17 wks post... I can't take it anymore.


New Member
I was trying to stretch for 6 months/24 weeks,
but I don't know if I can do it anymore...
it's getting crazy hard to manage.

I need support.
How are you currently wearing your hair right now? Are you bunning, flat ironing, etc?

I personally find that deep conditioning for about 30 mins makes the new growth very easy to handle. Rollersets are a good method of styling, that way you can finger comb as the days go on and not have to worry about manipulating your hair too much. It is also key to have moisturiser that complements the benefits of a good deep conditioning.

If all else fails, you could get a touch-up since you are over four months post, and that's admirable. ;)
What products and daily style are you incorporating into your stetching regi? I find that PM-SS poo, con, and serum along with half wigs make long stretches a little easier.
Your hair is looking good. What are you having problems with??? Breakage, tangles and matting, dryness.... I am 17wks post as well and theres days I shed tears because there is nothing I can do w/ my hair but then I see how thick and long its getting and Im like okay just a few more weeks. When I start feeling like that I just do DC treatment and leave it in for a few hours or overnight and wash in the morning. This makes my NG very soft and managable. Times get hard believe me. I wanted to go to 24wks but only going to make it to 22 because thats the only week I can get home to my stylist. Good luck on your journey. You can do it I promise. We should of been support buddies.
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I am right about where you are! Hang in there:D I am pretty much at a loss what to do with my hair, I don't know whether to go ahead and relax or go natural:grin:
SouthernTease said:
I was trying to stretch for 6 months/24 weeks,
but I don't know if I can do it anymore...
it's getting crazy hard to manage.

I need support.

Back in the day my mother used this product called "Lustrasilk". It's a leave in spray that you use after washing your hair. It keeps your hair from reverting back to nappy after you straighten it. When I tried to transition to natual hair I would spray it on my new growth after washing, then flat iron. It worked really well. I need to get some more of that stuff. Rollersets are good, if you don't mind big hair. They sell Lustrasilk at beauty supply stores
Sorry that you are upset/frustrated. I think that you have done great with your stretching. The 17 weeks is very admirable.:) I wll be glad when I can handle my stretching to that degree.

Hugs and kisses.
You "grow" girl. You're doing good. I wish I could help you but I only stretch for 12wks. If you got this far keep going. Don't give up. :)
Awh... ya'll are sweet.
I just took these pics to show you
what I'm dealing with...
I sprayed it down with Mane 'n Tail Detangler
otherwise I wouldn't be able to part it
I parted it with a rat tail and then
combed with my ♥ Jilbere shower comb ♥
it took me forever.

Your ng is beautiful! I can't wait until I reach your length. I hope you don't throw in the towel just yet, but it won't be the end of the world if you do;) I was only able to make it to 5 1/2 months myself, but with all these new tips, I think I can go much longer. Have you searched the board to see if there is any new info. that can help you?
I am 16 weeks post and I too was shooting for 24 weeks but It's getting way too hard for me handle the two differnt textures. You have alot aof new growth. How many inches of newgrowth do you have so far?

SouthernTease said:
Awh... ya'll are sweet.
I just took these pics to show you
what I'm dealing with...
I sprayed it down with Mane 'n Tail Detangler
otherwise I wouldn't be able to part it
I parted it with a rat tail and then
combed with my ♥ Jilbere shower comb ♥
it took me forever.

SouthernTease, your hair is pretty in your fotki. You're doing a great job.

Girl, I feel your pain. I too am stretching and currently 11 weeks post-relaxer and my hair is suffering from crazy shrinkage!!. I initially set out to stretch for 24 months, as I was inspired by Sylver2. Although I am not as far as you, girl I understand your frustration.

I plan to keep doing my rollersets, silk wraps, and Sylver2's airdried scarf method because all of these loosen new growth. This week I plan to do my first flexi-rod set 'cause I hear that is a great style for stretchers. I also plan to do another henna treatment 'cause that is supposed to help with loosening the curls.

