I'm 10 months and itching to get some scissors...

But I had a nightmare two nights ago after considering getting a relaxer. It was awful. I had 1 inch of hair in the front and the rest of my head somehow came out perfectly square shaped and looked/felt like a brillo pad. I had washed my hair and felt all these little biddy curls and it was soft and everything like usual... Then all of a sudden after I had cut and my hair dried it turned into this cubic chunk of hair. The combs wouldn't go in, nothing would make it lay down, and I refused to leave the house:nono:

I woke up and decided I can't relax and I'm going to just wait until late fall to BC. I really can't wait for the 1 year mark though, so I can see how much growth I have.:drunk:
Ok... as promised... my 12 month into
transition photos.

I don't have any intentions on doing a BC...
I haven't put scissors anywhere near my hair
in 10+ months... I don't plan on trimming at least
not until April... even then I might just dust the ends...
I won't be doing any trims until I reach BSL and then
I will just stay at BSL, trimming relaxed ends until my natural hair
reaches BSL... stretched of course...

I am also 10 months into my transition and my plan is the same as Southern Tease. Last week was a rough one. But I switched up some products and tried a new style and I'm back in the game.
Ok... as promised... my 12 month into
transition photos.

Beautiful!! It looks so soft and thick! SouthernTease, do you put your texture into any category? If so, what texture would you say your hair is? I believe my texture is VERY similar to yours and I'm still confused about the grouping. TIA:yep:

Yayyyyyyyyyyyy SouthernTease very inspiring...did you get a chance to measure your growth?

No... but I was thinking about it last night... I will do it tonight when I get home and post to this thread and my blog.

Beautiful!! It looks so soft and thick! SouthernTease, do you put your texture into any category? If so, what texture would you say your hair is? I believe my texture is VERY similar to yours and I'm still confused about the grouping. TIA:yep:

I don't do hair typing...some people have suggested I was 3b/c-4a... but since I'm not into that... I just say my hair is FINE and curly.

No... but I was thinking about it last night... I will do it tonight when I get home and post to this thread and my blog.

I don't do hair typing...some people have suggested I was 3b/c-4a... but since I'm not into that... I just say my hair is FINE and curly.
Well your growth is gorgeous! Even if you did a BC, which I know you don't want to do, your NG looks like it would be the same length or alittle longer (when straightened) than when you first started your journey to healthy hair. You've done a good job!
Ok... as promised... my 12 month into
transition photos.


Don't mean to jack your thread but your hair is GORGEOUS SouthernTease! Your hair texture looks very similar looking to mine, but as we all know, looks can be deceiving. :) Of course your relaxed hair is going to stretch it out a lot, but if you have shrinkage anything like me, just know that it will hold an awesome twist or braidout! Here is an old pic of mine in its longer state, directly out of the shower, soaking wet and starting to shrink:

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I measured it tonight... it's about 5" of new growth... which would mean that I'm right on target with the 6" inches in a year. I will make a year in April so I should get that extra inch and maybe a little more if I'm lucky!!!

Oh... here's my new growth chart. So it will have taken me a year to get from whatever I was in April (see siggy) to APL... that's 6".

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I am actually a year and a couple of months :look: but this thread wasnt around.:look:...anyway i LLLOOOOVVVEEE being 100% natural so ladies transitioning plz stick it out!! trust me you will love the end result!!:grin::grin::grin::grin::grin:
Hey ladies. My last relaxer was in March of 2007. So I am almost a full year into my transition. I can't wait until it gets to a length that I am happy with so that I can chop off these relaxed ends.
I measured it tonight... it's about 5" of new growth... which would mean that I'm right on target with the 6" inches in a year. I will make a year in April so I should get that extra inch and maybe a little more if I'm lucky!!!

Oh... here's my new growth chart. So it will have taken me a year to get from whatever I was in April (see siggy) to APL... that's 6".


Thanks Southerntease...I swear you and other transitioning without the big chop are enticing me to give up the creamy crack. :grin:
I measured it tonight... it's about 5" of new growth... which would mean that I'm right on target with the 6" inches in a year. I will make a year in April so I should get that extra inch and maybe a little more if I'm lucky!!!

Oh... here's my new growth chart. So it will have taken me a year to get from whatever I was in April (see siggy) to APL... that's 6".

OK wait ... now I'm confused. :spinning: Is April your one year mark or is it February? I thought it was this month (hence the reason for this thread)?
I was wondering the same thing as TaraDyan? Or maybe you decided to transition last April, but its been a year since your last relaxer? but Either way, your hair is beautiful.......
OK wait ... now I'm confused. :spinning: Is April your one year mark or is it February? I thought it was this month (hence the reason for this thread)?

I was wondering the same thing as TaraDyan? Or maybe you decided to transition last April, but its been a year since your last relaxer? but Either way, your hair is beautiful.......


My last relaxer was February 2007... so I just made 1 YEAR RELAXER FREE this month.

I didn't start charting my growth until April 2007... I didn't join LHCF until APRIL 2007... so APRIL 2008 will officially be my 1 year anniversary on LHCF... I am kind of following Cathy Howse's 6" in one year deal-i-o....
I'm about 9 months into my transition. I think I am going to BC. I didn't want to, but I feel like why wait! I will probably use braids and weaves to get me to one year. I think my hair grows pretty fast, and the difference in texture is becoming too much to bare!
Congrats. Your hair is beautiful! You make me wish I was at a year already...or more..instead of 6 months
Thanks. I really can't believe I did it.
I remember sitting in my apartment
last year thinking I could never transition...
I didn't even know what transitioning was.
I can't wait to be 100% natural, but my
first goal is to get to BSL when straight
and then I will begin trimming my ends...
I plan to hit BSL by the end of '08.