14 ways to Transition from Relaxed to Natural per Yahoo/Essence pt6

My Friend

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Natural Beauty

"Our salon offers what we call a 'Wildflower Weave' which is one of our most popular services for women in transition," says Fletcher. "First, we cornrow your own hair and then latch-stich the extensions onto the braids. Since there are no tracks, glue or thread, there's no tension on your own hair. We have 8 different naturally curly textures to choose from to make the hair look
Are these tips written by the owner of Natural Resources Salon in Houston? I would NOT recommend that place. I had a really bad experience there...very poor service.

They require a consultation...first I had to wait 3 weeks for the next appointment and it cost $25 or so. I figured that was worth it for a professional consultation. I arrived ON TIME, checked in, and I was waiting in the lobby for 30 minutes. They gave me some hair books to flip through to "pick a style." One stylist told me that someone would help me, but she couldn't because she was "going to get something to eat." At the time, I was 7 months post-relaxer and wanted a nice protective style to help me continue my transition.

Another woman was having her consultation in the lobby. I heard all of her hair business. She was really not happy, but then the owner happened to pass by and the woman asked her for assistance since her consultation was not going well. The owner was nice enough to stop and assist. The woman then tried to book her next appointment and was unable to get the date she wanted (to have the style in time for her birthday) and she had to prepay for her next appointment. It was over $300 for partial two-strand twist extensions.

After sitting in the lobby for 30 minutes, I took all of the hair books back to the receptionist counter and I left. There was no way I was paying for the experience of sitting in the lobby and flipping through some hair magazines. I could have done that at home.

I will say that the salon looks really nice and they have Sunday hours, which is convenient. A few of my other friends swear by it and go often, but I didn't like it at all.
^^^ Wow :nono: Thanks for the warning, Solitude

Definitely won't be going there. Partial twists for 300 bucks?! Nope.