If you are not experiencing breakage, knots, matting, or splits, then HOLD ON, the results are worth it. Check in with us to let us know how you are doing. :)
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SoutherTease, keep up the good work and hang in there. Your ng is looking soooo beautiful. Remember ng=length baby!! I just had a touch up
friday and am going for a 6months/24wks first time stretch. I'm in your corner rotting for you all the way! If the problem is styling, like some of the ladies said try rollerset. Also some mentioned poo/dc more often. I know for a fact(for me) that when my ng get hard to control, i poo/dc twice a wk and styling becomes more easier. You can do braidouts and twistouts. Someone mentioned Sylver2, she also has the scarf method and you can do that with a ponytail/bun. Hang in there your doing a wonderful job, plus i got my eye on you for encouragement when i fall into this boat!
Congrats on 17wks. I reached 14 and threw the towel in. So I feel your frustration. Your hair is so pretty! Hang in there if you can if you are not breaking or matting. You will love the results!
I agree! Beautiful progress... hang on, if your not experiencing damage, it will be worth it.
You're ng looks like you're hair would be beautiful natural :) . I notice you CO wash. Since I've been using sulfate free cleansing conditioners for 11 wks straight, I'm loving my ng. Know your limits though, stretching too far can cause breakage, but you look like you're doing an excellent job. Hang in there! As other Ladies have said, it pays off.
You are doing a great job so far, just take it day by day and you will reach your goal! I am currently 10 weeks post and I would love to get to 17 weeks like you are now, I have only made it to 13 weeks in the past. Anyway just think of the lenght you will have when you finish your stretch! Good Luck!
SouthernTease said:

Your hair looks really good for how far you are along! It looks really conditioned and healthy, I wish you luck with the rest of your stretch!

I too am trying to stretch, but am at the baby stage. I can't imagine 6 months for myself, but your progress helps encourage others like myself :)
Hang in there, you can do it! Keep giving that NG plenty of moisture......get a spray bottle and fill it with water, add a few squirts of conditioner and a few drops of essential oils. Spritz your hair with it daily or twice daily if needed. Or add an extra Co-wash during the week. Also, do the scarf method every night like others suggested so you don't have to comb your hair daily. Your hair looks very healthy so you're doing something right and it will pay off in the end. :)
bablou00 said:
Your hair is looking good. What are you having problems with??? Breakage, tangles and matting, dryness.... I am 17wks post as well and theres days I shed tears because there is nothing I can do w/ my hair but then I see how thick and long its getting and Im like okay just a few more weeks. When I start feeling like that I just do DC treatment and leave it in for a few hours or overnight and wash in the morning. This makes my NG very soft and managable. Times get hard believe me. I wanted to go to 24wks but only going to make it to 22 because thats the only week I can get home to my stylist. Good luck on your journery. You can do it I promise. We should of been support buddies.

I need one. I am crying overhere!!!!!

I JUST started a thread regarding my problem stretching!
Hang in there if you can. I'm at the four month mark too and it's so tempting to relax. But I know it's during these last two month of strectching (at least for me) is when I get the most growth. Maybe your can try a rod set. That's what I have now. I did one the other night on my four month post hair and it turned out nicer than I thought it would. But boy if you feel inside the curls it's a forrest in there!!!
If I wasn't doing daily co-washes
I don't know how I'd get through it
Yes, I too was inspired by Sylver2
and you guys inspire me even more
makes me want to stretch for a year...
maybe even transition to natural...
so I'll be growing my hair out for
the next 500 years...
stay tuned :lol:
I did it... 12 months... 1 YEAR WITH NO RELAXER

Oh my goodness your texture is goreous! You should go natural. Very pretty.
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Girl! You are my hair inspiration!
That texture is absolutely gorgeous.
You have to share some tips for me girl.
Can I get them from your website/blog?
I'm thinking about transitioning to natural.
And I think you just made the decision for me. LOL.
Cruise on over to NP, that'll keep the perm box out of your hands. :lachen:That site kept me natural. Then I started hanging around over here...