14 wks post and beyond self relaxers???


Well-Known Member
I need tips ..Im thinking about self relaxing my hair for the first time at 17 weeks post, Im scared to go to the salon. I feel I will be more patient with my hair, unlike stylists who rip through your hair and overprocess. Please share tips so I can have a successful outcome.
If you this is your first time self relaxing, i think you should do it in halves. London Diva has the half and half method in her fotki.

The first time I self relaxed my hair came out very undeprocessed, it didnt look like a relaxer even touched it at all. I tried to relax my whole head at once and missed parts and didnt apply enough relaxer.

The last time I did it in halves. I relaxed one half one day and the other half 3 days later and my hair came out A LOT better.