150 Assyrian Christians kidnapped by ISIS--mostly women and children

The Lord will avenge His people!

Vengeance is mine, and recompense, for the time when their foot shall slip; for the day of their calamity is at hand, and their doom comes swiftly.’ Deut 32:35
The whole situation with our Christian brothers and sisters is breaking my heart. Is this gonna turn into another Holocaust situation? What can we do (besides fast/pray)?
^^^Less than 3% of the christians remain in Palestine and many in other countries have been leaving in droves for decades. Of course, nobody blinked an eye about it all this time. We're supposed to get rid of our islamaphobia...what about the reverse. SMH.
The whole situation with our Christian brothers and sisters is breaking my heart. Is this gonna turn into another Holocaust situation? What can we do (besides fast/pray)?

I believe this is Biblical prophecy coming to pass. There will be a mass return of Jews to Israel where The Lord will deal with Israel after the church age.

As horrible as it is, this persecution is causing many to return there. Even though the tribulation will be worldwide - all events will be centered around Isreal: the witnesses, rebuilding of the temple, the antichrist will desecrate the temple there and break the peace covenant...

I feel the same way - often wondering what I can do to help... Right now that is watching, praying, contacting our government asking for intervention, and supporting where we are able.
They'll try to kill your spirit, if they could. I believe it's deeper than the physical. Happened during slavery; happened in days of Old.

God has His Children in His hands, regardless of man's will.

In the last days, people will kill you believing that they do God service.