$160 for a touch up.....WTF!


Well-Known Member
My gf gave me the number to her stylist. Her hair is nice and healthy and thick. I called him today and inquired about a relaxer appointment. He uses Elucence relaxer system and when I asked if that was a lye or no lye, he gave me the spill of how ALL perms have lye. He said it was just a difference of Mixing it or not mixing it! He charges $160 but because I am a friend of his cliennt $130. HE says they take the hair up and beyond...What ever that means. What does a relaxer do for $160? WHAT!

Has anyone tried this elucence relaxer anf if so what are your results? I searched on the web and the sensitive scalp formula he uses has lots of fruit extracts and herbs. I have found that these types of formulas are drying to my hair. I want my hair taken care of but for $160 I would sleep standing up for years! I wouldn't attempt to even touch my hair! :-)
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WOW!!! What in the hell is the real price if $160 is "the discount" ? The hair industry is getting paid. I have never heard of that, but it will always be something new & so called wonderful, I will have to stick with my Motions for $5.99. WOw $160...:perplexed.
160?! :eek: Are you buying a share in his salon?! Damn! That's ludicrous!
Does that price include paying your cell phone for a month:ohwell:. Even at the most high end salons and I live in New York City, I've never heard of a touch up costing that much. Nope....no way:nono:
That is ridiculous...I remember I had found a salon that did Phytorelaxer back when I wanted to get one (before I heard a lot of ppl get severe dryness from it)...they charged somewhere around that price. The price alone was enough for me to change my mind about that.
Well....$160 is an okay price in some cities, but certainly on the higher-end of things. I've certainly checked out high-end salons in Boston that charge more (like 230+.) :ohwell: I personally wouldn't pay that much unless the stylist was really, really excellent. I typically pay between $90-$110 for a retouch myself.

The funny thing is, I bring my own relaxer with me ($60 Phyto, $30 for half the kit) and my stylist still charges me full-price for a touch-up.

Relaxer is pretty cheap stuff, so I have a feeling you are paying for time and overhead, not product. The pricier the salon's location is in, I have a feeling you'll be charged more. ;)
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That is why I am so glad I found this forum to learn how to do my hair! The prices are not going to chnge anytime soon. I will just keep doing my own relaxers or go natural.
Um no. Only if I got a massage, a facial, and a manicure to go along with it. Your hair better be banging some fierce when you walk out. Birds should be singing, harps should be playing, and the rain should suddenly stop for $160. I haven't tried that relaxer but I am sure you can get a great touchup for way less than that. Q
HE says they take the hair up and beyond...What ever that means.

:lachen: I can just hear him saying that! :lachen: $160 sounds way too high for most people, but there are some out there for whom it is not.
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Um no. Only if I got a massage, a facial, and a manicure to go along with it. Your hair better be banging some fierce when you walk out. Birds should be singing, harps should be playing, and the rain should suddenly stop for $160. I haven't tried that relaxer but I am sure you can get a great touchup for way less than that. Q

I guess it depends on where you are. 160 for a relaxer is about right in Los Angeles (at least in "higher-end" salons anyway).
I guess it depends on where you are. 160 for a relaxer is about right in Los Angeles (at least in "higher-end" salons anyway).

Exactly! :yep: Property taxes are so high in Boston if stylist doesn't charge an arm and a leg, they'll be out of business. The cost of living is also higher here, too, than other parts of the country.
My gf gave me the number to her stylist. Her hair is nice and healthy and thick. I called him today and inquired about a relaxer appointment. He uses Elucence relaxer system and when I asked if that was a lye or no lye, he gave me the spill of how ALL perms have lye. He said it was just a difference of Mixing it or not mixing it! He charges $160 but because I am a friend of his cliennt $130. HE says they take the hair up and beyond...What ever that means. What does a relaxer do for $160? WHAT!

Has anyone tried this elucence relaxer anf if so what are your results? I searched on the web and the sensitive scalp formula he uses has lots of fruit extracts and herbs. I have found that these types of formulas are drying to my hair. I want my hair taken care of but for $160 I would sleep standing up for years! I wouldn't attempt to even touch my hair! :-)

YOU TOOK THE WORDS OUT OF MY MOUTH!!! :lachen: Someone suggested a stylist who had a relaxer that expensive. I said, "WTF! I thought sixty was expensive!" I think this guy is some pretentious stylist, who thinks he knows everything. I gathered that from his lye/no lye explanation. I would buy my own relaxer, and take it somewhere else. My stylist only sees me on relaxer day. I figure the worst she can do is overprocess, and she's great at preventing that. She's sixty, which is STILL high to me. It's better than wasting even more money driving to the extreme southwest of town, and paying $125 on top of that.
Um no. Only if I got a massage, a facial, and a manicure to go along with it. Your hair better be banging some fierce when you walk out. Birds should be singing, harps should be playing, and the rain should suddenly stop for $160. I haven't tried that relaxer but I am sure you can get a great touchup for way less than that. Q

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: That's is tooooo funny, but I completely agree!
I can't imagine, I was barking having to pay 60 for a mizani two years ago. I have alway did my own perms my own touch ups. I just wanted to try something new. I was sitting there thinking he is going to do all this great stuff nope same stuff I did nothing different. NOT A THING. I learned to do my own perms when I was sixteen. I just did it and thats that. did my kids, my mother my sisters everyone. I could not imagine paying more then ten dollars for a perm and that was highend. Optimum charges that much I think. The directions come in the box you and a girlfriend can hook up your own perm. Just read the directions and use clips and there you go. I don't understand why its so hard, when I was coming up there were very few shops to get your hair done you went to someone house and got it done. We always had to put our own perm in back then.
I have to admit though that when I was relaxed, I would get touch ups for appx $130. This is 6 years ago and I know the stylist has since raised her prices. For me, it was really worth it. There's something about getting your hair done by a fantastic professional that's always better than doing it yourself IMHO. I say if you can do it, do it!
HE says they take the hair up and beyond...What ever that means.

that is too funny..i guess that he couldn't think of a really valid reason to charge that much:grin:
I would NEVER pay that much money for a relaxer. And more often than not in higher end salons that doens't include anything but a relaxer. I would pay that much for a good colorist b/c color is a whole nother story but imo ( I work in a salon and do atleast 1-2 a day) it is not worth anymore than maybe $100 depending on your area.
Girl this is how much they want you to pay everytime you step foot in a salon in Los Angeles...Its a rape and pillage. My friends tell me that if I got my hair pressed more often it would be easier for me to handle the tangles cause the texture would relax a little but I'm like but my pocket won't be relaxed!
OH LAWD!!!!!!
That is what I commonly refer to as "FOOLISHNESS"!!!!:lachen:
He probably has to charge the extra hundred bucks per customer to make up for all the ones that walk away.:grin:
and i commonly refer to is as EXTORTION!! omgggg!!!!!!! last time i ever got a touch up in a salon was a couple of yrs ago. it reached up to $70 and thats when my sister and I learned to do it on each other lol. Thats just ridiculous!
I was quoted $160 and $180 at "upscale" salons for a Phyto relaxer...same price for the touch up by the way :rolleyes: these types of prices are a little ridiculous.....
Girl, nowadays the prices are outrageous! I had a consultation with a stylist and for her to wash, condition and 're-shaping', meaning just trim some areas another stylist didn't do would cost $125!:nono: