized, etc. You know all the things we do for our hair. My hair really took off at that time because I was put on 12mg of biotin per day for help in controlling my diabetes. After a couple of months my hair started to grow 1.5 to 2 inches some months, but always at least 1 inch. I had to trim off unhealthy ends during the way, but now my hair is in pretty good shape. I am only taking 8mg of biotin now because the large amount was causing me to have very heavy (extremely so) periods. On 8mg I am getting a steady 1 to 1.5 inches, mostly 1 inch. But I can live with that. I also make sure that I have multiple types of shampoos and conditioners (all moisturizing, strengthing, except one that I keep for clarifying). I am of the mind that if our body can adapt to vitamin, so can our hair when it comes to conditioners/shampoos. That's why they will stop performing well. Your hair has simply adapted to them. Just keep moisture, softness and vitamins in mind when it comes to your hair. You can't lose with those 3 ingredients.