16 weeks later and no growth to show for it...


New Member
I'm almost 17 weeks post from my last relaxer. I really, really, really tried hard to prove the healthy hair can be relaxed hair theory. It's just not working for me. I cannot become a hair wiz -ologist to grow my hair. I have all the newgrowth in the world and no length to show for it because of bad stylists and friends who are like " Your hair is so pretty. Let me do it for you because you don't do nothing to it."

I keep stretching and stretching but my hair isn't longer for it. I do length checks and I'm sure its the damage that's been done that keeps me from seeing results.:perplexed I don't give a dayuuum! NOobody's putting their hands in my hair anymore. If they want to do my hair they'd better look like Wanakee JR.

Because I let select people do my hair it is so many different lengths now. I've probably had three pairs of hands in my hair within this year and last year. I just wanted something different. It sucks living in small town. No one knows what they are doing. I had it straightened and the hair in the back where my hair is thickest was burned and started to shed. No one knows how to work with transitioning hair. No stores sell good wigs. But...

The longer I stretch and care for my hair the better the health. It doesn't shed for no reason anymore. It's just hard starting from scratch when I was doing so good. I promised myself I wouldn't cut it even. That I will give myself two more months. That will make this a 6 month stretch. I will see how my hair will begin to heal itself under my care. This is my resolution to stay clear of stylists and friends who do hair.
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i agree. do it yourself. i cant fathom letting someone else do my hair. besides, i have yet to meet anyone to does my hair better than i.
I have my trusted stylist that does my relaxers, trims/cuts, but other then that...I do everything else myself. It took me a long time to find her though. She respects my desire to grow my hair out, and I had to BEG her to give me some layers.

I am currently pushing a little past APL in the back and slightly past SL in the front ( I just got my hair layered). My hair is thriving, healthy, and relaxed. Believe me...it can be done.
I'm almost 17 weeks post from my last relaxer. I really, really, really tried hard to disprove the healthy hair can be relaxed hairtheory. It's just not working for me. I cannot become hair wiz -ologist to grow my hair. I have all the newgrowth in the world and no length to show for it because of bad stylists and friends who are like " Your hair is so pretty. Let me do it for you because you don't do nothing to it."

I keep stretching and stretching but my hair isn't longer for it. I do length checks and I'm sure its the damage that's been done that keeps me from seeing results.:perplexed I don't give a dayuuum! NOobody's putting their hands in my hair anymore. If they want to do my hair they'd better look like Wanakee JR.

Because I let select people do my hair it is so many different lengths now. I've probably had three pairs of hands in my hair within this year and last year. I just wanted something different. It sucks living in small town. No one knows what they are doing. I had it straightened and the hair in the back where my hair is thickest was burned and started to shed. No one knows how to work with transitioning hair. No stores sell good wigs. But...

The longer I stretch and care for my hair the better the health. It doesn't shed for no reason anymore. It's just hard starting from scratch when I was doing so good. I promised myself I wouldn't cut it even. That I will give myself two more months. That will make this a 6 month stretch. I will see how my hair will begin to heal itself under my care. This is my resolution to stay clear of stylists and friends who do hair.

Hey girl, come on over to the jheri juice challenge thread, we would be glad to offer help/advice,and products like Scurl or Care Free Curl are GREAT for retention. Lots of juicers have noticed less shedding/breakage while juicing. :grin::grin::grin:
It doesn't sound like the relaxer is your problem...it's who you let in your head! Keep stretching and taking care of your own hair! As long as there is new growth, your hair IS growing. Retention is the issue.
I had the same problem. My stylist has a lot of clients. After breakage and damaged lengths I've realized that only I can give my hair the personal attention it needs!
...I have all the newgrowth in the world and no length to show for it because of bad stylists and friends who are like " Your hair is so pretty. Let me do it for you because you don't do nothing to it."

You answered your own question right there. :yep:
It doesn't sound like the relaxer is your problem...it's who you let in your head! Keep stretching and taking care of your own hair! As long as there is new growth, your hair IS growing. Retention is the issue.

Pray Over your Hair. Ask for total Healing & Restoration of Your Hair. Repent for all the Hands you've had in your Hair.

And most of all, forgive yourself, now that you "Know Better." Ask for Guidance to become a DIY.

Develop a Good Regimen. Incorporate good hair/health habits. Be Patient with yourself and Grow, Grow, Grow!:grin:
The problem isn't the fact that you are relaxed, but what you've been allowing others to do to your hair. IA with the other posters. Become a DIYer. All the info and support you need is right here :yep:. It will get better, you have hair on your head, and its growing.
I agree! You need to take control of YOUR hair because no one will take care of it like you do. Eventually you will be your own "expert hair stylist" :yep:
The problem isn't the fact that you are relaxed, but what you've been allowing others to do to your hair. IA with the other posters. Become a DIYer. All the info and support you need is right here :yep:. It will get better, you have hair on your head, and its growing.

So True. :yep:
Pray Over your Hair. Ask for total Healing & Restoration of Your Hair. Repent for all the Hands you've had in your Hair.

And most of all, forgive yourself, now that you "Know Better." Ask for Guidance to become a DIY.

Develop a Good Regimen. Incorporate good hair/health habits. Be Patient with yourself and Grow, Grow, Grow!:grin:
:lachen:You don't know!!! I used to do this all the time. "Lord, don't let this relaxer take out all the hair in my head!!"

I repent. No more hands in this head of mine. I rebuke you stylists!! In the name of Jesus. Get thee behind me!!!:lachen: